LG Electronics Announces Organizational Restructuring for Future Growth

Company Aims for Further Growth and Changes
to Enhance Customer Value in Rapidly Changing Global Market

Logo of LG Electronics

SEOUL, Nov. 24, 2023 — LG Electronics (LG) today announced organizational changes to take another leap forward towards achieving the Future Vision 2030 announced in July. The changes are being implemented to strengthen organizational capabilities and business competitiveness to realize the vision of transforming into a Smart Life Solution Company that connects and expands various spaces and experiences of customers beyond home appliances.

A key piece of the forward-thinking strategy is the newly-established Overseas Sales and Marketing Company, which will report directly to LG CEO William Cho. The company will be led by Thomas Yoon, who previously served as the president and CEO of LG Electronics North America.

The Overseas Sales and Marketing Company will play a crucial role in accelerating change and growth as well as enhancing LG’s global brand power by discovering and developing opportunities to create customer value. The new organization will manage overseas sales subsidiaries in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Latin America and Asia; Global Marketing Group; and the Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Sales Business Group.

The company will not only seek to strengthen executive capabilities in the overseas operations of strategically critical businesses including B2B operations, but also provide necessary support to bolster qualitative growth of all other business units by aiding the development of overseas sales expertise as well as accelerating the advancement of platform-based businesses and innovative D2C business models. The D2C Business Sales Group will take on the role of expanding customer contact points by strengthening Online Brand Shop (OBS) activities and customer data-based digital marketing capabilities.

While maintaining its agile and responsive decision-making system across all four business units, LG will aim to spur further development of original technologies in each business unit and support the company’s business transformation.

The Home Appliance & Air Solution (H&A) Company will establish an engineering sales division under the Air Solution Business to enhance the engineering capabilities to maximize business synergy in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), its core B2B business area. In addition, the Home Beauty Business will be transferred from the Home Entertainment Company to the H&A Company to create synergy with existing strong product lineups in ‘Home’ spaces.

The Home Entertainment (HE) Company is set to further accelerate its transition to become a media and entertainment powerhouse. To strengthen the smart TV operating system webOS, the webOS SW Development Group will be established for direct reporting to Park Hyoung-sei, president of the HE Company. Also, the eXtended Reality (XR) Business Division will be established directly under the headquarters.

Leading the company since 2019, president Park has been promoted in recognition of his contribution to upgrading the company’s business portfolio, improving profitability of premium product lineups and growing the webOS platform while solidifying the company’s position in the global OLED TV market.

The Vehicle component Solutions (VS) Company will set up the Global Customer Strategy Division directly under its headquarters to establish an integrated strategy for order and sales management and strengthen marketing functions to accelerate the growth of the business.

The Business Solutions (BS) Company will expand sales and business operations in major regions such as North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Latin America and Asia. The current B2B India Business Department will be upgraded into the B2B India Business Division to maintain continuous growth in the country.

All appointments are effective Dec. 1 with promotions going into effect on the first day of the new year.

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[On the Job] How Learning and Development Provide Value to All

In this installment of On the Job, we go inside LG’s Global Learning and Development Team to learn about the training they provide to LG employees around the world.

As a global company with over 75 global branches and subsidiaries, LG prioritizes its relationship with customers around the world. To deliver valuable experiences worldwide, the Global Learning and Development (L&D) Team ensures the company’s global workforce is equipped with the right skills to succeed.

An illustration of four HR employees discussing HR-related matters with charts

The Global L&D Team recognizes the need to standardize the education program for overseas subsidiaries and enhance the quality of professional development services. The team offers comprehensive support to global employees with systematic training, enabling them to excel and create value for LG customers.

“Our business objectives revolve around delivering high-quality products and services to our customers, maintaining a strong market presence, and driving innovation in the industry,” said Erica Choi, professional at LG’s Global L&D Team. “We strive to stay ahead of the competition in order to provide value to our customers through continuous improvement and employee development.”

There were various challenges in creating a training program, such as rapidly changing market trends, intense competition, technological advancements and the need to adapt to ever-evolving customer needs. Considering the increasing demand for training sessions regarding popular topics, such as digital transformation, the Global L&D Team recognized it was both time- and cost-effective to utilize a third-party training platform. And, with the rise of remote working since the global pandemic, the team was in search of a platform in an online format that could be accessed easily by employees worldwide.

An image of the LinkedIn Learning website pagePhoto credit: LinkedIn Learning

To provide employees with the tools they need to succeed, the team selected online learning provider LinkedIn Learning after careful evaluation and a nine-month pilot program. “The platform’s content library covers a wide range of topics, which is important for our diverse workforce, and curation is data-backed to ensure relevance and effectiveness,” shared Choi, who also added that the convenience factor, such as desktop and mobile learning as well as multi-language subtitle support, also played a significant role in the decision.

An illustration of three people sitting and listening to an online lecture

Providing education for both soft and hard skills development, employees have access to a wide array of courses to enhance their competency across multiple disciplines. For example, an LG employee in charge of sales training was able to use the information they gained from the Sales Skill curriculum to train local promoters. Another employee, who is the head of the local finance team, found that the Communication and Negotiation curriculums provided him skills that could be used in 1:1 face-to-face meetings with team members.

With LG’s branches and subsidiaries spread across the globe, it was challenging to adapt to the internal and external trends of all locations in a timely manner. “The partnership provided extensive and up-to-date content, presenting employees with expertise to develop the necessary skills to excel in their roles, enhancing learning initiatives and staying ahead of industry trends,” explained Choi.

A pie chart illustration of the three different percentages of activation rate, monthly logins and monthly repeat learners

To drive activation and participation, the Global L&D Team formed a comprehensive plan, conducting internal awareness campaigns to highlight the benefits of online learning and the offered features. The team provided training sessions to familiarize employees with the platform and offered ongoing support through dedicated helpdesks. Additionally, the platform was incorporated into LG’s existing learning programs, making it easily accessible. Effectively engaging employees in the program, 99 percent activated their account and two-thirds (67 percent) log into LinkedIn Learning every month.

An illustration with the image of the most active employee, Eduardo Trejo, in Mexico with Spanish text around it

“We created compelling content to generate excitement and encourage employees to fully explore the learning opportunities,” said Choi. “We also utilized internal communication channels, such as newsletters, intranet portals and social media, to promote the platform and its benefits.” For example, LG’s L&D team in Mexico created and distributed a training book that outlined curriculums curated for specific roles and positions. And, to boost participation, the local team highlighted the most active employees and awarded them with monthly Learning Awards.

An illustration with bold colorful words overlapping each other

The training program was received well by employees. In a survey of about 160 LG employees, the program received a satisfactory rating of 9.1 (out of 10), with many commending the courses’ wide variety of topics, easy-to-watch format and availability on mobile devices as well as how the training enabled them to expand their expertise in different areas. One user shared that “most of the courses are helpful for daily work,” while another user stated that “it provides very good materials, examples and flexibility in learning.”

