More Local Legends Inspiring Others Down Under

 A family of four walking hand-in-hand through an Australian forest that has been ravaged by one of last year’s bush fires.

Entering 2021 has given Australians new hope as they recover from a year that most might want to delete from memory. However, others would urge these people not to forget a year that still had so much good on display, especially down under where Aussies were determined to pull together and do what it takes to make life better for its people, every single day.

To honor those staring directly in the face of difficult times, LG kicked off its LG Local Legends (#LGLocalLegends) program last May. Since then, LG has crowned 24 local legends who have been doing their bit and more for local communities to make lives that bit easier for so many around them.

A screenshot of the online gateway to LG's website, featuring Australia's local legends with a man delivering groceries to someone’s door.

LG Electronics in Australia has awarded each winner’s selflessness with LG home prize packages that let them live life more easily through the company’s convenient and connected devices. Some of their stories were featured on the company’s global newsroom to promote and inspire similar acts of kindness among people of other nations.

With so many outstanding gestures and noble actions made among the 2020 LG Local Legends winners it wasn’t hard to find more individuals to highlight. Let’s meet three more from this special group of people almost a year on from its creation.


Merissa Forsyth, founder of the Pretty Foundation that encourages girls to feel better about their bodies, reading a book to a young girl.

Merissa Forsyth was named an admirable LG Local Legend for her efforts in empowering young girls to be comfortable and confident in their own bodies through her not-for-profit Pretty Foundation.

Close to nine years ago she had her eureka moment and quit her corporate job to focus on campaigns empowering women and girls alike. And after endless research and meetings with experts she discovered that in Australia, 38 percent of 4-year-old girls are dissatisfied with their bodies, 34 percent of 5-year-old girls reported an intention to diet and 68 percent of 5- to 8-year-old children reported being teased for their appearance,* which gave birth to the Pretty Foundation – a charity focused on early education and prevention.

 Merissa Forsyth awarding a Pretty Inspirational Award to an inspirational girl to bring recognition to such a strong role model despite her young age.

“Why wait for girls to become women before celebrating them?” said Merissa. With this in mind, she felt it was her duty to form the Pretty Inspirational Awards, which coincide with International Women’s Day, to celebrate the grand achievements of girls under 18 years of age. These inspiring girls were given the spotlight as role models for the younger generation thanks to their strong character, amazing skills and impressive abilities across various fields.


Adele Jago giving an interview about her work searching for missing people as a search dog sits on her lap.

Adele Jago deservedly claimed her LG Local Legend status after dedicating thousands of hours every year searching for missing persons, such as those lost in the Australian bush or misplaced due to natural or man-made disasters. Through her passion and dedication to protecting and rescuing others, she founded a not-for-profit organization, Search Dogs Sydney, which utilizes a dedicated team of qualified volunteers that train canines to aid the NSW police department in the search for missing or lost people.

A trained search dog helping the crew remove rubble from collapsed buildings.

“Approximately 38,000 people go missing in Australia every year, and more than 2,600 have been missing for a while,” said Adele. “Lowering these statistics is what motivates me every day.” In the future, she hopes to have teams like Search Dogs Sydney all over NSW that can be deployed as soon as someone is reported missing.


Scott Collins and a fellow member of Surf Life Saving Australia, the nation’s leading non-profit organization for coastal water safety, in full uniform while operating an emergency vehicle.

Inspired by his father’s involvement in lifesaving rescue teams, Scott Collins has dedicated 36 years of his life to keeping Queensland’s beaches safe. As a volunteer for the non-profit organization Surf Life Saving Australia, the largest volunteer movement of its kind and Australia’s leading coastal water safety, drowning prevention and rescue authority, Scott was more than qualified to be an LG Local Legend.

National coastal safety is crucial in keeping Australians and tourists safe around some of the nation’s most dangerous parts. Between 2018 to 2019 alone, there were 122 coastal drownings which is above the past 15-year average. Lowering this heartbreaking statistic is what motivates Scott and his team to ensure appropriate educational programs and lifesaving services are in place to address Australia’s issues when it comes to coastal safety.

  An old photo of Scott Collins and his father, who was also passionately involved in life-saving activities for over 40 years, posing in front of a helicopter.

The LG Local Legends campaign brings LG Australia so much closer to local consumers, and displays the team’s unwavering support for those sharing its commitment to making life better. Click here to learn more about the LG Local Legends recognized in 2020.

By LG Australia Staff 

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* Source:

Celebrating and Connecting with Sports Fans in the Great White North

The excitement of a live sporting event with devoted fans hanging onto the edge of their seats is unmatched in terms of its energy. But with fans nowadays cheering from their living rooms instead of an arena or stadium, the passion of a crowd coming together to celebrate a goal, a basket, or a win was missing. This was the challenge that the LG team in Canada set for itself – to connect with sports fans to celebrate the moments that make life good, wherever they are, whomever they’re with.

A family of four spending quality time together with the phrase ‘Share Your #Life’s good moment’ overlapping.

As part of its long-standing partnership with Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE), LG is launching a new campaign called #LifesGoodMoment dedicated to Toronto Maple Leafs and Toronto Raptors fans. Knowing the intense emotional connection live sports can create, LG is seeking to build a similar sense of community for fans outside the arena. The season-long #LifesGoodMoment campaign recognizes the moments – great or small – that live sports can create. However you make them, and whoever you are with, it is these moments that make Life Good.

 A wide-angle shot of the Scotiabank Arena, home to the NBA’s Toronto Raptors and NHL’s Toronto Maple Leafs.

“Naturally we recognize that conveying the LG “Life’s Good” brand vision can be a delicate matter at this time,” said Robin Powell, head of marketing at LG Canada. “We felt it was time to shift our efforts from marketing our partnership with MLSE, to using our sponsorship platform to shine a light on the power of the human spirit and the many ways that people continue to create moments that celebrate the importance of community.”

The campaign features a six-episode content series that shares personal stories from dedicated Leafs and Raptors fans who were nominated for special recognition for their contributions to their local communities. Raptors shooting guard Norman Powell and Toronto Maple Leafs alumnus Wendel Clark are featured throughout the series and are instrumental in creating Life’s Good moments for these special award recipients.

Local hero Janelle Jong and her daughter posing with food that has been donated to help feed hungry people in their community.

