El próximo modelo de LG tendrá una calidad de sonido máxima, impulsada por la compañía B&O PLAY


Madrid, 19 de febrero de 2016 — LG Electronics (LG) ha  llegado a un acuerdo con la compañía de audio premium B&O PLAY para ofrecer a sus usuarios una experiencia de audio máxima. Sustentando en la sólida experiencia de más de 90 años a la vanguardia del diseño y el sonido, la artesanía y la innovación de producto de Bang & Olufsen, B&O PLAY interpreta estos mismos valores y los introduce en productos actuales, diseñados específicamente para los usuarios más exigentes con la calidad y el diseño. Cualidades que, aplicadas al terreno de los Smartphone, LG se distingue como líder.

Las dos compañías han trabajado conjuntamente en el nuevo LG G5 para asegurar la mejor experiencia de sonido. LG será la primera compañía en ofrecer las potentes características de audio Hi-Fi co-diseñadas por B&O PLAY.

Estamos encantados de trabajar con LG. Con su dedicación a los móviles premium, tenemos la oportunidad de ofrecer la excelencia acústica de B&O PLAY a muchos más usuarios, ha señaldo Henrik Taudorf Lorensen, Presidente de B&O PLAY. “B&O PLAY está dirigido a los amantes de la música que quieren los mejores productos que existan en el mercado. Este tipo de usuarios son sobre todo innovadores, no ponen límites a la búsqueda de la excelencia y quieren que tanto los auriculares como los dispositivos móviles que eligen les ofrezcan lo mismo; por tanto, la combinación es perfecta.”

Con una amplia experiencia previa en lo que a audio de Smartphones se refiere, LG quiere continuar su colaboración con B&O PLAY con el fin de mejorar aún más la experiencia de audio de sus teléfonos móviles.

“Gracias a esta colaboración con B&O PLAY, superaremos las expectativas –ya altas- de aquellos consumidores que buscan la mejor experiencia de audio con su smartphone,” ha destacado Juno Cho, Presidente y CEO de LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “Nuestra colaboración con B&O PLAY es un claro ejemplo de cómo ambas compañías pueden sumar sus respectivas experiencias en beneficio de los usuarios. Con esta filosofía, LG continuará desarrollando colaboraciones que permitan definir nuevos estándares de innovación en el mercado de los móviles premium.”

Aunque la colaboración con B&O PLAY es reciente, LG cuenta con una larga trayectoria en lo que respecta a integrar audio de alta calidad en sus smartphones Premium; el ejemplo más reciente es LG V10.

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El nuevo Smartphone incorpora un lápiz táctil para tomar notas y hacer dibujos fácilmente

LG Stylus 2 (1)

Madrid, 18 de febrero de 2016 — LG Electronics (LG) presentará su nuevo LG Stylus 2, la versión mejorada de LG G4 Stylus, en Barcelona durante el MWC 2016. El dispositivo de 5,7 pulgadas comparte muchas de las características premium de los modelos más representativos de LG, pero incluye además un lápiz con una punta nano que la hace mucho más precisa que las anterior versión.

El dispositivo ha sido diseñado para mejorar la experiencia de usuario; así, tiene Pen Pop, funcionalidad que abre automáticamente un menú pop up cuando el lápiz se saca del dispositivo, y ofrece así accesos directos al Pop Memo y al Pop Scanner. También es una novedad de LG Stylus 2 su Pen Keeper. ¿Cómo funciona? Cuando el Smartphone detecta que está siendo usado sin tener el lápiz táctil guardado en su sitio, emerge un mensaje en pantalla que advierte de ello. Además, la nueva fuente Calligraphy Pen permite escribir a cualquiera como si lo hiciera a mano, de forma tan elegante, como con una pluma estilográfica.

Con tan solo 7,4 mm de grosor y 145g de peso, LG Stylus 2 es significativamente más fino y ligero que su predecesor. Su diseño único cuenta con un Pantalla frontal Protruded Flat, un dibujo Spin Hairline en la trasera y bordes metálicos. LG Stylus 2 tiene una potente batería extraíble de 3.000mAh y una ranura para tarjeta Micro SD. Gracias a estas características y a su pantalla de 5,7 pulgadas, los usuarios podrán disfrutar de una gran variedad de contenido multimedia.

