$250 Million Washing Machine Plant to Employ 600

Logo of LG Electronics

SEOUL, Mar. 1, 2017 — LG Electronics Inc. today announced plans to construct a new 829,000-square-foot home appliance manufacturing facility near Clarksville, Tennessee. The project, in the heart of Montgomery County, is expected to bring at least 600 full-time jobs to the area.

LG’s new Tennessee facility is expected to be the world’s most advanced production plant for washing machines. Starting in 2019, the factory will initially produce front- and top-load washing machines. Longer term, the 310-acre site offers the potential to expand for production of other home appliances.

“LG is proud to make further investments in America, to create jobs and to bring state-of-the-art home appliance production technology to the great state of Tennessee,” said Dan Song, president of the LG Home Appliance and Air Solutions Company. “Over the past six years, LG studied eight states for the location of this facility. Tennessee is the clear choice for LG’s latest major investment in America, due to the state’s excellent business climate, quality workforce and central location for distribution to our U.S. customers.”

Governor Bill Haslam said, “We are proud to welcome LG to Tennessee and thank the company for creating 600 valuable new jobs in Clarksville. LG’s decision to establish new manufacturing operations in Tennessee is a testament to the business-friendly environment, ideal location and highly-skilled workforce we offer to companies around the globe. I look forward to building a lasting partnership with LG in the years ahead as we work together to make Tennessee the No. 1 location in the Southeast for high quality jobs.”

Kim McMillan, Mayor of Clarksville, said, “LG’s level of investment and new jobs shows that Clarksville is living up to our commitment to be a great place to live, work and raise a family. Clarksville continues to prove itself as a great home for manufacturers that need a large and skilled workforce, shovel-ready industrial sites and outstanding infrastructure.”

Under agreements with the State of Tennessee and Montgomery County, LG will receive support for construction, infrastructure improvements, job training and veteran recruitment. The project also includes incentives from the Tennessee Valley Authority.

The announcement of the new home appliance factory in Tennessee comes on the heels of the start of construction of the LG North American Headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, N.J., where LG broke ground earlier this month. That $300-million project is expected to increase LG’s local employment there from 500 today to more than 1,000 by 2019.


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Combining Aspects of LG’s Successful Washing Machines and Refrigerators,
LG Quietly Developed an Entirely New Appliance Category Single-Handedly

Front view of LG Styler

SEOUL, Feb. 27, 2017 In the sleepy home appliance industry, new trends are few and far between. Likely due to the nature of appliances – big, expensive and long-lasting, the demand for flashy new innovations from customers is nonexistent compared to the smartphone industry. In 2011, LG Electronics (LG) decided to try something new. They introduced the LG Styler, a consumer-targeted waterless “garment care system”, to an unexpecting audience and waited for the reaction.

There wasn’t one. At least not at first.

But last year, buoyed by strong reviews and a cabinet full of awards, demand for LG Electronics’ Styler garment care system suddenly took off, albeit from a modest starting point. Recent data shows global sales of the second generation LG Styler literally “skyrocketing” in 2016, seeing an increase in sales of 253 percent globally compared to the previous year. In fact, in its home country of South Korea, one Styler is now sold every four minutes. Not bad for an appliance that was designed as a niche product.

The reason behind the Styler’s growing popularity are many. Convenient and practical features have helped it to emerge as an essential home appliance for consumers around the world. The Styler combines the core technologies of three major home appliances – the steam technology of washing machines, the temperature control technology of refrigerators and advanced air flow control technology – to create a revolutionary new clothing care solution that meets the evolving needs of modern consumers.

In an age when environmental concerns are at its highest among consumers, the Styler seems almost too good to be true. Unlike dry cleaners, the LG Styler relies only on steam, not harsh chemicals such as perchloroethylene, which is toxic to both humans and pets. The Styler’s popularity among Chinese customers may be due in part to the high exposure to dust and smog to clothing. The Styler has natural appeal to busy workers all over the world who can’t find enough time in a normal workday to get to the dry cleaners. These factors and more have led to 87 percent sales growth in China from 2015 to 2016. The Styler has also continued to receive a positive reaction following its release in North America in 2016.

Then there are the little things that make the Styler so endearing. Easy Pants Crease Care flawlessly restores pant creases while reducing wrinkles at the knee, waist, and other problem areas. Additionally, Moving Hanger Action gently shakes the clothes from side to side to straighten out the wrinkles with a light steam mist. LG’s TrueSteam™ technology uses steam to gently sanitize clothing while at the same time eliminating over 99 percent of allergens and bacteria.1 Odor removal is achieved through the machine’s steam and aroma sheets, leaving clothes smelling crisp and clean.