The next phase of the learning strategy involves further integration of LinkedIn Learning into LG’s talent development programs. “We aim to leverage data analytics to gain insight into employee learning patterns, which will enable our team to personalize learning experiences even further,” concluded Choi. “LinkedIn will continue to add value by providing a comprehensive learning platform to address the evolving needs of our workforce.”

Internal training is an essential component of LG CEO William Cho’s vision to transform into a ‘smart life solution company.’ LG will continuously invest in training to foster and boost internal competency on its journey to become a ‘smart life solution company.’

Stay tuned to LG Newsroom to learn more about other teams and roles at LG Electronics.

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Annual Festival Ignites Global Innovation, Focuses on Growth for Startups

A photo of the Hibernia building in San Francisco, California, USA

Innovators worldwide gathered in October at the Hibernia in San Francisco, California, USA for the third annual Innovation Festival, hosted by LG NOVA, LG Electronics’ North America Center for Innovation. The festival is a unique event that brings together innovators to discuss, explore and build next-generation impact-driven solutions for digital health, cleantech, future tech, smart life and other emerging technology areas.

A photo of Annie Hanlon, Emerging Tech Executive and Producer at Alchemy Tech & Entertainment Group, standing and talking on the stageAnnie Hanlon, Emerging Tech Executive/Producer, Alchemy Tech & Entertainment Group, emceed the Innovation Festival

With over 500 startup founders, industry experts, investors, mentors and influencers in attendance, the festival provided a collaborative environment for innovators to network and discuss the challenges and key topics important to their businesses, in the context of creating impact for a better future. Through think tank-styled sessions, meet-ups, interactive panels, mentoring, reverse panels and other sessions, innovators had the opportunity to share their stories and ideas.

A photo of Alicia Hanf from LG NOVA, Cheryl Contee from The Impact Seat, Dorothy Johnson from gener8tor, Flossie Hall, Stella and Sayki O'Duro from Lockstep Ventures sitting next to each other in discussion(From left to right) Alicia Hanf, LG NOVA; Cheryl Contee, The Impact Seat, Dorothy Johnson, gener8tor,
Flossie Hall, Stella and Sayki O’Duro, Lockstep Ventures discuss “The Power of Diversity in Tech” at the Innovation Festival

From these discussions, attendees forged new connections with potential investors, other startups, advisors and corporate partners. The festival’s theme “Growth Through Innovation” was top of mind for all attendees, as they used this opportunity to explore innovative ways to help their businesses grow. Alongside this focus, the festival hosted discussions on women in tech, balancing growth, profitability and impact, and diversity in tech, to heighten, grow awareness and discuss solutions to the challenges in these key topic areas in the innovation community today. It also hosted a special guest presentation from award-winning wildlife filmmaker Amoghavarsha JS, who touched on the importance of impact and building for a better future through technology innovations. In total, this year’s event hosted over 90 speakers and 28 sessions.

A photo of Amoghavarsha JS, film-maker, standing and talking on the stageFilm-maker, Amoghavarsha JS presents on creating impact through storytelling at the LG NOVA Innovation Festival

In addition, for the first time, this year’s Innovation Festival featured a webOS Hackathon, where 15 developer teams pitched their app ideas using the webOS platform to bring new use cases and applications to smart TVs. And the Festival’s annual Startup Pitch Competition hosted 12 startup companies in the categories of digital health, cleantech, future tech and innovation for impact.

A photo of the winners of the webOS Hackathon standing next to each other posing for the camera with their awardsThe winners of the webOS Hackathon

The top three winners of the hackathon were:

  • First Place: Key2Enable provides greater digital accessibility to people with disabilities. Its Key-X, a multifunctional Smart Keyboard, provides people with motor limitations to have full control of a computer and other digital devices, and together with its AI-powered inclusive Educational platform aligned with curriculum and learning goals, enables them to develop their motor and cognitive skills.
  • Second Place: AAVAA provides bionic technology for hands-free control of remote devices, utilizing brain and bio-signal decoding to enable intuitive control and enhance accessibility for users with differing abilities on LG devices.
  • Third Place: Doktorconnect offers a comprehensive healthcare experience through its app, integrated with LG TVs, allowing users to conduct Telehealth appointments, store fitness data and access various health tools, all compatible with Doktorconnects’ line of health devices.

A photo of the winners of the Startup Pitch Competition standing next to each other posing for the camera with their awardsThe winners of the Startup Pitch Competition

Winners of the Startup Pitch competition were:

  • First Place: Light Technologies, a health tech company on a mission to create AI-enabled technology to assess eye and brain health and aid earlier detection and intervention for neurodegenerative diseases, neuro-inflammatory diseases, brain injury and concussion and retinal diseases.
  • Second Place: SafeBeat makes software that goes beyond diagnostics to power cardiac therapeutics, all from a phone. SafeBeat software uses explainable AI to fully automate and streamline this process and even recommend patient-specific drug dosing for physician approval.
  • Third Place: Safire Technology Group develops advanced Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technologies. The company’s core technology, SAFe Impact Resistant Electrolyte (SAFIRE™), is the world’s only patented and proprietary drop-in additive for any Li-ion battery cell that prevents fire and explosion through an instantaneous liquid-to-solid transformation upon kinetic impacts, such as electric vehicle crashes or ballistic events.
  • Winning again, as Innovation for Impact special award recipient was Key2Enable.

 “It’s gratifying to see how this event and the LG NOVA community have grown in the past two years,” said Thomas Yoon, President and CEO of LG Electronics North America, who participated as a judge in the hackathon and presented the keynote on address, alongside Dr. Sokwoo Rhee, Senior Vice President of Innovation and Head of LG NOVA and Dong-su Kim, CEO of LG Technology Ventures, setting the stage for the conference. “For LG, our growth signifies how we’re collaborating more closely with the startup community on new ideas to deliver on our vision of Innovation for a Better Life,” he said.

A photo of LG Executives, representing home appliance and air solutions, home entertainment and LG NOVA, sitting next to each other presenting and discussingLG Executives representing home appliance and air solutions, home entertainment and LG NOVA presenting on “How to Build with LG”

At the festival, LG NOVA re-launched its Mission for the Future initiative. Now starting its third year, the program has been re-designed to enable greater collaboration with startups by extending the process year-round. In this new engagement process, startups can approach LG NOVA with ideas for collaboration throughout the year across the key market areas that have a positive impact on people and the planet, including digital health, cleantech, future tech and smart life. LG’s objective is to find new market opportunities by collaborating with companies to create innovative solutions and business ideas, build and test them in the open markets and accelerate market growth with support from LG’s global brand and resources.