“LG Stylus 2 combina una gran pantalla y unas funcionalidades de escritura a mano Premium, propias de un Smartphone de gama alta, pero a un precio sorprendente” destacó Juno Cho, presidente y CEO de LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “Este dispositivo es otro ejemplo de nuestro compromiso por ofrecer innovación a cualquier público, especialmente los enamorados de las opciones de creatividad”.   
Especificaciones de LG Stylus 2:*

  • Pantalla: 5,7 pulgadas HD IPS In-Cell Touch (1280 x 720)
  • Procesador: 1,2GHz Quad-Core
  • Cámara: Principal 13MP / Frontal 8MP
  • Memoria: ROM 16GB /RAM 1,5GB LPDDR3 / MicroSD
  • Batería: 3.000mAh (extraíble)
  • Sistema Operativo: Android 6.0 Marshmallow
  • Tamaño: 155 x 79,6 x 7,4mm
  • Peso: 145g
  • Red: LTE / HSPA+ / GSM
  • Conectividad: Wi-Fi 802.11 b, g, n / Bluetooth 4.1 / USB 2.0
  • Colores: Acero / blanco / marrón

*las especificaciones pueden variar según el mercado



Con calidad Hi-Fi y acabado Premium, los nuevos auriculares tienen la calificación Platinum de Harman Kardon  


Madrid, 17 de febrero de 2016 — Una de las novedades que LG Electronics presentará durante el MWC 2016 serán los nuevos TONE Platinum, la versión más alta hasta el momento de sus innovadores auriculares inalámbricos. Con un excelente diseño, los nuevos LG TONE Platinum sobresalen por su elegancia y su calidad de audio, desarrollada gracias a la colaboración de LG con Harman Kardon®.

Los nuevos auriculares de la serie TONE ha recibido la calificación Platinum de Harman Kardon, y son los compañeros perfectos tanto de profesionales como para grandes amantes de la música. Gracias a su diseño Balanced Armature, la distorsión de audio es mínima; y gracias a la cubierta de aluminio del auricular, el sonido es mucho más sofisticado y detallista. Este diseño está reservado normalmente y de forma exclusiva a auriculares de muy alta gama con cables.

Los TONE Platimum disponen de tecnología aptX ™ HD Audio Codec que garantiza, a través de conexión Bluetooth, una calidad de audio semejante a la de los reproductores de CD. De este modo, los nuevos auriculares inalámbricos de LG reproducen fielmente todo el ancho de banda y minimizan la latencia, al disminuir la tasa de bits, sin afectar la calidad del sonido. Además, los nuevos TONE Platinum poseen dos micrófonos con cancelación de ruido, de tal forma que las llamadas se pueden escuchar con toda claridad, incluso, en los ambientes más ruidosos.

Su acabado en fino aluminio le confiere una apariencia muy elegante; su diseño ergonómico permite su uso cómodamente durante horas. Como novedad, los nuevos TONE Platinum reaccionan a un comando de voz y descuelgan las llamadas del móvil. LG ha mejorado la aplicación Tone & Talk para que sea compatible con las funciones Voice Memo y Find Me desde cualquier Smartphone Android 4.1 o superior.

“Los LG TONE Platinum son un ejemplo de innovación en tecnología, ideada para ofrecer una calidad de sonido máxima a millones de clientes”, ha asegurado Michael Park, vicepresidente de la división de Innovative Personal Devices Business en LG Electronics. “Nuestra serie TONE es insuperable en el mercado de los auriculares inalámbricos con Bluetooth, un área clave para nuestra área de Móviles”

“Estamos encantados de colaborar con LG en un producto como los auriculares inalámbricos TONE Platinum“, ha declarado Michael Mauser, vicepresidente ejecutivo y presidente de la División de Lifestyle de Harman. “Harman Kardon suma más de 60 años en el desarrollo de tecnologías innovadoras para sistema de audio premium. La combinación de LG TONE Platinum y nuestro nombre es garantía de una calidad de audio líder en el mercado y de un diseño excepcional”.