None of these has gone unnoticed by the industry. The LG Styler was the recipient of multiple awards from several different media outlets and industry associations. The Styler was named a 2016 CES Innovation Awards Honoree and more recently won Architectural Record’s prestigious 2016 Best in Category Award. The Styler also won two separate awards from American consumer electronics magazine TWICE – the 2016 TWICE Picks Award and the 2016 TWICE VIP Award.

LG and Styler hope to change consumers’ perceptions of clothes maintenance and it seems to be working. While keeping clothes in peak condition was once a laborious process involving repeatedly ironing shirts and creasing pants, all of these tasks can now be accomplished at the touch of a button. Consumers now have more time to enjoy after work. By expanding clothing care options for busy professionals, the LG Styler is well on its way to becoming a household necessity.


1 Certified by the British Allergy Foundation.

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El nuevo smartphone premium de LG presenta una increíble pantalla con un formato 18:9,
una excelente ergonomía, un diseño minimalista y una gran resistencia y durabilidad


 Barcelona, 26 de febrero de 2017 — LG ha presentado hoy el esperado LG G6, el nuevo smartphone Premium de la compañía, que combina una pantalla excepcional que ocupa el 80% del cuerpo del teléfono, junto con una experiencia de visualización cinematográfica, una cámara gran angular y muchas otras funcionalidades. Con este nuevo smartphone, LG da respuesta a lo que los consumidores piden en un smartphone premium y pone un especial énfasis en uno de los aspectos más valorados por ellos, una gran pantalla que cabe en una sola mano.

Una gran pantalla que se ajusta a tu mano

Una de las principales características de LG G6 es su pantalla FullVision de 5,7 pulgadas QHD+ (con una resolución de 2,880 x 1,440) y con un formato único hasta ahora en un smartphone de 18:9. En comparación con las pantallas convencionales de 16:9, el nuevo formato de la pantalla de LG G6 ofrece mayor espacio de visualización y una experiencia más inmersiva cuando se ven vídeos y se juega. El nuevo smartphone premium de LG también puede hacer fotos perfectamente cuadradas en formato 1:1, ideales para Instagram, Snapchat y otras aplicaciones de redes sociales. Además, los usuarios pueden elegir también otros formatos para sus imágenes, como 4:3, 16:9 y 18:9.

Más campo de visión con mayor comodidad de agarre

LG ha sabido combinar en el nuevo LG G6 dos aspectos importantes para los usuarios, ya que, al mismo tiempo que ofrece una gran pantalla, incrementa la comodidad en el agarre. A diferencia de otros teléfonos con un tamaño de pantalla similar, el nuevo smartphone de LG se ajusta cómodamente a la mano, ofreciendo la experiencia de una gran pantalla sin los inconvenientes propios de un teléfono de grandes dimensiones. De hecho, los expertos en investigación ergonómica dirigidos por el Dr. Andris Freivalds, de la Universidad Estatal de Pensilvania, y el Dr. Ji Yong-gu, de la Universidad de Yonsei, han realizado pruebas con LG G6 para estudiar la estabilidad de sujeción del teléfono, la comodidad del mismo cuando se adoptan diferentes posturas y se realizan determinadas acciones y la fatiga muscular derivada de usar el smartphone durante largos períodos. LG G6 recibió las calificaciones más altas en todas las categorías de prueba.

Un diseño atractivo en el que la pantalla es la protagonista

El nuevo LG G6 presenta un diseño elegante y minimalista, además de ser muy suave al tacto, gracias a su cuerpo de aluminio y vidrio, que se comercializará en negro, platino y blanco.

El marco de metal que envuelve el teléfono proporciona solidez a su estilo con un acabado mate suave y una trasera perfectamente plana, sin baches de la cámara. Este diseño se complementa con biseles estrechos, el superior se ha reducido al máximo y, para ello, se ha reorganizado la cámara, el sensor y el altavoz en una única fila en la parte superior delantera. Las esquinas redondeadas tanto del cuerpo como de la pantalla no sólo dan unidad al diseño, sino que también confieren resistencia al teléfono, ya que dispersan el impacto si se cae.

Una experiencia de visualización móvil única con Dolby Vision ™

LG G6 es el primer smartphone con Dolby Vision. Pero no sólo es compatible con este formato, sino que también admite HDR10, ambos estándares de High Dynamic Range (HDR), la tecnología de calidad de imagen que permite visualizar una gama más amplia de colores y proporciona una mayor luminosidad, permitiendo ver todos los detalles tanto en las zonas más oscuras como en las áreas más brillantes. Así, el nuevo LG G6 proporciona una experiencia de visualización verdaderamente inmersiva.