A photo of the 15 teams that participated in the webOS Hackathon posing for the camera togetherThe 15 teams that participated in the webOS hackathon

“This year’s event was even better than last year. We intentionally added more opportunities for discussion and idea sharing for speakers and audiences alike,” said Rhee. “The best part of the event is being able to sit down and connect with startup founders to hear what they have to say on the industry, their market areas and their business. The openness and collaboration at the Innovation Festival represents LG NOVA’s sentiment and sincerity in its intentions to work with others to build for a better future.”

View a highlight reel of the Innovation Festival here.

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End-to-End Sustainability at IFA 2023

With environment and climate change top of mind, sustainability has become a major focus at international trade shows and exhibitions around the world. Ironically, these events often produce considerable waste themselves, with many of the resources used to create the exhibits and booths simply thrown away once the lights have been switched off and the crowds have gone home.

At IFA 2023, LG used 200 kilograms of fabric to decorate the ceiling of the Sustainable Village

At this year’s IFA in Berlin, Germany, LG drew attention to its core philosophy and tangible efforts for achieving a more sustainable future. Under the theme of ‘Sustainable Life, Joy for All,’ the company showcased its latest high-efficiency home appliances and energy solutions. LG’s dedication to realizing a better tomorrow could also be seen in the thoughtful approach it took to the design, construction and disassembling of its exhibition booth.

At IFA 2023, visitors in the LG booth are participating in a tree planting program in the Upcycling Workshop Zone

A Sustainable Village From Start to Finish

From the initial planning phase, LG focused on how to reduce, reuse and repurpose. As an example, the 200 kilograms of fabric the company used to decorate the ceiling of the Sustainable Village in its booth has been sent to the Lichtenberger Werkstätten gemeinnützige (LWB) in Berlin. LWB, which provides vocational training for over 600 people with disabilities, will transform the fabric into around 3,000 ‘upcycled’ items, such as shopping baskets and pouches, the proceeds from which will be used to support the organization’s programs.

LG adopted a ‘seamless design’ for its exhibition booth to minimize the use of wall- and partition-related materials, which typically account for the largest portion of post-exhibition waste. The tables and chairs positioned in front of the Smart Cottage, as well as the sculptures and props from the PLAYMOBIL Zone, will be used by LG’s European subsidiaries for upcoming exhibitions and marketing activities.

The picture of the resin palettes made from waste plastics at the Chilseo Recycling Center and the ‘plastic knot challenge’ in the Upcycling Workshop Zone at LG’s booth during IFA 2023

Additionally, the trees planted in the Upcycling Workshop Zone of LG’s booth have been donated to organizations in Europe running ‘greening’ and reforestation projects.

LG Smart Cottage, a compact, prefabricated home, integrates advanced energy-efficient technologies and a range of premium home appliances at IFA 2023

Leading ESG Innovation at IFA 2023

LG continues to be a frontrunner in the global home appliance industry when it comes to highlighting the importance of accessibility and ESG. At IFA 2023, the company presented appliances and innovative technologies that reflect a strong commitment to eco-consciousness and the pursuit of inclusive product design.

Front and center at LG’s IFA booth was the Smart Cottage, a compact, prefabricated home illustrating the convenience, comfort and sustainability that LG can bring to modern residential living. The cottage integrates advanced energy-efficient technologies, including a 4-kilowatt (kW) roof-mounted solar panel, the Therma V™ R290 Monobloc air-source heat pump and a range of premium home appliances, such as the Objet Collection WashTower Compact, QuadWash™1 dishwasher, induction electric range and water purifier.

LG unveils its Home Energy Platform and displays the latest energy-efficient home appliances in the Net-Zero Vision House zone at IFA 2023

In the booth’s NetZero Vision House Zone, LG unveiled its Home Energy Platform; a comprehensive solution for the efficient management of household energy consumption. Users can control LG’s home appliances and track a variety of energy usage information through the LG ThinQ™ app.2  Also displayed in the zone were LG’s latest bottom-freezer refrigerator, which comes with an A-20 percent energy rating,3 and a sophisticated new dryer boasting an A+++-20 percent energy rating.4

At IFA 2023, a woman on the left is holding the LG CordZero™ vacuum cleaner with Universal UP Kit applied, while a man and a woman are taking photos

Meanwhile, the groundbreaking Universal UP Kit gave IFA visitors a first-hand look at LG’s innovative approach to making its home appliances more accessible. The kit features detachable accessories designed to enhance the usability of LG appliances so that all consumers, regardless of gender, age or disability, can enjoy a first-class user experience.

LG’s comprehensive and sustainable IFA exhibition also included the company’s built-in kitchen package. Delivering a Better Culinary Life for All, the package includes the QuadWash dishwasher with innovative LG Inverter Direct Drive Motor, and a new InstaView™ oven5 featuring a four-layered glass door that minimizes heat loss. Both products offer A++ energy-efficiency as well as the performance and convenience that have made LG the first choice of consumers all over the globe.

LG showcases its latest high-efficiency home appliances and energy solutions under the theme of ‘Sustainable Life, Joy for All’ at IFA 2023

To learn more about LG’s sustainable and inclusive innovations, and its commitment to realizing a better future for all, stay tuned to LG Newsroom.

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1 The European Commission revised its home appliances energy rating standards in March 2021. As part of this, a new energy label ratings system for dishwashers was introduced, with ratings running from A to G instead of the previous scale of A+++ to D. For reference, visit link.
2 Availability for App services may vary depending on version and region.
3 Based on household refrigeration/freezer energy efficiency class according to Regulation (EU) 2019/2016. LG’s new bottom-freezer is 20 percent more energy efficient than an A-rated model within the same product classification.
4 Based on energy consumption testing of household tumble dryers, conducted in accordance with Regulation (EU) 392/2012. LG’s new tumble dryer has an annual energy consumption of 116kWh (based on use of Cotton+/Cupboard/Energy program).
5 New cooking appliances come with an energy label by the European Commission showing their energy efficiency class. These range from A+++ to G for range hoods and ovens. For ovens, these ratings are based on their energy efficiency. For reference, visit link.

Exploring the Making of LG’s New Brand Film

 A photo of Choi Joong-ho, professional at LG's Brand Strategy Team, standing with his arms crossedChoi Joong-ho, professional at LG’s Brand Strategy Team (Photo credit: Oh Joon-sup)

An ordinary middle-aged man cruises along the streets on his longboard. He stumbles for a moment, bewildered, but then enjoys the thrill and excitement of the ride.

LG’s new brand film, Life’s Good When You Dive in Smile First, has been trending with a record of 60 million views globally and 2.55 million locally. Released in October, the film received praise from the public with comments such as “The best commercial I have seen lately.”