Estos nuevos auriculares inalámbricos llegarán en marzo a Estados Unidos y, posteriormente, a otros mercados como Asia, Europa y América Latina. Los visitantes a Mobile World Congress podrán ver los TONE Platinum en el stand de LG en el pabellón 3 de Fira Gran Vía entre los días 22 y 25 de febrero.

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Debut of Premium Brand and Market-Leading Products
to Receive Spotlight at InnoFest Asia

LG’s Asia Regional Head Chris Yi poses with new SIGNATURE lineup at Asia’s LG Innofest 2016.

SEOUL, Feb. 16, 2016 — LG Electronics (LG) is set to shake up the Asian appliance market with the unveiling of its new ultra-premium brand, LG SIGNATURE, at InnoFest Asia taking place in Korea from February 16-18. LG’s InnoFest roadshow began earlier this month in Dubai with an expo for partners in African and the Middle East and travels to Seoul this week.

LG InnoFest provides the company with the opportunity to showcase its diverse range of products including consumer electronics and home appliances for the benefit of regional business partners, retailers and media. This year’s edition of LG InnoFest Asia will give approximately 300 dealers and journalists from 15 countries across the region, including Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand, the chance to gain hands-on experience with LG’s latest innovations.

On the first day of the event, products from LG’s all-new premium LG SIGNATURE brand, such as the OLED TV and Twin Wash™ washing machine, will be showcased and demonstrated. Executives including LG H&A Company President and CEO Jo Seong-Jin, LG’s Global Marketing Officer Brian Na and Asia Regional Head Chris Yi will be on hand to discuss LG’s premium products and technologies as well as the company’s plans for future partnerships.

Since its founding, LG has been committed to making life better for consumers in Asia  with air conditioners that repel mosquitos, air purifiers that cleanse the air that family members breathe, audio systems developed with Asian ears in mind and gorgeous TVs that the entire family can enjoy together. This formula of discovering and delivering the needs of Asian customers is what has made LG one of the top brands in the region.

“This event presents a great opportunity for LG to highlight its advanced technologies and designs. Personally, I’m excited to finally see the LG SIGNATURE lineup for myself,” said Ma. Teresa Tiong Cheng, president of Star Appliance, the Philippines’ largest electronics retailer. “With LG having built its brand on reliability, we hope that we can maintain our win-win partnership with the electronics leader in the years to come”.

Participants in LG InnoFest will get the opportunity to visit the world-famous N Seoul Tower where a massive OLED display made up of 248 individual 55-inch LG OLED TVs will allow guests to experience the amazing picture quality of LG’s OLED technology firsthand.

“We are committed to developing innovative products and mutually-beneficially marketing activities to strengthen LG’s position as Asia’s most dynamic premium brand in the eyes of both partners and consumers,” said Chris Yi. “Events such as InnoFest allow us to give audiences a close up view of our newest products, which have to be seen to be truly appreciated.”


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Enhanced Stylus Pen Offers Easy Note Taking and Drawing Experience

LG Stylus 2 A

SEOUL, Feb. 16, 2016 — LG Electronics (LG) will unveil its new LG Stylus 2, the enhanced sequel to the G4 Stylus, at MWC 2016 to be held in Barcelona, Spain. The exceptionally-priced 5.7-inch handset shares many of premium features available on LG’s flagship models but also includes a pen with a nano-coated tip for more accuracy compared to the previous rubber-tipped pen.

The device features a set of proprietary functions developed specifically for the LG Stylus 2 to enhance the user experience such as Pen Pop, which toggles a popup menu when the stylus is removed to offer shortcuts to Pop Memo and Pop Scanner. Also new to LG Stylus 2 is Pen Keeper, which prevents the stylus from being misplaced by displaying a popup message when the phone is detected as being in motion when the stylus bay is empty. What’s more, the new Calligraphy Pen font allows one to write as beautifully and decoratively as if using a fountain pen.