Con un tamaño de pantalla cada vez más grande y la velocidad de Internet cada vez más rápida, LG decidió hacer compatible su nuevo Smartphone premium con los dos formatos estándar de HDR y, de este modo, proporcionar a los usuarios acceso a la mayor cantidad de contenido posible. Gracias al aumento del contenido en HDR de Netflix y Amazon, se podrán ver los programas más destacados en LG G6 con una calidad HDR. Amazon también creará cada vez más contenido en formato 18:9 para proporcionar una experiencia de visualización cinematográfica en la pantalla 18:9 con resolución QHD+ del nuevo Smartphone de LG.

LG G6 no deja nada fuera de la foto

Con LG G6, no será necesario pedir a la gente que se reposicione, se reúna o cambie de sitio para que salga en la foto todo lo que se quiere incluir. Simplemente, utilizando los ajustes de ángulo, el usuario puede cambiar del modo estándar al modo gran angular. Con su doble cámara trasera de 13 MP, que incluye una lente de 125 grados en gran angular, LG G6 puede hacer fotos panorámicas que las cámaras de teléfonos convencionales no pueden. El nuevo Smartphone de LG proporciona una experiencia de cámara excepcional, ya que es capaz de crear transiciones sin interrupciones al acercar o alejar la imagen, intercambiando el gran angular con la lente estándar, incluso, mientras se graba un video en 4K. El nuevo G6 también cuenta con un campo de visión ampliado de 100 grados en su cámara frontal de 5MP. Gracias a ella, se pueden hacer selfies o wefies, sin necesidad de utilizar un palo de selfie. Además, la cámara gran angular reduce la distorsión en los extremos y proporciona imágenes más naturales.

Modo cuadrado de cámara

Para ver los selfies, wefies y fotos en gran angular e, incluso, las tomadas con el nuevo modo cuadrado de cámara, las imágenes más recientes aparecen en una ventana en modo película, evitando que el usuario tenga que abrir su galería para poder revisarlas. El modo cuadrado de cámara divide la visualización en formato 18:9 en dos cuadrados idénticos, lo que permite a los usuarios hacer fotos de 1:1 en una ventana, mientras que en la otra comprueban, editan y cargan las imágenes después de disparar. Además, se puede crear un archivo GIF combinando entre 2 y 100 fotos de la galería.

Construido para lo inesperado

LG G6 puede llevarse a casi cualquier lugar gracias a su resistencia al agua IP68 y al polvo. El nuevo smartphone de LG es completamente a prueba de polvo y puede ser sumergido en hasta 1,5 metros de agua durante 30 minutos. Además, LG G6 presenta una gran resistencia ante caídas accidentales y ambientes duros, ya que ha sido diseñado y construido para ofrecer una gran fiabilidad, incluso cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles.

El nuevo smartphone premium de LG no sólo cumple con las normas internacionales de resistencia, sino que también ha superado otras pruebas de alta temperatura y de penetración de clavos y cuenta con una tecnología patentada que disipa el calor a través de un tubo térmico interno, el primero en un teléfono smartphone de LG. Y para dispersar aún más el calor dentro de la unidad, los ingenieros de LG han alejado los componentes más propensos al sobrecalentamiento de los demás.

Una voz de ayuda con Google Assistant

LG G6 incorpora también Google Assistant. La compañía ha trabajado estrechamente con Google para asegurarse que la experiencia del usuario con Google Assitant sea óptima desde el principio. Funciona a la perfección y de forma muy intuitiva con las aplicaciones de LG. Gracias a ello, los usuarios obtienen respuestas rápidas; pueden gestionar las tareas cotidianas; disfrutar de la mejor música y de los mejores vídeos y buscar el dispositivo de forma más rápida y eficiente. Además, cuanto más se utilice el asistente de Google más personalizada será su asistencia, ya que, gracias a la inteligencia artificial, Google Assitant conoce mejor las preferencias del usuario.

LG G6 ofrece nuevas experiencias visuales y de uso, ya que aúna una gran pantalla con la comodidad de poder ser utilizado con una sola mano”, explica Juno Cho, presidente de LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “Seguiremos liderando la innovación en el mundo de los smartphone desde una perspectiva que busca proporcionar unos niveles de comodidad y fiabiabilidad   que superen las expectativas de los consumidores”.