“This year’s challenges brought us a unique opportunity to redirect some of LG’s sponsorship investment into creating special Life’s Good moments for some of our most selfless fans,” said Galen Davies, senior director for global partnerships at MLSE. “We are proud to work with LG to create a program where fans could nominate community heroes who continue to deserve recognition in these uncertain times.”

LG Canada’s Instagram post for its Life’s Good Moment campaign with the statement, ‘It's in these moments, Life's Good’

The #LifesGoodMoment campaign extends throughout the Leafs and Raptors seasons in 2021. A launch video kicks off the campaign followed by a content series that can be seen live on LG, Leafs and Raptors social platforms. Fans can share their own #LifesGoodMoment in the social content for a chance to win an LG Connected Home.*

Creative agency Forsman and Bodenfors developed the insight and creative for the campaign while MLSE created and produced the content series. Media agency PHD is responsible for the paid social and digital campaign while social agency Reprise works with social media influencers to create additional content and execute the contest. Public relations efforts are managed by GCI Canada’s LG-One team.

A screenshot of the LG Life’s Good Moment webpage where fans can watch a video before clicking a link below to enter the competition.

To see more of #LifesGoodMoment campaign, click here and here.

LG and MLSE also partnered on an outdoor screen installation during the Maple Leafs and Raptors season-openers in the fall of 2019. The LED screen is 62 feet by 35 feet, a full 37 percent larger than the old screen, which gives Toronto sports fans a superior viewing experience.

The installation of the LG outdoor LED screen is part of the reimagination of Maple Leaf Square, which takes place over the next several years and brings technological and infrastructure innovations to create a world-class fan experience inside and outside the arena. As the exclusive Consumer Electronics Partner of the Toronto Maple Leafs and Toronto Raptors, LG is helping power a new fan experience through the latest sign and display innovations at Scotiabank Arena.

By LG Canada Staff

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* One Grand Prize consisting of LG Connected Home product suite, approximate retail value of CAD 10,000. Complete contest details here and here.

LG and DXC Luxoft Launch Joint Venture Alluto

Partners Outline Joint Vision to Enable Digital,
Consumer-grade Experiences in Automotive

 A poster for the Alluto launch event scheduled for 8:00am PDT on March 15th, 2021.

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Mar. 11, 2021 — LG Electronics (066570: KS) and Luxoft, a DXC Technology Company (NYSE: DXC), today announced the launch of their joint venture aimed at advancing the companies’ shared vision at enabling digital, consumer-grade experiences in automotive. Headquartered in Santa Clara, CA, Alluto will drive the commercialization of production-ready digital cockpit, in-vehicle infotainment, passenger-seat entertainment (PSE) and ride-hailing systems based on the webOS Auto platform. The official Alluto launch event will take place online on March 15, 08:00 PDT at

webOS Auto 2.0 offers access to a growing number of in-vehicle and connected services and brings greater control and convenience through enhanced head unit functionality. Unique in-vehicle features and functionality incorporate the essential components – such as multimedia processing, multi-display control, connectivity and security – to offer improved comfort and convenience to passengers and drivers. As a highly customizable and scalable platform, webOS Auto enables OEMs to create their own user experience.

“With Alluto, carmakers can now tap into the vibrant webOS ecosystem from the edge to cloud and have a new, powerful alternative to innovate and differentiate future mobility experiences,” said Dr. I.P. Park, president and CTO of LG Electronics. “LG will continue to strengthen the webOS Auto ecosystem through strategic cooperation with diverse global technology companies.”

“webOS Auto is not only an attractive platform but also a blueprint for the complete digital vehicle,” said Dmitry Loschinin, executive vice president, DXC Technology, and president and CEO, Luxoft. “DXC Luxoft will lead the deployment of webOS Auto platform in production-ready systems in automotive by contributing its global delivery network and its engineering at-scale delivery organization.”

“Combining webOS with the industry leading technology of Luxoft and DXC represents an unprecedented offering and resource for the automotive market,” said Adam Woolway, CEO of Alluto. “With webOS Auto 2.0, Alluto is paving the road to the future by bringing the experiences from the living room to the car.”

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LG Wins Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against TCL in Germany

 In One of Three Lawsuits, German Court Rules in favor of LG, Finds LG’s standard
essential patent infringed

Logo of LG Electronics

SEOUL, Mar. 9, 2021 — LG Electronics (LG) has won a patent infringement lawsuit against TCL Communication Technology Limited and two European affiliated entities (TCL).

Last week the Mannheim Regional Court in Germany ruled in favor of LG in a lawsuit the company filed against TCL in November 2019. The ruling found that TCL had infringed on claims in LG’s standard essential patent EP 2 627 146 B1 in Germany covering specific LTE technology. Following the court’s judgment, LG is taking immediate steps to stop TCL from the unlawful use of LG’s technology without license. TCL can appeal the judgment and a nullity action against the patent by TCL is pending at the German Federal Patent Court.

Of the two remaining lawsuits filed by LG against TCL, one took place on March 2 while the third lawsuit will be heard in May.

“Our patented technologies are the fruit of continuous research and development and are central to our ongoing competitiveness in the industry and what motivates our employees to think creatively,” said Cho Hwi-jae, vice president and head of LG’s Intellectual Property Center. “We believe it is our responsibility to vigorously protect our intellectual property against any and all unauthorized uses.”

LG is a global technological leader in the mobile communications field and possesses one of the largest portfolios of standard essential patents in the field. According to TechIPm, a professional intellectual property research and consulting firm, LG ranked first globally for five consecutive years (2012 to 2016) in the 4G (LTE/LTE-A) standard essential patent category. And Germany-based market intelligence company IPlytics recently ranked LG third globally in 5G standard essential patent category with over 3,700 patent families.

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[Executive Corner] Bringing the Future to Life with “All for One” Solutions

Silas Choi, head of the B2B Solutions Business Division, describing the features of LG ThinQ Home that make it the perfect futuristic integrated home.

Imagine a home where the facial recognition-equipped front door automatically opens to welcome you inside, followed by an air shower that blows away germs and viruses from the outside world that may have settled on your skin, hair or clothing. As you enter each room, your presence is detected and the lighting and temperature intelligently adjusted to your preferences. You can even open the curtains to take in the view beyond your window with a simple voice command from across the room via AI speakers.