Choi Joong-ho, professional at LG’s Brand Strategy Team, dives into the behind the scenes production and reflects on the brand message in the Life’s Good film.

An image of a man riding a longboard with a phrase "Life's Good" overlapping

The film was very impressive. At first glance, the film seems like a simple story about a man riding a longboard, but what is the true message behind it?

Riding the longboard is a metaphor for life’s journey. Like in life, you do not simply stand still on the longboard but move forward with it. While gliding through the streets, you may stumble over a rock or feel unbalanced just like life is not all sunshine and rainbows.

We wanted to use this metaphor to share LG’s bold brand promise of Life’s Good. Everyone’s idea of a ‘good life’ is different, and LG strives to recognize those differences to provide a better life for all. The film also wanted to show that everyone possesses the potential for boldness by choosing to be optimistic.

Some people who watched the video said they could not help but watch the entire video without skipping. Were there any parts placed intentionally to prevent viewers from clicking the skip button?

We did not want people to scroll past it like with typical commercials, so we tried to catch our audience’s attention with curiosity and intrigue from the very first scene. We focused on the narration and set a more serious tone compared to usual commercials, which might have been a brave decision. Although it is important to talk about the brand’s actual products, with this film, we wanted to specifically deliver LG’s message and voice.

Nicolai Fuglsig, a renowned filmmaker, directed the production of this film. How was he brought into the process and why did LG choose him?

Starting from the key visual of a middle-aged man riding a longboard to writing the script that incorporated the campaign’s main message of optimism, we took a lot of time internally to consider different perspectives. Once we confirmed a concept, it was pitched to several filmmakers to gauge interests.

Nicolai Fuglsig has a similar philosophy and idea of optimism, so he understood exactly what we wanted the film to say. He even loved longboards, and on the set of the film, he could direct the actor on how to ride the longboard himself. I think all these factors and his artistic production capabilities created synergy between us.

During the process of casting the actor, why did LG choose a middle-aged man as the main character?

We wanted our audience to feel like they could be the main character – that anyone watching could think of it as their own story. If the film featured a young and trendy person, it could have been perceived more like a sports video about longboarding.

For this reason, we chose a protagonist who is deemed extremely ordinary. When you look at him, it is difficult to pinpoint what kind of person he is, with an indefinite body type, style and age. We wanted the film to highlight the man’s emotions, the optimism that is evident as his feelings shift from uneasiness to confidence. The casting was the result of taking all these factors into consideration.

A photo of a man riding a longboard on the street

There were many comments about how impressive the brand film was. Do you think the message touched the audience in the same way? What message would this video have sent to people in their 20s?

The young people of today live in a world of increasing uncertainty. There was a time when many decisions could be made in early adulthood, such as choosing a profession after graduation or having kids after marriage. However, due to the unpredictability of the current times, the young generation may feel distress when faced with similar options.

After much internal discussion, we concluded that we should not deliver this message lightly. As LG has obtained achievements by maintaining an optimistic mindset – just like the message of Life’s Good – we wanted to provide encouragement and support to anyone in their 20s who wants to approach life with optimism.

A photo of Choi Joong-ho, professional at LG's Brand Strategy Team, sitting down on a table explaining something while using hand motions(Photo credit: Oh Joon-sup)

I believe that is why the key message that runs throughout the film resonates so much more. Please elaborate on the process of how LG developed a script from the keyword Life’s Good.

Optimism is the most important keyword to spread the Life’s Good message. In these difficult times, with a pandemic sweeping the world, there was a determination within LG, including within myself, to not become complacent or dismiss customers by saying, “Everything’s going to be fine.”

This was our motivation behind sharing a sincere message that encourages optimism. The nuance behind each word was carefully considered and reviewed, and when the script was finally finished, the entire team felt a thrill with the realization, “Yes, this is what is means to be optimistic about life.”

Come to think of it, the brand promise of Life’s Good seems to be popping up more often lately. What is the goal of sharing this message?

We have been trying our best to provide a better life for everyone with our products. Earlier this year, we presented Brand Reinvent to interpret this message more thoroughly.  We understand that life can be difficult and painful at times, and the Life’s Good message aims to encourage that there is always the possibility of optimism in everyone’s heart.

We wanted to show that by believing in optimism and boldly taking on challenges, people will see the goodness and value in life. The brand film was created to deliver this message as well.

Facing life with an optimistic attitude may not be easy during these challenging times, but is there any reason why LG chose a message to encourage optimism?

According to consumer research agency GWI, the global population grew 34 percent more pessimistic in 2021. Two years later, the percentage has still not recovered, proving how difficult it is to be positive these days.

However, in times like these, it is important to look at the optimistic side of life. People do not need to have the strongest determination or lofty goals; the possibility of optimism in our hearts is enough. LG wanted to convey a message of encouragement to help overcome real-life challenges with a bold mindset.

Do you have any plans to connect this brand value to the customer experience?

LG’s brand reinvent is the start. The optimism and boldness of Life’s Good have always been at the core of the company’s challenges and innovations, the driving forces that established LG as a global company. These values are incorporated into LG’s products, and we will continue our mission to provide a better life for all, including our customers and employees.

This story was edited from an editorial feature article published in Univ Tomorrow.

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LG Expands Platform Business With New webOS Hub 2.0S

LG Offers Greater Versatility Across a Wider Range of Products From
Third-Party Brands With Latest Upgrade to Its webOS Ecosystem

A man sitting at a desk explores the home UI of the new webOS Hub 2.0S on an LG smart monitor

SEOUL, Nov. 17, 2023 — LG Electronics (LG) announced that the new webOS Hub 2.0S for third party brands – released for TVs in September – is branching out this month to include smart monitors, responding to the expanding smart TV market as well as the highly increasing number of single-person households. While smart TVs are catered to family households, the rising trend of single-person households has led to a significant demand for smart monitors, making webOS Hub 2.0S, which offers both convenience and a large variety of content, a great choice for smaller screens as well.

The new webOS Hub 2.0S presents greater hardware adaptability, broadening its availability beyond smart TVs, and is able to provide more options for third-party brands to offer a customizable user experience.

A new addition on the main home UI screen of webOS Hub 2.0S is the Card App Home Hub & Music, granting access to an abundance of services with one remote click. Featuring a smart home ecosystem dashboard, users can customize control capabilities with supportive device status monitoring for TVs and IoT-based devices.

Designed to meet a diverse range of user needs, the webOS Hub 2.0S offers comprehensive services with a variety of features. Users can easily access music from popular apps such as Spotify or music stored in USB drives via the Card App Music feature. Functions such as Remote PC allow easy access to content for hybrid work, ensuring users a seamless transition to office PCs or laptops. The platform enables convenient video calling and conferencing with support for USB cameras* and encourages productivity with an elevated home fitness experience. To cater to students and working professionals, webOS 2.0S allows accessibility to streaming services like Netflix and YouTube. Compatibility with Apple Home and AirPlay* enables users to easily and securely control compatible smart home accessories and effortlessly stream movies, music, games, and photos using their Apple devices as well.