Especificaciones clave:[i]

  • Pantalla: FullVision® de 5,7 pulgadas con formato18:9 y resolución QHD+ (2880 x 1440 / 564ppi)
  • Procesador: Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 821 Processor
  • Memoria: 4GB LPDDR4 RAM / 32GB o 64GB UFS 2.0 ROM / MicroSD (up to 2TB)
  • Cámara:

Principal dual 13MP. Gran angular (F2.4/125º) /13MP estándar OIS 2.0 (F1.8/71º)

Frontal 5MP. Gran angular (F2.2/100º)

  • Batería: 3.300mAh (no extraíble)
  • Sistema operativo: Android 7.0 Nougat
  • Tamaño: 148,9 x 71,9 x 7,9mm
  • Peso: 163g
  • Red: LTE-A 3 Band CA
  • Conectividad: Wi-Fi (802.11 a, b, g, n, ac) / Bluetooth 4.2 BLE / NFC/ USB tipo C 2.0 (compatible con 3.1)
  • Colores: Astro Black / Ice Platinum / Mystic White
  • Otros: Resistencia al polvo y el agua/ sensor de huellas/ UX6.0/ Dolby Vision/ HDR10/ Qualcomm Quick Charge™ 3.0 / 32-bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC


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[i] Las especificaciones pueden variar según el mercado


LG renueva este terminal de gama media con una
batería de 4.500 mAh y una pantalla de 5,5 pulgadas

LG X power2 01 (2)

 Madrid, 24 de febrero de 2017 — LG presenta X power2 la semana que viene en Mobile World Congress, un terminal diseñado para aquellos usuarios que disfrutan de los contenidos multimedia y los videojuegos; por lo que, necesitan una batería de larga duración y una pantalla de mayor tamaño.

Cada modelo de la serie X incluye unas funcionalidades exclusivas, normalmente reservadas para los smartphones de gama alta. Estos dispositivos ofrecen a los usuarios experiencias diferenciadas y valores añadidos por encima de los anteriores teléfonos de gama media. El primer modelo de la serie X que se presenta este año es el X Power2, con batería de 4.500 mAh para los “heavy users” que consumen mucha batería de su smartphone al disfrutar de aplicaciones, juegos y contenidos multimedia.

La batería del LG X Power2 es capaz de aguantar un fin de semana completo sin tener que volverlo a cargar. Con la carga completa, LG X Power2 puede reproducir vídeos sin parar durante 15 horas, utilizar el navegador durante 14 horas o navegar por internet 18 horas seguidas.[i]  LG X Power2 cuenta también con carga rápida, por lo que con una hora de carga, el smartphone tendrá 50 % de batería y la carga completa sólo necesitará 2 horas, el doble de rápido que la mayoría de teléfonos. Además, la funcionalidad Comfort View hace más cómodo leer e-books y web comics ya que reduce la cantidad de luz azul que emiten las pantallas y que provoca la fatiga ocular.

LG X power2 tiene una pantalla de 5,5 pulgadas con resolución HD y tecnología In-cell Touch, para ofrecer colores más vivos y claros. Sumado a esto, LG ha mejorado la visibilidad en exteriores de su pantalla incluso bajo luz solar de alta intensidad. LG X Power2 cuenta con una cámara frontal con gran angular de 5 MP para hacer selfies solo o en grupos de hasta 8 personas sin necesidad de un palo selfie.  Su cámara principal de 13 MP tiene la funcionalidad Zero Shutter Lag para eliminar el lapso de tiempo entre que se pulsa para hacer la foto hasta que se captura la imagen. Con un LED frontal de luz más suave, LG X Power2 permite hacer fotos de grupo con un nivel de calidad que normalmente solo se encuentra en estudios profesionales.

Este smartphone se diferencia también de otros dispositivos de gama media por las funcionalidades exclusivas de LG para selfies. Auto Shot hace la foto cuando detecta una cara. Gesture Shot y Gesture Interval Shot responden a gestos hechos con la mano, sin tener que apretar la pantalla, y así evitar que salgan las fotos borrosas. Finalmente, con Quick Share, los usuarios podrán subir fotos a sus redes sociales favoritas con tan sólo un toque.

“LG X Power2 tiene la batería de mayor capacidad entre los smartphones de la compañía para que los usuarios puedan disfrutar de muchas horas de entretenimiento multimedia en su amplia pantalla sin tener que preocuparse de recargarlo” afirma Juno Cho, Presidente de LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “La serie X ofrece una gran tecnología y un gran valor para el usuario, crucial para los consumidores más exigentes”.

 LG X Power2 se lanza a principios de marzo en América Latina seguido de mercados clave como Estados Unidos, Asia, Europa y otras regiones. Los precios se anunciarán más adelante.

Especificaciones clave:[ii]

  • Pantalla: 5,5 pulgadas con resolución HD y tecnología In-cell Touch
  • Procesador: 1,5 GHz de ocho núcleos
  • Cámara: Principal 13MP / Frontal 5MP (Gran angular / LED Flash)
  • Memoria: 2GB o 1,5GB RAM / 16GB ROM / Micro SD (hasta 2TB)
  • Batería: 4.500mAh (no extraíble)
  • Sistema operativo: Android 7.0 Nougat
  • Tamaño: 154,7 x 78,1 x 8,4mm
  • Peso: 164g
  • Red: LTE / 3G / 2G
  • Connectividad: Wi-Fi (802.11 b, g, n) / Bluetooth 4.2 / USB 2.0
  • Colores: Black Titan / Shiny Titan / Shiny Gold / Shiny Blue
  • Otros: USB OTG / Giroscopio

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[i] Basado en estudios internos de la compañía. La duración de la batería puede variar en función de las condiciones de red, patrones de uso u otros factores.