Behold, the home of the future. And thanks to LG Electronics’ innovative solutions, the smart home of the future is a reality in the LG ThinQ Home in a suburb of Seoul here in South Korea.

 The front of the LG ThinQ Home in Pangyo, Korea, which is fully equipped with the company’s most cutting-edge technologies.

The integrated one-step solutions that are employed throughout LG ThinQ Home are a key element of our Business Solutions Company, which develops unique All for One solutions that bring together a broad range of products and services from LG and partners via LG’s integrated home gateway for the sole benefit of the client – the one in the company’s All for One philosophy. LG’s integrated solutions are able to meet several different needs simultaneously and through the application of intelligent technologies, we’re also able to learn from the client to continuously improve their quality of life.

Customer value is derived from our ability to seamlessly integrate complex and diverse products, systems and technologies into a cohesive whole, delivering a completely new, more convenient user experience. Through this integration, residents in an LG-equipped home can enjoy convenient control of various functions such as the security system and outdoor cameras as well as LG’s ThinQ-enabled home appliances via the ThinQ app, again available through LG’s integrated home gateway.

A diagram illustrating how LG has applied various smart solutions to enhance home energy efficiency through its commitment to sustainability.

As demonstrated throughout LG ThinQ Home is LG’s commitment to sustainability and application of sophisticated smart solutions to enhance energy efficiency. LG not only develops products that minimize energy consumption, we also provide solutions to collect and store renewable energy from sources such as sunlight. This allows us to seamlessly weave together a variety of environment friendly products and systems to reduce a home’s energy footprint and monthly utility bills.

 LG’s home appliances working together to provide a secure, convenient and entertaining living environment.

Designed around the three core values of security, convenience and entertainment and brought to life by LG’s comprehensive solutions, LG ThinQ Home presents an altogether more satisfying and streamlined vision of modern home life. Because security is such an important part of home safety, LG’s facial recognition system makes sure that only authorized persons can gain access. Automated systems take care of a significant amount of home and appliance management, creating more time and energy to enjoy the entertainment provided by our latest smart TVs and audio products.

The LG ThinQ Home’s dining room in Pangyo, Korea, which utilizes transparent OLED Displays.

Such enjoyment is enhanced by the fact that personalized settings travel with each family member as he or she moves from one room to another. In LG ThinQ Home, 12 advanced and strategically placed detectors can identify individuals by their body dimensions and adjust the settings of a room, such as the air conditioner or lighting, to create the most personal of spaces.

Looking ahead, LG ThinQ Home will eventually be able to “read” a person’s mood through smart wearable devices and recommend the most appropriate content to watch on an LG TV or the best music to play on LG smart speakers or soundbars. Audio and video content can also be enjoyed on any of the five smart mirrors installed throughout the LG ThinQ Home. As family members go about their morning routines in the bathroom or kitchen, they can catch up on the latest news and sports highlights or listen to their favorite tunes.

 The LG ThinQ Home’s bathroom featuring a smart mirror which allows users to enjoy their daily routine while searching the latest news or listening to music.

In addition to making the home a better place, LG’s B2B Solutions Business Division is also focusing on providing innovative products for the healthcare sector. As one of the pillars of the company, the hospital solutions business is expected to be a significant growth engine in the current rapidly aging population. The goal of the business is to provide a variety of solutions, such as professional healthcare and non-face-to-face telemedicine care, so that medical services can center on prevention rather than the existing diagnosis and treatment approach to enhance the quality of senior care.

 Four pictures taken inside a healthcare facility showing the various applications of LG’s B2B solutions in the medical field.

Our innovative medical imaging solutions are optimized for various medical settings with professional monitors enhanced for clinical review, diagnosis and surgery as well as digital X-ray detectors. And LG’s holistic system solutions for hospitals such as ventilations and energy management help maintain a pleasant environment for even safer patient care.

As LG ThinQ Home demonstrates, the integrated intelligent home isn’t years or decades away, it’s here now and LG’s growing portfolio of solutions is already capable of making the daily lives more comfortable, efficient and safe so we can deliver on the promise of a better life today.

By Silas Choi, Head of B2B Solution Business Division

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[Why ESG] Not Just for Investors Anymore

Three cubes displaying letters from the acronym ESG stand on top of a handmade picture of the world.

ESG investments have gained considerable traction and attention in recent years. In fact, ESG-related investments accounted for about one-quarter of all the money that flowed into U.S. stocks and bond mutual funds in 2020, a huge increase from ESG’s one percent share just 6 years earlier.1 Globally, sustainable investment now tops USD 30 trillion, up 68 percent since 2014 and tenfold since 2004.2

What’s apparent is that ESG is much more than a fad or a passing trend.

ESG, which is short for environmental, social and governance, can be traced all the way back to 2006, when former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan who encouraged major financial institutions to join the initiative to integrate ESG into capital markets within the framework of the UN Global Compact.3 But ESG is only becoming mainstream now, driven by united demand from a younger generation of employees, investors and customers.

A person holding a paper chain family on a bed of grass.

Today’s consumers want to know that the companies they buy from are factoring environmental considerations into their products, services and the way they operate.  They want to know if a company genuinely supports diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and if it is being run responsibly and ethically. In short, customers want to support companies that share their values, not just make products and provide services.

Why is ESG important?
For investors, it used to be that financial factors were all that mattered when deciding to put money into a particular company or fund. But research has shown that companies that pay attention to environmental, social, and governance concerns do not experience a drag on value creation – in fact, strong ESG performance correlates with higher equity returns and a reduction in downside risk. Consistent with these findings, the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) encourages investors to seriously consider ESG issues and indicators when evaluating their portfolios.

 An illustration defining the acronym ESG: Environment, Social and Governance.

The importance of ESG ratings and ESG-related activities as criteria for investment decisions has been pointed out by many respected voices in the sector. In September 2020, Larry Fink, CEO of the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock, declared that he would no longer invest in companies that perform poorly in key ESG measurements. In some countries such as Canada, Germany and Sweden, ESG reporting is mandatory for corporations and is expected to soon become standard procedure in more markets around the globe.