Affirming its exceptional services and unparalleled versatility, LG has diligently bolstered its market presence over the past three years by integrating the webOS Hub into various third-party products with over 300 brands joining in this exciting endeavor.

Following the success of the company’s approach, LG is expanding the webOS Hub platform to a broader range of smart TVs and smart monitors, solidifying its presence in the industry with a commitment to providing seamless access to the webOS Hub experience across multiple devices.

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*Apple Home and AirPlay, USB camera features are only available on the 1.5GB model equipped with webOS Hub 2.0S.

LG Twins Ends 29-Year Long Wait With Historic Win

A photo of LG Twins players celebrating their win at the Jamsil Stadium in South Korea with a phrase

Regarded as one of the most popular sports in the country, baseball in South Korea is more than just a sport – bringing loyal fans to stadiums who cheer for their choice of ten Korean teams that make up the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO). The KBO season concludes each year with the championship series known globally as the ‘Korean Series.’

A photo of LG Twins players gathering around with a phrase

On November 13, LG, the owner of KBO team LG Twins, celebrated its first Korean Series win in 29 years. Established in 1982 as Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) Chungyong – translated as ‘Blue Dragon’ – the baseball club was acquired by the LG Corporation in 1989, and was subsequently renamed LG Twins. The following year, the Twins won their first Korean Series title and went on to win their second in 1994. And, finally, the 2023 KBO League Season ended Monday night the way it hadn’t for nearly three decades: with the LG Twins as the champions for the third time.

A photo of LG Twins players celebrating their historic win at the final round of Korean Series

To celebrate this historic and iconic win, LG announced it will hold numerous events throughout November for its domestic fans and customers – making up one of the largest fandoms in the league – fully embracing the enduring bravery of the LG Twins players and the unwavering optimism of their fans.

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LG Honored With Significant Number of CES 2024 Innovation Awards

From OLED TVs to webOS Content, LG Wins the Most Awards in History to Total 33,
Including Two Best of Innovation Awards

Logo of 2024 CES Innovation awards given to Best of Innovation

SEOUL, Nov. 16, 2023 – LG Electronics (LG) has been recognized for the technological and design excellence of its latest lifestyle solutions, earning more than 30 CES® 2024 Innovation Awards across Home Appliance, Home Entertainment and B2B categories, including two coveted Best of Innovation Awards for LG OLED TVs.

Bestowed every year by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) – the organization behind CES, the world’s largest annual consumer electronics tradeshow – the CES Innovation Award program recognizes innovative consumer products and services across a multitude of device and technology categories.

Of the 33 CES Innovation Awards LG will receive at CES 2024, 15 have been awarded to LG TVs including 12 for LG OLED, marking the 12th consecutive year that the company’s self-lit TVs have received CES Innovation Award honors. As the leader and original creator of OLED TVs, LG has refined its premium TV innovation year after year. Today, LG offers the widest lineup of OLED TVs from 42-to-97-inch screen sizes, as well as unique and innovative OLED TV form factors. LG OLED TVs are prized by consumers worldwide for their exceptional picture quality, which delivers vibrant, accurate colors, deep blacks and infinite contrast.

Among the new LG Home Entertainment innovations also honored are LG Soundbars, LG XBOOM Portable Speakers and LG Smart TV webOS apps. LG Home Appliance products honored this year include LG SIGNATURE Washer & Dryers. LG Business Solutions products honored include LG UltraGear Gaming Monitors, LG SMART Monitor, LG gram Laptops and LG CLOi ServeBot.

The full list and details of LG’s CES 2024 Innovation Award recipients will be announced at CES 2024 on January 7.

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Partnering With Kenya Red Cross to Save Lives With Blood

As a global corporate citizen, LG has always tried to do its part to create a Better Life for All. In line with this mission, the company signed an agreement with the Korean Red Cross in 2004 and, since then, has been conducting yearly blood donation campaigns. While launched by headquarters in South Korea, this initiative has actively been taken up by LG offices around the world.

In Kenya, LG East Africa joined forces with the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) and the Kenya Tissue and Transplant Authority (KTTA) in an initiative aimed at combating the rising blood shortage in Kenya. The remarkable “Life’s Good Blood Drive” – held recently at LG’s Kenrail Towers and Adlife Plaza brandshops – successfully collected 121 pints of blood.

Lee Dong-won, managing director at LG East Africa, participating in Life's Good Blood Drive with Festus Koech, regional manager for Nairobi at Kenya Tissue and Transplant Authority and Bradley Namulanda, Red Cross Kenya Blood Donation Coordinator for Nairobi County on his side
(From left to right) Festus Koech, regional manager for Nairobi at Kenya Tissue and Transplant Authority; Lee Dong-won, managing director at LG East Africa; and Bradley Namulanda, Red Cross Kenya Blood Donation Coordinator for Nairobi County

The one-off partnership served as a lifeline in addressing immediate blood shortages in healthcare facilities and hospitals, as well as in emergencies and surgical procedures. What’s more, the blood drive exemplified LG’s commitment to extending its Life’s Good brand promise to the broader community by improving the quality of life through social responsibility initiatives.

A participant of Life's Good Blood Drive holding a panel that reads, 'I'm a blood donor'

The Life’s Good Blood Drive targeted 500 LG employees and volunteers from KTTA and KRCS, all working together to facilitate public blood donations aimed at bolstering the national blood supplies. The 121 donors willingly provided consent, shared their brief health histories before a 10-minute donation process followed by a 15-minute recovery break. The collected blood was then tested and sent to the national blood bank, with the donors receiving their blood donation cards a week later.

Two donors holding panels that says

The blood drive served a dual purpose by also educating LG employees on the significance and advantages of blood donation. KRCS played a crucial role in conducting recruitment and planning the overall activity while KTTA, as a government entity, ensured the safety of donated blood, including its transportation to the blood bank for screening before distribution to hospitals. LG East Africa actively participated by providing available venues, organizing the donation drive and encouraging employees to donate blood.

A blood donor wearing Life's Good T-shirt posing for a photo while holding a panel that also reads

The successful conclusion of this donation drive and the collection of safe blood will not only help address the immediate and critical shortages experienced in healthcare facilities and hospitals but will also serve as a lifeline in emergencies and surgical procedures by providing renewed hope for patients battling life-threatening conditions.