[ii] Las especificaciones pueden variar según el mercado


Flagship Smartphone Features Bold New Screen Aspect Ratio,
Ergonomic Excellence, Minimalist Design and Superb Durability

The front and back view of the LG G6 in Mystic White, Astro Black and Ice Platinum, fanning out at a 90° angle to the left

BARCELONA, Feb. 26, 2017 — LG Electronics (LG) today unveiled the G6 smartphone, the newest smartphone that features a bold new display format complimented by a cinematic viewing experience, exceptional screen to body ratio, wide angle camera and more. Designed in response to consumer feedback and user opinions, the G6 is a back-to-basics approach to premium smartphones, with a focus on the features consumers want, most notably a big screen that actually fits in one hand.

The Big Screen That Actually Fits in Your Hand

The LG G6 comes with a 5.7-inch QHD+ (2,880 x 1,440 resolution) FullVision display, and for the first time ever in a smartphone, an 18:9 screen aspect ratio. Compared to conventional 16:9 aspect ratio displays, the 18:9 format offers more viewing space and a more immersive experience when streaming videos and playing games. In a G6 Game Collection promotion for G6 buyers, in-game content with a retail value of up to a total of US$200 for six games – Temple Run 2, Spider-Man Unlimited, Crossy Road, SimCity BuildIt, Cookie Jam and Genies & Gems – on Google Play, are offered for free. The games take full advantage of the G6’s immersive FullVision display and single-handed ease of use.

More to See, Less to Hold

Even with the large screen featured on the G6, the smartphone is easy to hold. And unlike other phones with a similar screen size, the LG G6 fits comfortably in one hand, giving you a big screen experience without the inconvenience of a big phone. In fact, ergonomics research teams led by Dr. Andris Freivalds at Pennsylvania State University and Dr. Ji Yong-gu at Yonsei University tested the LG G6 for stability when holding the phone, comfort in various postures and actions, as well as muscle fatigue when using the smartphone for long periods. The LG G6 received the highest marks in all test categories.

Attractive and Mostly Screen

Sculpted from aluminum and glass, and offered in black, platinum and white, the LG G6 features a minimalist design that’s sleek all-round and perfectly smooth to the touch. The metal frame that wraps around the perimeter of the phone imparts solidity in style with a soft matte finish and the back is perfectly flat, with no camera bump to avoid or protect. Complimented by narrow bezels, the upper bezel was minimized by rearranging the camera, sensor and speaker in a row on the front upper side. The rounded corners of both the body and display not only unify the design but also disperse impact if the phone is dropped.

Transform Your Mobile Viewing Experience with Dolby Vision

The LG G6 is the first smartphone to feature Dolby Vision technology. But not only does it support Dolby Vision, the G6 also supports HDR10, both of which are standards for High Dynamic Range (HDR), the picture quality technology which allows for a wider range of color and luminosity, wherein both the darkest and the brightest areas are more vivid, revealing greater detail for a truly immersive viewing experience.

With smartphone screen sizes getting bigger and the speed of the Internet becoming faster, LG decided to support two HDR standards for viewers to have access to as much content as possible. With HDR content from Netflix and Amazon on the rise, you will be able to watch popular shows in stunning HDR quality on the LG G6. Amazon will also increasingly create 18:9 content for a cinematic viewing experience on the 18:9 QHD+ display.

Get More In, Leave Nothing Out

With the LG G6, you don’t need to ask people in the picture to reposition, cram together or find another place to stand in order to get everything in, simply choose between standard and wide angle settings. And with dual 13MP rear cameras, including a 125-degree lens on the wide angle, the LG G6 captures panoramic shots that regular phones cameras can’t. The G6 delivers an outstanding and unique camera experience by creating seamless transitions when zooming in and out between the wide-angle and standard camera lenses even during 4K video capture. The G6 also comes with an expanded 100-degree field of view with its 5MP front camera, which means users can take selfies or wefies without the need for a selfie stick. Plus, the wide angle camera reduces edge distortion, which makes for more natural images.

Square Up and Share

And to view selfies, wefies, wide angle pictures and even the ones in the new Square Camera Mode, recent LG G6 photos appear in one window in film mode which means users don’t need to move to their gallery to review them. The G6 provides a Square Camera function which divides the 18:9 ratio display into two identical squares. The LG G6 can also take perfectly square photos in 1:1 ratio, ideal for Instagram, Snapchat and other social media apps. Users can also choose other ratios, such as 4:3, 16:9 and 18:9. Users can also take pictures in 1:1 ratio in one window, while checking, editing and uploading pictures in another window immediately after shooting. What’s more, users can create GIFs by combining between 2 and 100 photos from the gallery.