The current pandemic has also changed many aspects of how the public thinks. Consumers and investors are now voicing greater concern for doing “the right thing,” and favoring companies and brands that share their aspirations to make the world a better place. This “virtuous cycle” consists of the following stages: (1) positive ESG actions and management, (2) increased customer loyalty, (3) increased investments due to inflow of investment funds, (4) boost in corporate value and (5) execution of more diverse ESG activities.

A diagram showing the five stages of the ESG virtuous cycle.

What’s the difference between CSR and ESG?
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be viewed as the starting point for ESG. But while CSR aims to make a business accountable, ESG makes its efforts measurable. If CSR is a way for organizations to promote their positive activities as a marketing tool, ESG is a way for businesses to measure the real sustainable and societal impact of their actions whether it’s gallons of water they’ve conserved or how much plastic they’ve recycled.

What are LG’s ESG priorities?
LG has set for itself several mid- to long-term goals for sustainability which it plans to achieve through a broad range of ESG initiatives. Among these targets, the main three are to achieve a zero carbon and circular economy, to promote intelligent lifestyles and to create a better society. According to LG’s CFO Bae Doo-yong, increasing the recycling rate of materials used in manufacturing without negatively affecting the quality and reliability of products is one key component to achieving a circular economy.

For its initiatives, LG has been recognized for the past seven years and Industry Leader for two consecutive years on the annual Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), widely used to measure companies’ commitment to good ESG management. DJSI considers financial performance, governance, environmental friendliness, labor-management relations, human rights and gender equality criteria from 2,500 global companies representing more than 60 different industries.

A picture stating LG’s main commitments for sustainability management, with LG's giant Times Square screen displaying the company logo in the background.

LG provides a comprehensive report of its ESG initiatives and will continue to operate transparently and ethically as it pursues its ultimate goal of making life better for all.

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2 Global Sustainable Investment Review 2018, Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, 2018,

2021 Tech Trends: Working and Playing at Home


A computer programmer using the LG UltraWide Monitor with two laptops to multitask while working from home.

[Check out the previous episode of the 2021 Tech Trends series here.]

The third and final installment of Beyond News’ 2021 Tech Trends series focuses on how LG products can make working and entertaining at home more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Given the environment the world now finds itself in, devices and gadgets that offer better at-home productivity and entertainment solutions loomed large at this year’s CES. The biggest names in consumer tech offered up a multitude of innovations in their virtual showrooms geared toward making life better for the millions who now work and play primarily within the confines of their homes.

As a consumer electronics company, LG has always had its finger on the pulse of what customers want and need. With its latest innovations in monitors, laptops and projectors, LG is helping consumers optimize their lives at home, whether they’re partaking in a marathon video conference call, wrapping up a class project, mashing the keys of their favorite MMORPG or kicking back with a blockbuster movie or bingeworthy show.

LG UltraWide Monitor with a 40-inch curved 21:9-aspect-ratio screen displaying various programs at once on a home desk.

A popular upgrade for working at home is a bigger monitor. LG UltraWide™ Monitor offers the best of two worlds, with an expansive 40-inch curved screen that displays more information so you can be even more productive, while also delivering a truly cinematic viewing experience once the work day is done. Boasting a Nano IPS display with 5K2K UltraWide (5,120 x 2,160) resolution and 21:9 aspect ratio, this multitasking powerhouse boasts 33 percent more screen real estate than a 16:9 aspect ratio sized monitor with picture quality that makes every movie and video more immersive to watch.

A gamer experiencing the high-speed, extremely sharp images provided by the LG UltraGear™ gaming monitor while playing an action video game at home.

While also ideal for getting work done, LG UltraGear™ gaming monitors really excel when there is some serious fun to be had, with its blazing speed, sharp and smooth image quality, futuristic design, and a multitude of gaming-specific features. LG’s UltraGear series offer an ultra-fast Nano IPS 1 millisecond Gray-to-Gray (GTG) response time and reduced input latency, ensuring seamless visuals and gameplay around. Most importantly, minimal screen-tearing and stuttering makes games look and feel more realistic so you can play your very best.

A woman working comfortably with the slim and light LG gram on her living room sofa with her dog by her side.

For a more portable work option that can be easily transported from the living room to the dining room (and anywhere in between), one would do well to consider LG’s latest LG gram laptops. Available in 14-, 16- and 17-inch screen sizes, the 2021 gram models boast 16:10 aspect ratio displays that are perfect for laptop multitasking. Equipped with the latest Intel processors, speedy memory and responsive keyboards, LG grams deliver a performance befitting their sleek, premium designs.

Stylish, slim and very lightweight, the 2021 LG grams feature narrower bezels that make it possible for these devices to feature screens larger than their svelte cases might indicate.

A modern living space equipped with LG products and a cute cat playing on the carpet.

Movie-going has been seriously curtailed in many countries due to social distancing measures. And while some might consider a TV, monitor or even a laptop adequate for movie night at home, real cinephiles would likely bristle at the prospect. LG’s new CineBeam 4K UHD Laser projector was designed for such consumers in mind, delivering an authentic movie theater-like experience that will please even ardent cinema buff.

A unique relaxing space at home boasts a hammock and the LG Cine Beam Projector which is displaying clear and vibrant images of a beautiful coastal city on the far wall.

The advanced projector provides optimal image quality regardless of the brightness of the room, thanks to LG’s proprietary Brightness Optimizer technology. What’s more, this portable 11 kilogram unit can transform wall or ceiling into a “silver screen” so audiences will get great picture quality whether seated or lying down.

A simple home office uses LG's projector, monitor and gram laptop to create the most convenient working environment.

With a wide range of choices to suit a wide variety of needs and preferences, LG’s latest innovations make it easy to work and have fun from the comforts of home.

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*  Images simulated to enhance features. May differ from actual use.

Net Zero Showhomes Open for Virtual Tours

The facade of the New American Remodel 2021 (TNAR), a showhome equipped with LG's highly advanced appliances and technologies to deliver an impactful virtual tour.

Innovative home appliances, solar panels, HVAC technologies and consumer electronics from LG Electronics are delivering high performance, connectivity, convenience, and energy efficiency to The New American Home® (TNAH) and The New American Remodel® (TNAR), the official show homes of the 2021 International Builders’ Show® virtual experience (IBSx) which took place earlier this month in Orlando, Florida, USA. The International Builders’ Show is the annual event sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the largest US trade group representing the home building industry.