LG Kenya employeees wearing Life's Good t-shirt and posing together for a photo

Contributed by LG Kenya

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Supporting the Dreams of Youths With Disabilities Through GITC

Title image of LG's 2023 Global IT Challenge with various future technologies displayed as icons

Last month, for the finals of the 2023 Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities (GITC), more than 460 participants gathered in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates to compete in various challenges to test their IT capabilities.

In each of the six challenges, winners were announced based on their excellence in completing IT-related challenges, such as creating presentations and spreadsheets, conducting text and image searches, producing and editing videos, coding a self-driving car program and developing ideas for technology that can improve the lives of those with disabilities.

Let’s hear from a few of the winners of this year’s GITC.

Illustration of Muhammad Naazir Danesh, a winner of 2023 GITC, with a quote overlapping

Muhammad Naazir Danesh, a fifteen-year-old from Malaysia, was named the Global IT Leader for GITC 2023. Muhammad not only placed first in the eContent Challenge and eCreative_Smart Car Challenge but second in the eCreative_IoT Challenge and third in the eTool_Spreadsheet Challenge.

“Receiving such a big award has left me at a loss for words,” said Muhammad, who participated in GITC for the third time this year. Muhammad aims to pursue further studies in the IT field with a goal to work in the tech industry in the future.

Illustration of Seerano Johnpov, a winner of 2023 GITC, with a quote overlapping

The first-place winner of the eLifeMap Challenge was Seerano Johnpov, a fifteen-year-old from Cambodia. Seerano has long been interested in computer hardware and repair, which is what motivated him to apply for GITC. While he has faced many difficulties since birth due to his arm disabilities, Seerano has always tried to find solutions and stay positive. “If I get the opportunity, I’d like to study IT more seriously in the future.”

Illustration of Minseong Park, a winner of 2023 GITC, with a quote overlapping

In the eTool_Spreadsheet Challenge, eighteen-year-old Minseong Park from South Korea was awarded first place. Having participated in GITC on the recommendation of his teacher, Minseong has a dream to also become a special education teacher. According to Minseong, GITC was the perfect opportunity for him to gain experience in communicating and collaborating with youths with disabilities and now, he has an even greater desire to prove his abilities.

Illustration of Dave Soriano, a winner of 2023 GITC, with a quote overlapping

From the Philippines, seventeen-year-old Dave Soriano was recognized as the third-place winner of the eCreative_Smart Car Challenge. Despite his disabilities, Dave always tries to stay positive and active, loving to spend his free time going on walks, playing online games and swimming. With a dream to become a computer engineer, Dave hopes that his “current self can be a role model for friends who, like me, struggle with severe disabilities.”

Illustration of Fabya Najwa Azhari, a winner of 2023 GITC, with a quote overlapping

Last but not least, Fabya Najwa Azhari, a twenty-year-old from Indonesia, was awarded the second-place winner of the eCreative_Smart Car Challenge. Having participated in GITC in 2021 and 2022, Fabya was encouraged to try again this year thanks to the support of her friends and family. “Through this experience, I learned how to become a stronger person, and with perseverance, I believe that disability can cross boundaries,” shared Fabya, who aims to pursue further studies in information science.

Illustration of six winners of 2023 GITC

Each participant of the GITC displayed not only dedication and determination but the bold optimism of the company’s Life’s Good brand promise to complete their challenges, even when faced with difficult tasks.

Through GITC, the company hopes to continuously support youths with disabilities to mature into IT professionals and empower them to pursue their dreams and transcend all barriers in terms of ability, religion and nationality.

Stay tuned to LG Newsroom to learn more about how LG aims to create a Better Life for All.

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2023 LG SMART Monitors Don’t Require PC Connection

New 31.5- and 27-Inch LG SMART Monitors Feature Outstanding IPS Displays,
Built-in Remote-Working Features and Content Curation Services

LG SMART Monitor displaying sports alert feature

SEOUL, Nov. 8, 2023 — LG Electronics (LG) is unveiling its latest LG SMART Monitor lineup (models 32SR50F and 27SR50F). The versatile, new 31.5- and 27-inch monitors don’t require any PC connection at all, and are ideal for productivity. Along with advanced IPS displays that deliver true-to-life colors and strong contrast, LG SMART Monitors feature LG’s webOS 23 platform, which provides more convenience for working remotely as well as streaming favorite shows, sports and music.

Great for entertainment and getting work done, LG SMART Monitors boast high-performance IPS displays and HDR 10 support. The vibrant, accurate images produced by the new monitors help bring content to life and also enhance the user’s experience when participating in conference calls, working on documents or researching on the Internet. With its 3-sided virtually borderless design, the 27-inch model presents a sleek, minimalist look that can elevate one’s space and boost the sense of immersion.

Equipped with webOS 23, the latest LG SMART Monitors offer outstanding convenience. The 32SR50F and 27SR50F provide easy access to streaming apps1 which offer tailored recommendations for movies, series and music from the Home Board screen, and personalized sports profiles2 – complete with customizable sports service cards – that make it simple for users to keep up with the sports they love. LG SMART Monitors store the user’s favorite leagues and teams, notify them of upcoming games and provide up-to-date schedules and key statistics. Also included is the LG Mood Music function, which serves as a personal DJ; curating playlists based on the user’s musical preferences.3

Handy solutions for those working from home, the monitors come with built-in LG Home Office software that supports various productivity programs4 including Microsoft 365 and Google Calendar. LG SMART Monitors help further enhance workflow and remove the need to connect directly to a PC by allowing users to easily share content from their smart devices via AirPlay 2 and Miracast. The new monitors can even function as smart home hubs, with support for LG’s ThinQ Home Hub making it possible for users to monitor and manage their home appliances. Through the ThinQ app, the 32SR50F and 27SR50F are able to connect with various IoT-compatible household appliances, such as refrigerators and washing machines.

“The LG SMART Monitor series is designed with a focus on meeting the personal preferences and unique demands of various kinds of users,” said Seo Young-jae, senior vice president and head of the IT business unit of LG Electronics Business Solutions Company. “Moving forward, LG plans to introduce new SMART Monitors that will be able to accommodate an even broader range of lifestyle needs.”

The new LG SMART Monitors are scheduled to be released in key markets in North America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and South America, with availability starting in the U.S. this November. 5

Key Specifications:

LG SMART Monitor


LG SMART Monitor


Size / Resolution Screen Size 31.5-inch 27-inch
Resolution FHD (1,920 x 1,080) FHD (1,920 x 1,080)
Graphic Panel IPS IPS
Color Gamut (Typ.) sRGB 99% NTSC 72%
Refresh Rate /

Response Time

60Hz / 8ms 60Hz / 14ms


USB Type-C™
HDMI O (x2) O (x2)
USB 2.0 O (x2) O (x2)
Wi-Fi O O
Bluetooth O O
Speaker 5W (x2) 5W (x2)
Smart Feature

/ Service

OS webOS 23 webOS 23
Microsoft Office O O
Voice Assistant LG ThinQ, Alexa LG ThinQ, Alexa
Mobile Casting / Mirroring AirPlay 2 / ScreenShare AirPlay 2 / ScreenShare
Accessory HDMI / White Remote


HDMI / White Remote


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1 LG webOS 23 supports streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ and YouTube. Many streaming apps available on webOS require a paid subscription. Support for specific streaming apps may vary by country.
2 Feature only available on models sold in the US market.
3 Access is available after logging in and completing preferred team registration.
4 Separate login to the program is required.
5 Available model options may vary by country.