Only 7.4mm thin and weighing 145g, the LG Stylus 2 is noticeably thinner and lighter than its predecessor. The handset delivers a unique design statement with the incorporation of a Protruded Flat Display in the front, Spin Hairline pattern on the back and metallic frames on all its edges. The LG Stylus 2 sports a hefty 3,000mAh removable battery and a SD card slot to allow users to enjoy a variety of multimedia content on its large 5.7-inch screen.

“LG Stylus 2 provides both the big screen and premium notetaking functions of a premium large phone at a price of a mid-tier phone,” said Juno Cho, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “This device is another example of our commitment to the mass-tier segment where there is so much opportunity for growth and creativity.”

LG Stylus 2 
Key Specifications:*

  • Display: 5.7-inch HD In-Cell Touch (1280 x 720)
  • Chipset: 1.2GHz Quad-Core
  • Camera: Rear 13MP / Front 8MP
  • Memory: 1.5GB LPDDR3 RAM / 16GB ROM / MicroSD
  • Battery: 3,000mAh (removable)
  • Operating System: Android 6.0 Marshmallow
  • Size: 155 x 79.6 x 7.4mm
  • Weight: 145g
  • Network: LTE / HSPA+ / GSM
  • Connectivity: Wi-Fi 802.11 b, g, n / Bluetooth 4.1 / USB 2.0
  • Colors: Titan / White / Brown

*Specifications/features may vary depending on the market.

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Enhanced Stylus Pen Offers Easy Note Taking and Drawing Experience

The front view of LG Stylus 2 in Titan and its pen with a nano-coated tip on top of the screen

SEOUL, Feb. 16, 2016 — LG Electronics (LG) will unveil its new LG Stylus 2, the enhanced sequel to the G4 Stylus, at MWC 2016 to be held in Barcelona, Spain. The exceptionally-priced 5.7-inch handset shares many of premium features available on LG’s flagship models but also includes a pen with a nano-coated tip for more accuracy compared to the previous rubber-tipped pen.

The device features a set of proprietary functions developed specifically for the LG Stylus 2 to enhance the user experience such as Pen Pop, which toggles a popup menu when the stylus is removed to offer shortcuts to Pop Memo and Pop Scanner. Also new to LG Stylus 2 is Pen Keeper, which prevents the stylus from being misplaced by displaying a popup message when the phone is detected as being in motion when the stylus bay is empty. What’s more, the new Calligraphy Pen font allows one to write as beautifully and decoratively as if using a fountain pen.

Only 7.4mm thin and weighing 145g, the LG Stylus 2 is noticeably thinner and lighter than its predecessor. The handset delivers a unique design statement with the incorporation of a Protruded Flat Display in the front, Spin Hairline pattern on the back and metallic frames on all its edges. The LG Stylus 2 sports a hefty 3,000mAh removable battery and a SD card slot to allow users to enjoy a variety of multimedia content on its large 5.7-inch screen.

“LG Stylus 2 provides both the big screen and premium notetaking functions of a premium large phone at a price of a mid-tier phone,” said Juno Cho, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “This device is another example of our commitment to the mass-tier segment where there is so much opportunity for growth and creativity.”

LG Stylus 2
Key Specifications:*

  • Display: 5.7-inch HD In-Cell Touch (1280 x 720)
  • Chipset: 1.2GHz Quad-Core
  • Camera: Rear 13MP / Front 8MP
  • Memory: 1.5GB LPDDR3 RAM / 16GB ROM / MicroSD
  • Battery: 3,000mAh (removable)
  • Operating System: Android 6.0 Marshmallow
  • Size: 155 x 79.6 x 7.4mm
  • Weight: 145g
  • Network: LTE / HSPA+ / GSM
  • Connectivity: Wi-Fi 802.11 b, g, n / Bluetooth 4.1 / USB 2.0
  • Colors: Titan / White / Brown


*Specifications/features may vary depending on the market.