Located in the heart of central Florida, TNAH and TNAR 2021 are state-of-the-art showcase houses illustrating how any home can be transformed into a high-performance, high-tech space when integrating today’s building and appliance innovations to reduce energy consumption, increase efficiency and enhance daily life. Seven-time ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year LG Electronics was named NAHB Platinum Partner for both Net Zero homes.

The artsy living room of the TNAR showhome with stylish interior designs and furniture.

Net Zero Homes

TNAH and TNAR encompass advanced, high performance products and functionality that homeowners look for when building, purchasing or renovating. Both homes have achieved the U.S. National Green Building Standard Emerald certification, ENERGY STAR Building certification, and Net Zero status from the U.S. Green Building Council:

  • TNAH 2021 is a stunning, three-level single-family home that showcases the latest designs centered on urban living. The new 514-square-meter abode – the latest project from Phil Kean Designs – consists of three bedrooms, four full baths and one half-bath, a showroom three-car garage, innovative exercise room, and ultra-energy efficient, net-zero features.
  • TNAR 2021, built in 1973, draws lineage from Frank Lloyd Wright architecture. Renovated by E2 Homes, the 722-square-meter home features a sleek chef’s kitchen, as well as six bedrooms, six bathrooms and two half bathrooms, ultra-energy-efficiency products, and a fully furnished cabana and an outdoor entertaining area with a large pool, spa and lanai.

High-efficiency solar modules developed by LG Business Solution installed on the TNAR showhome rooftop.

Renewable Energy

Key to TNAH’s and TNAR’s environmental sustainability and appealing designs are rooftop installations of high-efficiency solar modules from residential renewable energy leader LG Business Solutions. Forty LG NeON® 2 60-cell modules help power each home to support their Net Zero designs. These popular high-efficiency modules generate more power from the same amount of sunlight than lower-efficiency modules of the same size while blending in unobtrusively to the look and feel of the home’s design.

The luxurious chef's kitchen of the TNAR showhome featuring LG's Signature Kitchen Suite including various built-in appliances.

Chef’s Kitchens

The chef’s kitchens in both homes feature built-in appliances – advanced pro-style ranges, column refrigerators, freezers, wine refrigerators and more – from LG’s fast-growing luxury brand, Signature Kitchen Suite. In addition to ENERGY STAR certified refrigerators and dishwashers, Signature Kitchen Suite appliances featured in the homes include first-ever innovations: pro-ranges with built-in sous vide functionality, along with induction and gas, wine column refrigerators with exclusive “Wine Cave” technology to better preserve at-home collections, and a unique built-in undercounter convertible dual-drawer refrigerator.

LG Styler and LG WashTower which keep clothes immaculate giving the showroom's utility room a touch of class.

Smart Laundry Appliances

Energy efficient laundry appliances in TNAH and TNAR deliver added convenience and offer advanced technologies, elevated designs and designer-grade finishes. Featured innovations from the LG Builder division include the ENERGY STAR certified LG WashTower, an industry-first single-unit, vertical laundry solution takes up half the floor space, elevating consumers’ laundry experience while still tackling ultra-large loads. TNAH incorporates the new LG Studio WashTower in the exclusive Noble Steel finish, while TNAR features the LG WashTower in white, both complemented by LG Styler clothing care systems, which are certified “asthma & allergy friendly” by the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America.

LG's HVAC system which provides energy-efficient air conditioning being used to support the TNAR showroom's Net Zero status.

Efficient Air Conditioning Systems

Featuring efficient HVAC systems and controls from LG, TNAR embeds advanced comfort solutions that support the home’s Net Zero status and complement its unique design characteristics. TNAR boasts two award-winning LG Multi V™ S 5-ton Heat Recovery outdoor units. They are connected to a number of LG Vertical Air Handler units, which feature LG’s efficient inverter technology and offer discrete and flexible installation. Customizable comfort can be controlled via wall-mount controls or with a smartphone using the LG ThinQ app.

Tours of the homes are offered virtually. Visit The New American Home’s virtual experience and The New American Remodel’s virtual experience to learn more about the construction process, as well as the final showcase homes. The final version of the homes will be available indefinitely on

By LG USA Staff

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2021 Tech Trends: Staying Healthy Inside and Outside the Home

People wearing LG PuriCare™ Wearable Air Purifier during a Yoga session to enjoy the clean and fresh air while protecting themselves.

[Check out the first episode of the 2021 Tech Trends series here.]

This installment of Beyond News’ 2021 Tech Trends series focuses on how LG’s products are helping people stay healthier wherever they go.

Staying healthy goes hand in hand with practicing good hygiene both inside and outside the home. And if CES 2021 is anything to go by, appliances and devices that promote better hygiene will be one of the major trends in consumer electronics this year and quite probably for the foreseeable future. Always responsive to the needs and concerns of its global customers, LG showcased several products and technologies at its virtual CES exhibit that are designed to boost hygiene and protect people’s well-being. Let’s take a look at some of the company’s latest health-centric innovations and how they can make life better.

A woman wearing LG PuriCare™ Wearable Air Purifier as she works on a laptop at a cafe to protect herself during uncertain times.

For anyone who feels that a conventional face mask just doesn’t do enough to keep them safe, or is too uncomfortable to wear on a daily basis, LG presents the revolutionary LG PuriCare™ Wearable Air Purifier. The innovative device uses two H13 HEPA filters to prevent up to 99 percent of harmful particles from entering the wearer’s respiratory system,1 and makes breathing easy (unlike your average face mask) with its DUAL Fans and the patented Respiratory Sensor, which syncs the fans with the user’s breathing cycle. And thanks to a design based on extensive facial analysis, the PuriCare Wearable Air Purifier also offers day-long comfort.

The four LG Purifier models ranging from the residential to handy portable model displayed in an open room with a large window overlooking the garden.

The LG PuriCare Wearable is just one of the company’s growing lineup of premium air-care solutions, which also includes residential models and a handy portable option that is great for cars, cafés or even a baby’s stroller! Fast becoming a must-have item in the home and office, air purifiers can rid the indoor environment of fine dust particles and other airborne matter that can be detrimental to one’s health.

PuriCare™ Pet working in a living room to keep air feeling fresh and germ-free as a cat and dog watch on.