[Mobility Inside] Overseas Hubs of LG’s Mobility Technology

World-class companies recognize the importance of owning and controlling proprietary technology, with the leaders emphasizing how the original and unique technology is a key determinant of success and the foundation for fostering innovation in areas yet to be ventured by others. This is probably why LG CEO William Cho often says, “Acquiring and developing proprietary technology is vital for survival.”

Illustration of engineers taking a closer look at a vehicle

The same applies to the mobility business. As cars evolve ever more into ‘computers on wheels,’ the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as autonomous driving, big data, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing and 5G is advancing the future of automobiles. In anticipation of the changes taking place, LG’s Vehicle component Solutions (VS) Company has constantly strived over the years to develop exclusive mobility technology, which involves establishment of its overseas R&D centers.

To give a better glimpse of what they are and what they do, we will take a closer look at LG Soft India (LGSI) and LG Electronics Development Vietnam (LGEDV).

Researchers from LG headquarters (HQ) and LGSI collaborating in Bengaluru, India
Researchers from LG headquarters (HQ) and LGSI collaborating in Bengaluru, India

Based in Bengaluru, India, LGSI is the company’s largest overseas R&D center and a key partner of LG VS Company in the development of infotainment software solutions including vehicle telematics, Audio Video Navigation (AVN) unit, instrumental cluster, Center Information Display (CID) and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). The center regularly holds meetings with LG HQ in Seoul, South Korea, to review solutions and benchmark one another in efforts to develop optimal solutions for globally renowned automotive OEMs.

Image explaining LG Soft India's five mobility research areas, including AUTOSAR, AVN, SQA, ADAS and Consolidated System

LGSI holds frequent workshops with OEMs to discuss work scopes, check on development processes and review verification results as well as the quality of engineering outputs. The combination of such operations helps strengthen the capabilities of the staff at not only the R&D center but also HQ, ultimately contributing to the further improvement in the quality of the company’s mobility solutions. The center’s extensive development experience also plays a big role in the advancement of other businesses such as LG Home Entertainment Company’s webOS platform and AI solutions.

Researchers from LG HQ and LGEDV collaborating in Hanoi, Vietnam
Researchers from LG HQ and LGEDV collaborating in Hanoi, Vietnam

LGEDV, with offices in Hanoi and Danang, Vietnam, is another major overseas R&D center that works closely with LG VS Company. It is responsible for the development and verification of LG’s major product solutions. The engineers at LGEDV are known for their extensive knowledge in solution development as well as their zeal for self-improvement. They boast abundant experience not only in development capabilities, but also in overall aspects of software engineering, including project management, quality assurance and code quality management.

Screenshots of LG Electronics R&D Vietnam in Hanoi and Da Nang

The significance of LG’s overseas R&D centers has grown in recent years with the emergence of Software-defined Vehicles. Unlike traditional automobiles that relied heavily on mechanical components, trending vehicles are now integrating vehicle components with software that can satisfy diverse demands and conditions in terms of variety, quality, safety, reliability and even entertainment.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary to see things from various perspectives and discuss solutions based on different experiences in order to come up with original technologies, which is why LG is garnering talents from across the globe. With engineers from diverse backgrounds and skills, LG will continue its journey of developing innovative solutions to offer mesmerizing mobility experiences.

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LG Establishes Consortium for Advanced Heat Pump Research in Alaska

Consortium to Advance Research, Enhance Operational Capabilities of Heat Pumps in
Extreme Climates and Boost Long-Term Competitiveness of LG’s HVAC Solutions

At the ceremony for the consortium for advanced heat pump research in Alaska, Thomas Yoon (CEO of LG Electronics North America), Sean Parnell (chancellor of the University of Alaska Anchorage), and James Lee (head of the Air Solution Business Unit at LG Electronics) are standing next to each other from left to right

SEOUL, Nov. 7, 2023 — LG Electronics (LG) is establishing a research facility in Alaska, USA, to accelerate its research and development efforts in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). The new research lab comes under the newly formed Consortium for Advanced Heat Pump Research (CAHR), a collaboration between LG and local universities. The company anticipates the joint effort will enhance the competitiveness of its HVAC products through delivering groundbreaking innovations in ‘cold climate’ technology.

LG will operate the state-of-the-art facility in conjunction with the College of Engineering at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) and the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ highly regarded HVAC Lab.

Improving the heating performance of heat pumps operating in regions with very low temperatures – such as Alaska – is a challenge due to the reduction in refrigerant circulation caused by the cold. LG recognizes the need to develop and validate products in extreme cold conditions, which led it to establish the research lab in Alaska. The jointly-run lab will facilitate the collection of operational data at low-temperatures, hastening the development of solutions that can reliably produce top-tier performance in the harshest climatic conditions.

The CAHR aims to foster HVAC innovation through undertaking specialized R&D, providing access to key resources, and creating a culture centered on learning and problem-solving. LG will conduct research in two dedicated facilities: a university-owned building on the Anchorage campus and a site in Fairbanks, Alaska, that will be constructed like a real-world home. The Fairbanks facility will be equipped with a diverse range of sophisticated LG HVAC solutions, including ducted and duct-free indoor and outdoor units as well as the company’s revolutionary Inverter Heat Pump Water Heater.

LG and its university partners will oversee a variety of tests designed to assess performance under various environmental conditions, such as snow, rain and extremely low temperatures, and by introducing different variables that have not previously been considered in testing heat pump efficacy. LG believes that the results of the research will contribute to better product heating performance, quality and reliability.

“Collaboration in research is the cornerstone of UAA’s mission, and our partnership with LG advances climate solutions in the HVAC industry and beyond,” said Sean Parnell, chancellor of University of Alaska Anchorage. “UAA is proud to lead this collaboration with LG to further innovation across industry and our communities.”

“For LG, the ultimate goal of creating the Consortium for Advanced Heat Pump Research is to lead the global heat pump industry and provide a differentiated customer experience,” said James Lee, head of the Air Solution Business Unit at LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. “LG will raise the industry bar and push the limits of existing heat pump technology, developing solutions that deliver peak performance irrespective of environmental conditions.”