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X cam and X screen Offer Key Premium Features Without the Premium Price

The front view of the LG X cam in Titan Silver

SEOUL, Feb. 15, 2016 — Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, LG Electronics (LG) will bring to Mobile World Congress 2016 a new series of smartphones developed to offer customers a unique user experience by offering one exceptional feature at a price that rivals mid-range smartphones. The first two models in the X series — X cam and X screen — will debut at MWC in Barcelona on February 22. The X cam and X screen are designed for customers who do not want or need all the bells and whistles that come with today’s high-end phones but still desire a great camera or advanced display.

The X cam sports dual cameras on the rear and delivers one of the most advanced camera experience in a mass-tier smartphone. Thanks to LG’s seamless 3D Bending Glass, the X cam features an elegant curved finish on the front and with a profile of only 5.2mm, the device is extremely comfortable to hold in the hand. And unlike other boxy and heavier mid-range phones, the X cam tips the scale at only 118g.

The other model, appropriately named X screen, is equipped with an “Always-on” Second Screen which until now has only been available on LG’s premium V10. The Second Screen sits above the main 4.93-inch HD In-cell Touch display and makes multi-tasking a cinch on the X screen. With the 1.76 inch Second Screen, users can easily access frequently used apps, answer calls without interrupting the current activity or just play music. The Second Screen also lets users checkime, date, battery status and other notifications without ever having to turn on the phone. What’s more, the X screen offers a stylish, sleek look with its crystal-clear glass fiber exterior and clean lines.

“Everyone has a favorite smartphone feature,” said Juno Cho, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “At LG, we think there’s room for devices that do one thing very well and that customers shouldn’t have to pay for features that they don’t want. At the end of the day, we’re committed to offering consumers more choices.”

LG’s X series will debut in key markets in Asia, Europe and Latin America starting next month. Visitors to MWC can see the new X series for themselves at LG’s booth in Hall 3 of Fira Gran Via from February 22-25.

X cam Key Specifications:*

  • Display: 5.2-inch FHD In-cell Touch
  • Chipset: 1.14GHz Octa-Core
  • Camera: Rear 13MP and 5MP / Front 8MP
  • Memory: 2GB RAM / 16GB ROM
  • Battery: 2,520mAh
  • Operating System: Android 6.0 Marshmallow
  • Size: 147.5 x 73.6 x 5.2mm~6.9mm
  • Network: LTE
  • Colors: Titan Silver / White / Gold / Pink Gold


X screen Key Specifications:*

  • Display: Main) 4.93-inch HD In-cell Touch
    Secondary) 1.76-inch LCD (520 x 80)
  • Chipset: 1.2GHz Quad-Core
  • Camera: Rear 13MP / Front 8MP
  • Memory: 2GB RAM / 16GB ROM
  • Battery: 2,300mAh
  • Operating System: Android 6.0 Marshmallow
  • Size: 142.6 x 71.8 x 7.1mm
  • Network: LTE
  • Colors: Black / White / Pink Gold


* Specifications/Features may vary depending on the market.


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X cam and X screen Offer Key Premium Features Without the Premium Price

LG X cam

SEOUL, Feb. 15, 2016 — Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, LG Electronics (LG) will bring to Mobile World Congress 2016 a new series of smartphones developed to offer customers a unique user experience by offering one exceptional feature at a price that rivals mid-range smartphones. The first two models in the X series — X cam and X screen — will debut at MWC in Barcelona on February 22. The X cam and X screen are designed for customers who do not want or need all the bells and whistles that come with today’s high-end phones but still desire a great camera or advanced display.

The X cam sports dual cameras on the rear and delivers one of the most advanced camera experience in a mass-tier smartphone. Thanks to LG’s seamless 3D Bending Glass, the X cam features an elegant curved finish on the front and with a profile of only 5.2mm, the device is extremely comfortable to hold in the hand. And unlike other boxy and heavier mid-range phones, the X cam tips the scale at only 118g.