Built for the Unexpected

The LG G6 can go just about anywhere without worry thanks to its IP68 water and dust resistance that makes it safe to be immersed in up to 1.5 meters of water for as long as 30 minutes. And you can worry less about accidental drops and other rough environments during everyday use because the LG G6 has been designed and built to be dependable even when the going gets rough.

And the LG G6 not only meets international testing standards but also endures further tests for high temperatures and nail penetration and uses a proprietary technology that dissipates heat via an internal heat pipe, the first in an LG smartphone. And to further disperse heat inside the unit, LG engineers positioned the components most prone to overheating as far from each other as possible.

A Helping Voice with the Google Assistant

The LG G6 has Google Assistant built-in. LG worked closely with Google to make sure the Google Assistant experience is great right out of the box and that’s why the LG G6 has Google Assistant built-in. It works seamlessly and intuitively with LG apps, empowering users to get fast answers, manage everyday tasks, enjoy the best music and videos and search the G6 more quickly and efficiently than ever.

“The LG G6 offers users new visual and manual experiences, as it marries an expanded screen with the convenience of one-handed use,” said Juno Cho, president of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “LG will continue to lead smartphone innovation with a focus on convenience and reliability in order to exceed consumer expectations.”

Key Specifications: *

  • Chipset: Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 821 Processor
  • Display: 5.7-inch 18:9 QHD+ FullVision Display (2880 x 1440 / 564ppi)
  • Memory: 4GB LPDDR4 RAM / 32GB or 64GB UFS 2.0 ROM / MicroSD (up to 2TB)
  • Camera:
    • Rear Dual: 13MP Wide (F2.4 / 125°) / 13MP Standard OIS 2.0 (F1.8 / 71°)
    • Front 5MP Wide (F2.2 / 100°)
  • Battery: 3,300mAh (embedded)
  • Operating System: Android 7.0 Nougat
  • Size: 148.9 x 71.9 x 7.9mm
  • Weight: 163g
  • Network: LTE-A 3 Band CA
  • Connectivity: Wi-Fi 802.11 a, b, g, n, ac / Bluetooth 4.2 BLE / NFC / USB Type-C 2.0 (3.1 compatible)
  • Colors: Astro Black / Ice Platinum / Mystic White
  • Other: Water and Dust Resistant / Fingerprint Sensor / UX 6.0 / Dolby Vision™ / HDR10 / Qualcomm Quick Charge™ 3.0 / 32-bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC


* Specifications may vary depending on the particular market.


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Powerful Addition to LG’s Mass-tier Product Line
Features 4,500mAh Battery and 5.5-inch Display

The front and rear view of the LG X power2 in Black Titan, Shiny Titan and Shiny Gold.width=

SEOUL, Feb. 24, 2017 — LG X power2, designed for users who specifically seek large battery capacities and big screens for power-heavy multimedia user and gaming enthusiasts, will be unveiled at Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.

Each model in the X series incorporates different exclusive features that are usually found only in premium smartphones. The various models offer users a range of differentiated experiences and values that surpass previous mass-tier product lines. The first model in the mass-tier X series to be unveiled this year, the LG X power2 features a powerful 4,500mAh battery to meet the demands of customers who frequently use power-hungry applications and games and enjoy viewing multimedia content such as videos and movies on their smartphones.

The LG X power2 was designed to operate for an entire weekend without recharging. Fully charged, the LG X power2 can playback videos continuously for approximately 15 hours, provide navigational directions for about 14 hours or surf the web for around 18 hours.1 The LG X power2 incorporates high-speed charging technology demanded by today’s busy users. A one hour charge provides 50 percent battery power with a full charge only requiring about two hours, twice as fast as most phones.

In addition, Comfort View makes reading e-books and web comics more comfortable by reducing the amount of blue light emitted by the display, which has been shown to cause eye fatigue.

The LG X power2 features a 5.5-inch HD In-cell Touch display, offering a large and expanded screen with clear, vivid colors. Moreover, LG has improved the display’s outdoor capability for easy visibility even in strong sunlight. The LG X power2 has a 5MP wide angle camera above the display which enables users to take selfies and wefies of up to eight people without a selfie stick. The 13MP rear camera features Zero Shutter Lag to eliminate the annoying delay between the time the shutter button is pressed and the image is captured. An front-facing soft light LED flash captures group shots with the level of quality usually found only in professional studios.