The Alaska research lab is expected to help LG make significant strides in both the North American and European HVAC market, enabling it to further strengthen its core technologies and first-class solutions, such as inverters and heat pumps, and boost overall product competitiveness. The company is also confident that the R&D efforts soon to be initiated under the CAHR will help shape the future of the HVAC industry.

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Creating an Inclusive Society With ‘Appliances for All’

When products or services are poorly designed, they can inadvertently create barriers that exclude people with disabilities. Every company should work to improve accessibility to ensure convenience extends to such individuals as well as older adults.

Illustration that features people with different disabilities and LG products

As a part of The Better Life Plan 2030, LG demonstrates its commitment to creating a sustainable and accessible world, guided by the mission of a Better Life for All. To see how LG is working to incorporate accessibility features and universal design into all its product groups, let’s explore how the company is striving to provide value and unparalleled experiences through its technological innovations that ensure a better life is truly accessible for all.

Image of five people standing on the top of the Earth with LG's products that enhance accessibility floating in the air

Universal UP Kit
It may be hard for people facing physical challenges to operate home appliances or open and close doors. For these consumers, LG has created the ‘Universal UP Kit’ that aims to enable everyone, regardless of their gender, age or disability, to easily use the company’s products. Making its debut at IFA 2023, the kit includes attachable accessories that allow easy use of refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, wireless vacuum cleaners and water purifiers. What’s more, to reduce its carbon footprint, the Universal UP Kit is made with recycled plastic.

Automated and Convenience Features
Due to air pressure, refrigerators can be hard for anyone to open, and many people have experienced not being able to open the refrigerator with hands full of groceries. To solve this problem, the LG Objet Collection Fridge is equipped with an ‘Auto Door,’ enabling users to open the refrigerator door with one touch.

Image showing how Auto Open Door™ feature works

The LG SIGNATURE refrigerator also provides an Auto Open Door™ feature thanks to the smart sensor detector at the foot of the refrigerator, opening the door without the need to press or touch anything. The inside of the refrigerator features the ‘Auto Smart Drawer,’ enabling the drawers to glide out automatically. Various other LG appliances deliver similar comfort and convenience, with features including dishwasher doors that open upon cycle completion, washing machines that automatically dispense detergent and air purifiers that notify users to change the filter.

Illustration of four different LG products with a person in the middle

Speech Recognition
LG has also launched products with voice recognition features for consumers with motor impairment who may have difficulty operating products with their hands. The LG PuriCare Water Purifier, the first water purifier launched in South Korea with voice recognition features, allows users to ask for their desired amount of water without any buttons. This feature is also available in other LG products, including air conditioners, the LG CordZero™ ThinQ robot vacuum, select four-door refrigerator models and LG SIGNATURE Wine Cellars, and will be expanded to more products gradually.

Braille Stickers
For customers with visual impairments, LG has developed and distributed braille stickers in South Korea, consisting of 10 icons with embossed braille guidelines, which include ‘power,’ ‘start and stop’ and ‘Wi-Fi.’ Available since last year at no additional cost, the stickers can be attached to all the company’s home appliances and, when linked to the LG ThinQ app, users can receive more assistance through voice guidance.

Embossed Button Remote Control
For consumers with disabilities, operating home appliances that have an abundance of buttons can be difficult, and this has become even more challenging as recent consumer electronics favor flat LED touch systems over raised buttons. To alleviate these problems for people with visual impairment, LG has created remote controls with embossed power, volume, channel and number buttons. Customers can also opt to press the ‘voice recognition button’ and operate their TV through voice commands.

Illustration of a person turning up the volume of TV with a remote control

‘Listen to the TV Together’
As people age, hearing loss is natural and, for older citizens who enjoy watching TV with their family, it can be difficult to set a volume that is okay for everyone in the room. While some channels provide subtitles, according to feedback from senior citizens, the experience isn’t the same without the intended audio. For customers who are hard of hearing, LG TVs are equipped with a ‘Listen to the TV Together’ feature, which simultaneously enables audio output to the TV speaker and another Bluetooth device. The company has worked to consider customers’ pain points, so people with hearing difficulties can continue to enjoy the watching experience with their loved ones.

Sign Language Expansion
In addition, LG TVs offer a ‘Sign Language Expansion’ feature, allowing people with hearing impairment to enlarge the size of the language interpreter on the screen, so they can read lips and hand signs more clearly.

Committed to creating an inclusive society where no one is left behind, LG is actively enhancing its accessibility features and accessories. Stay tuned to LG Newsroom to hear more about how LG is contributing to creating a Better Life for All.

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A Giant LG WashTower to Capture the Eyes of Parisians

Image posted on Instagram to promote LG WashTower event

To raise awareness for the LG WashTower™, which has been garnering increased popularity among European consumers, LG France set out to win the hearts of French consumers with a unique experience zone. On October 28, the company unveiled a giant structure in the shape of LG WashTower at Pompidou Centre in Paris, catching the eyes of Parisians and tourists alike. For one day, the general public was invited to discover the new design and advantages of the all-in-one laundry solution inside the 8-meter-high column created with realistic proportions and design.

Closeup photo of giant LG WashTower structure

Located in Beaubourg, one of the capital’s oldest districts and the beating heart of Paris since Medieval times, the Pompidou Centre is home to Europe’s largest collection of modern and contemporary art and an important cultural center for Parisians as well as tourists. With daily traffic in the area estimated at around 50,000 visitors a day, it was the perfect location to promote the new LG WashTower.

People lined up to go inside of LG WashTower structure at Pompidou Center

Upon entry, visitors were met by a model dressing room installed with an actual LG WashTower, showing consumers how the product can flawlessly blend in with home spaces while providing more information about the conveniences the product can provide. And, to provide a source of entertainment, the experience zone featured a game event, offering visitors an opportunity to win LG WashTower figurines created in partnership with famous German toy brand Playmobil.

A family posing for a photo in front of a giant WashTower structure installed at Paris

LG also promoted Busan’s bid to host the World EXPO 2030, setting up banners in the area as part of efforts to highlight the beautiful port city as the best candidate to host the global event.

A giant WashTower structure at Pompidou Center in Paris

First introduced in France in July last year, the LG WashTower saw solid sales growth of 150 percent after the launch of its compact version in June this year. The new WashTower Compact is smaller than the 2019 version by 100 millimeters in width, 170 millimeters in depth and 235 millimeters in height, requiring less installation space than a stackable or side-by-side washer and dryer pair of the same laundry capacity. Thanks to its compact size, the LG WashTower has been highly praised by European consumers as a space-efficient solution that delivers greater convenience.

The company plans to further promote the WashTower globally, focusing on its sleek and minimal design as well as the exceptional performance and convenience it provides.

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