The other model, appropriately named X screen, is equipped with an “Always-on” Second Screen which until now has only been available on LG’s premium V10. The Second Screen sits above the main 4.93-inch HD In-cell Touch display and makes multi-tasking a cinch on the X screen. With the 1.76 inch Second Screen, users can easily access frequently used apps, answer calls without interrupting the current activity or just play music. The Second Screen also lets users checkime, date, battery status and other notifications without ever having to turn on the phone. What’s more, the X screen offers a stylish, sleek look with its crystal-clear glass fiber exterior and clean lines.

“Everyone has a favorite smartphone feature,” said Juno Cho, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “At LG, we think there’s room for devices that do one thing very well and that customers shouldn’t have to pay for features that they don’t want. At the end of the day, we’re committed to offering consumers more choices.”

LG’s X series will debut in key markets in Asia, Europe and Latin America starting next month. Visitors to MWC can see the new X series for themselves at LG’s booth in Hall 3 of Fira Gran Via from February 22-25.

X cam Key Specifications:*

  • Display: 5.2-inch FHD In-cell Touch
  • Chipset: 1.14GHz Octa-Core
  • Camera: Rear 13MP and 5MP / Front 8MP
  • Memory: 2GB RAM / 16GB ROM
  • Battery: 2,520mAh
  • Operating System: Android 6.0 Marshmallow
  • Size: 147.5 x 73.6 x 5.2mm~6.9mm
  • Network: LTE
  • Colors: Titan Silver / White / Gold / Pink Gold


X screen Key Specifications:*

  • Display: Main) 4.93-inch HD In-cell Touch
    Secondary) 1.76-inch LCD (520 x 80)
  • Chipset: 1.2GHz Quad-Core
  • Camera: Rear 13MP / Front 8MP
  • Memory: 2GB RAM / 16GB ROM
  • Battery: 2,300mAh
  • Operating System: Android 6.0 Marshmallow
  • Size: 142.6 x 71.8 x 7.1mm
  • Network: LTE
  • Colors: Black / White / Pink Gold


* Specifications/Features may vary depending on the market.


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Delivering Hi-Fi Audio Quality and Premium Features in a Design
That Maximizes Convenience, Comfort, Battery Life and Looks

The top and side view of the LG TONE Platinum™ in Black with Gold trim

SEOUL, Feb. 14, 2016 — LG Electronics (LG) will unveil its most premium addition to the TONE Series of Bluetooth headsets at MWC 2016 in Barcelona, Spain which runs from February 22-25. In addition to its good looks, the new TONE Platinum delivers unrivaled style and superior audio quality through a partnership with Harmon Kardon®.

Having secured the Harmon Kardon Platinum grade, the newest TONE Platinum is designed for both professionals and avid music lovers. LG has adopted the Balanced Armature design as the sound module for the latest TONE Platinum model to minimize distortion. The design is usually reserved for high-end wired earphones. In addition, its aluminum earphone housing helps deliver a more sophisticated sound performance.

The headset features aptX™ HD Audio Codec to deliver CD-like quality audio over Bluetooth that faithfully reproduces the full audio bandwidth and minimizes latency by significantly reducing the bit rate without affecting sound quality. The premium headset also offers noise canceling dual microphones for clearer calls even in the noisiest environments.

The TONE Platinum’s sleek aluminum finish adds a premium look and feel to the device while its ergonomic design allows users to wear the headset for hours without discomfort. To further enhance convenience, LG added Voice Command to handle incoming calls just by voice while the Tone & Talk app has been enhanced to support Voice Memo and Find Me via any Android smartphone (version 4.1 and higher).

“The LG TONE Platinum is a showcase of innovative technologies that aims to deliver premium sound quality in a form-factor that millions of customers have come to embrace,” said Michael Park, vice president in charge of Innovative Personal Devices Business Division at LG Electronics. “LG’s TONE offerings are second to none in the wireless Bluetooth world which is a key growth area for our mobile business.”

“We are excited to collaborate with LG on the LG TONE Platinum,” said Michael Mauser, executive vice president and president of Harman’s Lifestyle Division. “Harman Kardon has over 60 years of experience creating premium audio and ground-breaking sound technologies. When a product like the LG TONE Platinum carries the Harman Kardon name, it is confirmation that the device will offer class-leading audio quality and outstanding design.”