The smartphone is further differentiated from other mass-tier phones with LG’s exclusive UX for selfies. Auto Shot automatically triggers the front camera’s shutter when a face is detected. Gesture Shot and Gesture Interval Shot reads and responds to hand signals, eliminating the need to press the shutter button which is a common cause of blurry photos. And with Quick Share, users can immediately post images to their favorite social media site with just one tap.

“The LG X power2 has the most powerful battery capacity in LG’s entire smartphone lineup so users can enjoy many hours of multimedia entertainment on its roomy display without worrying about recharging,” said Juno Cho, president of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “The entire X series is all about great technology and great value, both important features for today’s discerning smartphone customer.”

The LG X power2 will roll out beginning in March in the Latin America followed by key markets in United States, Asia, Europe and other regions. Pricing will be announced at the time of availability.

Key Specifications: 2

    • Display: 5.5-inch HD In-cell Touch
    • Chipset: 1.5 GHz Octa-Core
    • Camera: Rear 13MP / Front 5MP (Wide Angle / LED Flash)
    • Memory: 2GB or 1.5GB RAM / 16GB ROM / Micro SD (up to 2TB)
    • Battery: 4,500mAh (embedded)
    • Operating System: Android 7.0 Nougat
    • Size: 154.7 x 78.1 x 8.4mm
    • Weight: 164g
    • Network: LTE / 3G / 2G
    • Connectivity: Wi-Fi (802.11 b, g, n) / Bluetooth 4.2 / USB 2.0
    • Colors: Black Titan / Shiny Titan / Shiny Gold / Shiny Blue
    • Others: USB OTG / Gyro Sensor


1 Based on internal simulation results. Battery life may vary by network conditions, usage pattern and other factors.

2 Features may vary depending on the particular market.


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El reputado diseñador industrial Torsten Valeur destaca LG G6 por su minimalismo, solidez y ergonomía
3. Torsten Valeur Interview (3)

Madrid, 22 de febrero de 2017 — Torsten Valeur, el reconocido diseñador industrial ha adelantado en primicia en una entrevista (https://youtu.be/QKJwTNdaq0w) que LG G6 “es la fusión ideal de una bella forma y una solución inteligente y, obviamente, una gran experiencia de usuario, la esencia de lo que debe ser un smartphone”. El diseñador en su primera impresión con LG G6 ha afirmado que la clave de un gran diseño industrial no es sólo lo bonito que luce, sino tener en cuenta al consumidor y añadió que el ojo está preparado para la pantalla FullVision ya que elimina todas las distracciones innecesarias.

LG G6 cuenta con un diseño minimalista y es muy suave al tacto. Su marco de metal que rodea el perímetro del smartphone le da un estilo sólido con un acabado mate suave. La parte trasera es plana ya que la cámara no sobresale. Valeur destacó la ergonomía de LG G6 por su buen agarre y su facilidad de uso con una sola mano.

“Creo que cuando lo coges en tu mano, le das la vuelta, lo miras y juegas con él, te enamorarás del cuidado que le han puesto al diseño de todos los detalles” finaliza Torsten Valeur.

 Torsten Valeur, CEO del estudio de Diseño Danés, David Lewis Designers, ha recibido multitud de premios de la industria como iF Design o Good Design. Valeur ha reconocido LG G6 por su diseño enfocado en lo esencial y en la belleza que le otorga solidez.



SUPER UHD TV with Nano Cell TM Technology
Complements OLED TVs in LG’s Premium TV Lineup

The LG SIGNATURE OLED TV W positioned on a wall.

SEOUL, Feb. 23, 2017 — LG Electronics (LG) announced the launch of its 2017 SUPER UHD TV lineup featuring Nano Cell display lineup at its R&D Center in Seoul today. Alongside the amazingly thin LG SIGNATURE OLED TV W first unveiled at CES last month, LG has high hopes that its dual premium strategy for TVs will expand its market share in the global TV industry. LG SIGNATURE OLED TV W will be available in Korea and the United States starting this month. SUPER UHD TVs with Nano Cell technology will become available in the weeks to come while customers in other markets will see both premium products beginning in the second quarter of 2017.

TVs with Perfect Picture, Design and Sound

LG SIGNATURE OLED TV embodies the company’s pursuit of the best possible viewing experience, featuring the most advanced technologies available in the display industry. The innovative design of the W7 series follows LG’s “less is more” philosophy, stripping away everything to emphasize the beauty of the screen alone.

LG OLED TVs are considered by industry experts to offer the most advanced display technology. As each pixel on the display can be individually switched on and off, OLED offers an enhanced picture quality without image degradation, such as light bleed typically found in conventional backlit systems. This results in the highest quality image rendering with the purest black and lifelike colors.