LG PuriCare™ 360° Air Purifier boasts a distinctive 360-degree design and powerful fan that enables the device to send out fresh, filtered air in every direction and to all parts of the room. A great option for those who share their abode with furry friends, the LG PuriCare™ Pet eliminates pet-related odors up to 55 percent more effectively than the standard LG PuriCare 360° model.2 With its specialized Pet Mode, it can draw in pet hair, as well as dust and other microscopic particles as small as 0.01 micrometers in size thanks to HEPA Filter3, to help keep the home free of sneeze- and itch-inducing allergens.

A person working on their laptop uses PuriCare™ Mini Air Purifier on the desk to keep the working environment pleasant.

And then there is the PuriCare™ Mini Air Purifier, a model that provides supreme portability with a size and weight equivalent to that of a plastic, 500 milliliter bottle of water. Fitting easily on a desk, table or car seat, PuriCare Mini can refresh the user’s immediate environment for up to eight hours on a single charge and also collects dust from the air to ease allergy-related problems.4 What’s more, the Bluetooth-enabled device lets users monitor the quality of the air around them via the LG ThinQ app for smartphone.

A photo of the CordZeroThinQ A9 Kompressor+ on its charging stand in a living room.

In conjunction with effective air purification, a high-quality vacuum cleaner is essential to creating a healthy, hygienic place to live. Making its debut at CES 2021, LG’s latest cordless stick vacuum, the CordZeroThinQ A9 Kompressor+, comes with a brand-new charging station that automatically empties the vacuum’s dustbin. This outstanding feature saves users from a messy job and prevents dust from escaping back into the environment.

Another excellent feature of the new CordZero model is its ability to transform from vacuum to mop (and back again) with its easy-change cleaning attachments. With the Power Mop attached, LG’s multifunctional cleaning solution sucks in dust while wetting and cleaning the floor. Conveniently, water is automatically dispensed into the mop head to keep it from getting dry, thereby ensuring optimal results and minimizing fuss for the user.

LG Styler adding a touch of elegance to an open walk-in closet. 

LG even provides a way to remove germs and bacteria as well as allergens5 from clothes while simultaneously delivering that freshly dry-cleaned look without any expensive, time-consuming trips to an actual dry cleaner. Introducing the amazing LG Styler.

From jackets to dresses, from business shirts to pants and winter coats, LG Styler can refresh and revitalize all kinds of clothing as well as items like teddy bears and backpacks. The Styler uses LG’s TrueSteam® technology to ensure the hygiene of users’ garments, and moving hangers to shake out any unsightly wrinkles. It also has the Pants Press feature built into its door, which creates a sharp pants crease that helps users look good and frees them from the hassle of ironing.

LG's various appliances, from Styler to its refrigerator, that help consumers pursue a healthier and safer lifestyle.

Assisting consumers and their loved ones to stay healthy both inside and outside the home, the latest solutions from LG deliver impressive hygiene benefits and peace of mind. And during these trying times, those are two things that can really mean a lot.

Stay tuned for future installments of TECH TRENDS here at LG Beyond News.

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1 Blocks 99.95 percent of harmful particles with 99.95 percent elimination rate H13 HEPA filters, removing micro particles such as dust, virus, bacteria and allergen. Certified by TÜV Rheinland for eliminating 97.3 percent of viruses and 93.5 percent of bacteria in 8mroom and 99.1 percent of pollen in 3m3 room with ambient temperature of 25°C (± 2°) and relative humidity of 50 (±10) percent. Product specifications may vary depending on regions and performance results may vary depending on environmental conditions and other external factors.
2 Test conducted by TÜV Rheinland comparing maximum suction of PuriCare Pet (model AS190DNPA) and standard PuriCare (model AS199DWA) in 8m3 lab at temperature of 23.0° C (± 5.0°) with a relative humidity of 55 percent (± 15 percent). Results may vary depending on environmental conditions and other external factors.
3 Test conducted by Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM). Based on internal testing methods using PuriCare 360° (AS281DAW) in a chamber of 30m3. Results demonstrated that, on average, LG PuriCare is at least 95 percent effective at deodorizing ammonia, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, toluene and formaldehyde. It is also 100 percent effective at removing toluene, and formaldehyde from an enclosed environment (KIMM standard test conditions: 4m2, substances used in test: SO2, NO2). Results may vary depending on environmental conditions and other external factors),
4 Test conducted by Intertek for clearing 99% of 0.3 particulate matter at the High Speed Mode(H) within 155 minutes in the space of 8m3. Results may vary on depending on the environment and use of the unit.
5 Test conducted by Korean Apparel Testing and Research Institute (KATRI). Steam Hygiene option sanitizes 99.99 percent of harmful bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pneumococcal bacillus, for 6.4 kilograms load, the international standard test load. Also, certified by the British Allergy Foundation (BAF) for reducing 99.9 percent of house dust mite allergens and Esche-richia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Certified as an asthma and allergy friendly® appliance by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA).

LG Expands webOS Smart TV Platform to TV Brand Partners

LG Opens Popular Platform and Integrated Content Services to
Manufacturers to Deliver Better TV Experience to Even More Consumers

The large 'powered by webOS TV' logo with smaller logos of 26 brands joining the webOS TV ecosystem below

SEOUL, Feb. 24, 2021 — LG Electronics (LG) announces the availability of its popular webOS TV platform ecosystem to other TV brand partners, disrupting the status quo in an industry known for its proprietary operating systems across different manufacturers. LG is now expanding its expertise beyond TV manufacturing to encompass webOS TV software platform development and adoption by other TV brands. This has the potential to reshape the TV business for both technology and content providers while significantly growing LG’s presence and prominence in the global home entertainment market.

As an integral component of LG’s preeminent home entertainment ecosystem, webOS has delivered exceptional ease of use for LG TV owners through its intuitive interface design since 2014. Licensees of webOS TV receive the familiar and highly acclaimed UX design along with a rich pool of features such as voice search and control, integrated AI algorithms and easy connectivity that have earned webOS positive industry and consumer accolades. With LG webOS TV, partners also get a diversity of content options including access to global streaming service apps such as Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video and sports streaming service DAZN as well as LG Channels, the company’s free premium content streaming service.* Compatible TV models also include the dedicated Magic Motion remote controller.