LG plans to roll out the latest premium Bluetooth headset in the United States in March, followed by other key markets in Asia, Europe and Latin America. Visitors to Mobile World Congress are encouraged to stop by LG’s booth in Hall 3 of Fira Gran Via from February 22-25 to see the newest TONE Platinum.


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Delivering Hi-Fi Audio Quality and Premium Features in a Design
That Maximizes Convenience, Comfort, Battery Life and Looks


SEOUL, Feb. 14, 2016 — LG Electronics (LG) will unveil its most premium addition to the TONE Series of Bluetooth headsets at MWC 2016 in Barcelona, Spain which runs from February 22-25. In addition to its good looks, the new TONE Platinum delivers unrivaled style and superior audio quality through a partnership with Harmon Kardon®.

Having secured the Harmon Kardon Platinum grade, the newest TONE Platinum is designed for both professionals and avid music lovers. LG has adopted the Balanced Armature design as the sound module for the latest TONE Platinum model to minimize distortion. The design is usually reserved for high-end wired earphones. In addition, its aluminum earphone housing helps deliver a more sophisticated sound performance.

The headset features aptX™ HD Audio Codec to deliver CD-like quality audio over Bluetooth that faithfully reproduces the full audio bandwidth and minimizes latency by significantly reducing the bit rate without affecting sound quality. The premium headset also offers noise canceling dual microphones for clearer calls even in the noisiest environments.

The TONE Platinum’s sleek aluminum finish adds a premium look and feel to the device while its ergonomic design allows users to wear the headset for hours without discomfort. To further enhance convenience, LG added Voice Command to handle incoming calls just by voice while the Tone & Talk app has been enhanced to support Voice Memo and Find Me via any Android smartphone (version 4.1 and higher).

“The LG TONE Platinum is a showcase of innovative technologies that aims to deliver premium sound quality in a form-factor that millions of customers have come to embrace,” said Michael Park, vice president in charge of Innovative Personal Devices Business Division at LG Electronics. “LG’s TONE offerings are second to none in the wireless Bluetooth world which is a key growth area for our mobile business.”

“We are excited to collaborate with LG on the LG TONE Platinum,” said Michael Mauser, executive vice president and president of Harman’s Lifestyle Division. “Harman Kardon has over 60 years of experience creating premium audio and ground-breaking sound technologies. When a product like the LG TONE Platinum carries the Harman Kardon name, it is confirmation that the device will offer class-leading audio quality and outstanding design.”

LG plans to roll out the latest premium Bluetooth headset in the United States in March, followed by other key markets in Asia, Europe and Latin America. Visitors to Mobile World Congress are encouraged to stop by LG’s booth in Hall 3 of Fira Gran Via from February 22-25 to see the newest TONE Platinum.


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Introducing a Case for a Smartphone That Does Not Officially Exist

A person holds the LG G5, covered by the LG Quick Cover, receiving an incoming call

SEOUL, Feb. 11, 2016 — LG Electronics (LG) took the wraps off a new version of its Quick Cover case, designed specifically for LG’s next generation flagship smartphone, LG G5, which does not yet exist. Known as a company ahead of the times, LG took this characterization to heart by revealing the existence of the accessory before the actual product.

The latest LG Quick Cover offers the advantages of previous Quick Covers but with even more features. The touch function, recently introduced on the K10’s Quick Cover View, is now available on the G5 Quick Cover’s semitransparent mesh cover. It enables users to take calls and control alarm settings without opening the case for the ultimate in convenience.

Users of the case can check the time, date and notifications on the AOD (always-on display) of the yet unseen LG G5 even with the cover closed. LG also incorporated a unique film with a glossy metallic finish to enhance the smooth and luxurious look and feel of the cover for maximum consistency with the speculative LG G5.

The Quick Cover for LG G5 will be on display at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain from February 22-25. Visitors to MWC are encouraged to stop by LG’s booth in Hall 3 of Fira Gran Via to see the LG Quick Cover and the rumored LG G5 for themselves.


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