Over twenty TV manufacturers from around the world have already committed to the webOS partnership, including brands such as RCA, Ayonz and Konka with more partners expected to join in the future. The webOS ecosystem is supported by technology partners such as Realtek, Nuance, Gracenote, CEVA and Universal Electronics, among many others.

“The webOS platform is one of the easiest and most convenient way to access millions of hours of movies and TV shows,” said Park Hyoung-sei, president of the LG Home Entertainment Company. “By welcoming other manufacturers to join the webOS TV ecosystem, we are embarking on a new path that allows many new TV owners to experience the same great UX and features that are available on LG TVs. We look forward to bringing these new customers into the incredible world of webOS TV.”

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* Content app availability vary by region.

Coming Together to Give Hope to Hospitals in Times of Crisis

Across the world, hospitals and healthcare facilities have been put to the ultimate test, pushed to their absolute limits. To help ease the burden on the Polish healthcare system, LG supported the 29th Annual Grand Finale fundraiser hosted by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC), the largest independent non-profit charity in Poland, to raise money that will be used to help care for the nation’s most vulnerable children.

A wide view of the Grand Finale TV studio which is filled with 80 LG monitors so that the company can effectively host its 29th Annual Grand Finale fundraiser.

Since 1993, the GOCC has been supporting and promoting healthcare in Poland by purchasing state-of-the-art medical equipment for the nation’s hospitals and clinics, as well as establishing and running several medical and educational programs. The charity’s Grand Finale fundraiser on January 31 was packed to the brim with events, activities, concerts and sporting challenges that brought diverse communities together for non-stop fun and fund raising. By reaching out to regions with thriving Polish communities, the GOCC was also able to set up 79 international Collection Centres in locations such as Singapore, Bali, Mexico and as far away as a research station at the North Pole.

The in-studio LG monitors displaying the fundraiser's live stream.

LG kitted the Grand Finale TV studio out with 80 LG monitors, among them professional 4K LG UltraFine™ monitors with Ergo stands for use by studio volunteers during the grueling 27 hour long fundraiser that was televised nationally and streamed live on the Grand Finale website.

Two female fundraisers holding flowers and a picture of the donated LG Vivace washer dryer in the studio.

To raise awareness and encourage more people to get involved, LG Poland also donated a smart LG Vivace washer dryer with Allergy Care to the Grand Finale’s online charity auction. Featuring steam to disinfect clothes and eliminate germs, LG Vivace proved to be a highly sought after product, attracting a host of bidders. To bring even more viewers and donations to the table, LG and partners promoted the GOCC 2021 event continuously on their social media channels.

Volunteers at the 29th Annual Grand Finale fundraiser using the monitors provided by LG to support the online fundraising.Photo Credit: Lukasz Widziszowski

“With everything that has been going on and the social-distancing restrictions in place, this year we decided to focus on a digital fundraiser to introduce our kindhearted benefactors to donating online.” said GOCC spokesperson Olga Zawada. “Preliminary results totaled PLN 127,495,626 (USD 34.2 million), making it one of the highest preliminary amounts we’ve raised in our almost 30-year history, thanks in large part to online donations.” All proceeds from the auction were used to purchase potentially life-changing medical equipment for laryngology, otolaryngology and head diagnostics.

Jerzy Owsiak, Chairman of the Board at GOCC, saying a few words during the live stream.Photo Credit: Marcin Wichon

In an interview at the studio, Jerzy Owsiak, Chairman of the Board of the GOCC, personally thanked LG Poland for its contribution to the Grand Finale and LG’s entire Poland team is proud to have been able to support this noble initiative that shares LG’s goals – to make lives better.

By LG Poland Staff

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In Korea, “MZ” Generation is a Real Thing

In the Korea press, readers will often run across the term MZ Generation. No, this isn’t a new K-Pop group but a forced pairing of two groups – Millennials and Gen Z – which the rest of the world views as separate and distinct demographic cohorts. Separating consumers into different generations is useful for researchers and social scientists, who measure and document differences in attitudes and behaviors.

Similar to how the term untact marketing was coined in South Korea to refer to connecting with consumers intimately but in a safer, more convenient and era-appropriate manner, MZ Generation is meant to more effectively describe the new consumer target that has quickly become the focus of many brands. Millennials (born 1981-1996) and Gen Z (born 1997-2012) cohorts may be distinctly separate in age but there are many similarities in the two groups as well, and this is the point that Koreans seem to find more compelling. After all, according to the Pew Research Center, “generational cutoff points aren’t an exact science.”

Three pictures taken from LG's

Photo Credit: Life’s Good Film

What makes Millennials and Z Gen similar – and what Koreans find more relevant, it seems – are that both demographics are digitally fluent, come from diverse backgrounds, care about social justice and climate change, and tend to be more educated than previous generations. When entering adulthood, both have been impacted by economic downturns and uncertainty, such as the 2008 financial crisis and the current COVID-19 pandemic. On a deeper level, MZ share common characteristics in their relationship with brands – it’s all about transparency and authenticity. Both want brands to mirror their values and dynamically cater to their preferences. Such values and preferences can range from beauty/fashion brands featuring ‘real’ women of various colors/shapes/sizes in their campaigns (i.e. Dove), to food/beverage brands becoming more health-centric/using natural ingredients (i.e. Chipotle), to automotive brands making conscious efforts towards conserving the environment via expansion into renewable energy (i.e. Tesla), and so on. Note that all of the reference brands are some of MZ’s favorites.

 A 12-year-old girl discussing environmental issues with other inspiring young individuals, including Greta Thunberg, during a United Nations Committee event

Photo Credit: UNICEF

Where does this obsession with transparency and authenticity come from? It’s fair to assume that such values developed in the post-modern, digital world – as MZers have increasingly grown up with social media, often facing challenges of maintaining their online personas and real-world-selves, as well as discovering truths in seas of misinformation/fake news, they are in constant pursuit of discovering authentic and transparent initiatives.

If a brand promotes a CSR initiative in a developing country, MZ want to know about it. A brand pledges to become carbon neutral by 2025? They want to know about that as well. MZers are attracted to activities that reflect their values, especially in the context of the brands’ missions – a quality uniquely distinct from any prior generation.

 A collage displaying six photos promoting six different popular Instagram accounts

Photo Credit: Bloomberg

MZ also strive to become the best versions of themselves, expecting brands to play an active role in that journey. Whether by helping them live more sustainably by providing reusable packaging with their foods/beverages, or educating them on how to participate in social justice campaigns by providing resources on how to donate to particular causes, or building platforms via social media channels where MZ can have a voice and make creative contributions. Through such intentional initiatives, supporting MZ in terms of their self-improvement and yet providing them autonomy, brands can become the young generation’s ally and work together to make life truly good.

A picture promoting the LG Life's Good Music Collaboration with famous musician H.E.R., which shows the singer and the three contest winners recording a new song

In that vein, LG has launched the MZ Project aimed at handing the content and creative power over to the young generation, thereby empowering them to craft their own stories and personal brands – be it through music or film. As LG “encourages their diverse and limitless possibilities,” MZ is encouraged to continue their creative and positive contributions to the world, especially in times of such incredible uncertainty.

At the cusp of major milestones in life, MZers are still exploring and learning to understand the complicated nuances of the world – and to have a brand helping them engage with their peers/inspirations, as well as get closer to achieving their dreams, makes their lives a bit easier to navigate. And that’s exactly what LG wants to communicate to MZ – that no matter what they do and where they are, LG is there to support their creative endeavors and ensure that ultimately… Life’s Good.

A screenshot from the Life's Good campaign website’s home page.

By Jamie Waltzer, LG Brand Strategy Task

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All-Virtual KBIS 2021 Makes Kitchen and Laundry Innovations Accessible

LG's kitchen appliances for the virtual KBIS 2021 displayed in a beautiful home kitchen.

It’s the time of year when the world of home appliances turns its full attention to one of the biggest consumer appliance exhibitions of them all, the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS). In line with every tradeshow in recent memory, this year’s edition of KBIS was held in an entirely virtual world last week, from February 9 to 11. LG Electronics was there to share its latest premium home and kitchen appliances to builders, interior designers and industry professional alike with its broad portfolio of differentiated brands – from its luxury Signature Kitchen Suite appliance line to its design and innovation-driven LG STUDIO offering, as well as iconic air care and vacuum cleaner products.

A photo featuring LG's luxury Signature Kitchen Suite and advanced home appliances including Styler and WashTower together in a modern house.

For the first time, LG STUDIO is adding laundry solutions to its portfolio with the unveiling of LG STUDIO WashTower and LG STUDIO Styler at KBIS 2021. LG STUDIO WashTower is an industry-first, single-unit, vertical laundry solution that takes up half the floor space, while the LG STUDIO Styler refreshes, deodorizes and sanitizes clothing with the gentle power of steam. Designed to work hard and look good, LG STUDIO models offer exclusive features such as expanded capacity and elevated finishes like Noble Steel. The LG STUDIO WashTower also captured the coveted “Design Bites” distinction which recognizes top innovations unveiled at the show.

A photo of this year's brand-new undercounter refrigerator which is open and filled with beverage cans and bottles.

Signature Kitchen Suite is LG’s brand driving innovation in the luxury, built-in kitchen appliance market. New for this year is the expansion of its award-winning line of wine column refrigerators with an advanced new undercounter model unveiled at KBIS 2021. LG’s exclusive Wine Cave™ Technology maintains the perfect conditions for storage, minimizing vibrations and temperature fluctuations while limiting light exposure and optimizing humidity. The companion Signature Sommelier™ app helps wine connoisseurs manage entire collections and is the first smart software that learns preferences and makes wine recommendations, including food and wine pairings, based on the wines stored in the user’s cellar.

A short video displaying part of a beautifully decorated home featuring the LG home and kitchen appliances showcased at KBIS 2021.

LG’s lasted innovations, including its InstaView® slide-in ranges and AirFry ProBake and Air Sous Vide cooking features, will be found in the LG Core Zone. First unveiled at CES® 2021, see these products come to life in artfully designed home renderings. See LG’s ultra-large capacity InstaView French Door refrigerators and side-by-side refrigerators with an expanded InstaView window and flat panel doors, all featuring the company’s exclusive slow-melting Craft Ice spheres along with cubed and crushed ice options.

See LG WashTower and Styler steam closets take laundry to the next level while LG PuriCare air purifiers and CordZero vacuums with all-new auto-empty charging station help make keeping a healthier home easier than ever.

To see more of LG at KBIS, go to

A screenshot of the online gateway to LG's virtual showroom with photos of kitchen displays featuring the LG appliances available during KBIS 2021.

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5 Tech Keywords You Need to Know in 2021

The world endured drastic changes last year with everyone doing their best to adjust to the new environment. One thing businesses, families and society in general had in common was the greater reliance on technology to get them through this crisis. Innovation and the advancement of technology never ceases but the pandemic has accelerated this evolution. Below are five hot topic keywords culled from leading research institution’s trend reports that are likely to dominate and heavily influence our lives in 2021:

The title image of the graphic news article with five keywords and short summaries shown below.

An overall look of the story related to 5 Tech Keywords of 2021 with photos of LG's future talk and Reah Keem, the virtual influencer of LG.
#virtual #VirtualInfluencer

The page explaining the present and future of AI technology.
#AI #AIXExchange

The page introducing LG's robotics with photos of various CLOi robots used for different purposes.
#LGCLOi #Robots #GuideBot #ServeBot #ChefBot #BaristaBot #UVrobot

A set of LG's hygiene-related products are introduced to suggest ways to live safe and healthy.
#LGPuriCare #LGPuriCareWearableAirPurifier #LGCordZero
#LGPuriCare360AirPurifier #LGdishwasher #LGStylerAn image explaining how LG's electronic devices help people work from home more efficiently and enjoy their time at home more.
#LGgram #LGUltraWide #LGUltraGear #LGUltraFine #LGTransparentOLED #LGOLEDSignage

The page with three different types of images including the exterior and interior design of a car, explaining LG's vehicle-related technologies.
#mobility #LGOLEDAutomotiveDisplay #LGMagnaJointVenture

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The Shape of Reality is Changing: PwC “Seeing Is believing” Report (2019), publications/assets/how-virtual-reality-and-augmented-reality.pdf
Robotics: IFR “Service Robots” Record (2020),
Hygiene: Study conducted by University of Arizona,
Evolution of Home: PwC “US Remote Work” Survey (2021),
Mobility: IHS Markit “Car of the Future” Infographic (2019),


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