The sleek razor-thin profile of the 65-inch W7 – less than 4mm thick when mounted on the wall – creates the illusion of gazing out a window, not of watching TV. LG’s 2017 OLED TV lineup offers innovative Dolby Atmos sound for the first time in the market, delivering both stunning image and sound quality. Dolby Atmos isolates the relative location of each sound to create rich and multi-layered audio that reflects the intricate sounds of the real world. The 77-inch version of the W7 received the Best of CES Innovation Award 2017 in the Video Displays category, besting all other new TV offerings at CES and won Engadget’s Best of the Best Award at the show.

LG will introduce five 4K OLED TV models in Korea with screen sizes varying from 77/65W7, 77/65G7, 65/55E7, 65/55C7 and 65/55B7. Model details in other markets will be announced locally at the time of launch.

The Most Advanced LCD TV Available Today

LG’s third-generation SUPER UHD TV lineup features Nano Cell technology, which harnesses approximately one nanometer-sized particles to offer incredibly accurate color reproduction. The Nano Cell display achieves impressive picture quality by absorbing stray lightwaves, resulting in purer, cleaner colors. This light absorbing capability allows LG’s new LCD displays to filter out specific colors with much greater precision, rendering each color exactly as it was intended. For example, the color red on conventional TVs can blend with other color wavelengths, such as yellow or orange, causing the color to fade and take on a yellowish tint. LG Nano Cell dramatically reduces instances of color fading, image instability and other color degradation issues. LG Nano Cell displays also deliver consistent colors at wider viewing angles with virtually no color difference between viewers seated directly in front of the screen and those watching at a 60 degree angle.

Expanded HDR Capabilities

All 2017 LG OLED and SUPER UHD TVs feature Active HDR to render brighter scenes and greater shadow details when displaying HDR content. Active HDR allows LG TVs to process the picture scene by scene, inserting dynamic data where needed. In addition, 2017 LG TVs support the full palette of HDR formats, including Dolby VisionTM, HDR10 and HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma). This versatility is compounded by the new HDR Effect feature, which processes standard definition content to improve brightness in specific areas and enhance contrast ratio, rendering more precise images.

Enhanced webOS User Experience

The latest webOS Smart TV platform helps make LG’s entire lineup of premium TVs exceptionally user-friendly. LG webOS 3.5 is equipped with enhancements for easier control and faster access when using the improved Magic Remote and the new Magic Link features. Viewers can instantly access their favorite services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video by pressing a hot key on the remote control, tapping into a wide variety of stunning 4K programming.

“Our 2017 TV lineup features state-of-the-art display technologies that break the boundaries of TV viewing,” said Brian Kwon, president of LG Electronics Home Entertainment Company. “This year, we will continue to extend the premium TV market with a dual premium strategy based on our unrivaled OLED TVs and groundbreaking SUPER UHD TVs with Nano Cell display. With these innovative TV products, our customers will be able to enjoy the best home entertainment experience that the industry has to offer.”


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Renowned Industrial Designer Torsten Valeur Praises
LG G6 for its Minimalism, Solidity, Ergonomics

Industrial designer and president of David Lewis Designers Torsten Valeur during his interview with LG regarding the design of the LG G6

SEOUL, Feb. 22, 2017 — Globally renown industrial designer Torsten Valeur said in an interview (https://goo.gl/Ir0T4v) that he had a chance to see the LG G6 recently and praised it as “the ideal fusion of… beautiful shape and clever solution and obviously great user experience… the essence of what a smartphone is.”

Torsten Valeur, CEO of Danish design studio David Lewis Designers, is a recipient of multiple industry accolades such as the iF Design Awards and Good Design Awards. Mr. Valeur praised the upcoming LG G6 for design that focused on the essentials and beauty that conveyed a sense of solidity. In his initial impression of the G6, Valeur said the key to great industrial design is not just beautiful looks but full consideration of its users, adding that the eye is naturally drawn to the phone’s FullVision® display due to the elimination of unnecessary distractions.

The G6 exhibits minimalistic design elements and is perfectly smooth to the touch. The metal frame that wraps around the perimeter of the phone imparts solidity in style with a soft matte finish. The back is perfectly flat, with no camera bump to avoid or protect. Mr. Valeur praised the ergonomics of the LG G6 for its easy one-handed operability owing to its firm-grip feel.

“And I believe that when you take it out and hold it in your hand, turn it around, look at it, play with it, you should be pleased by all the care and diligence that has been put into all the details,” added Mr. Valeur.


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Visionado sin precedentes gracias a su ratio de pantalla con ratio 18:9

LG+UX+6 (2)

 Madrid, 16 de febrero de 2017 — LG presenta este año junto su nuevo smartphone de gama alta LG G6, la nueva interfaz de usuario UX 6.0, diseñada especialmente para maximizar las ventajas de la pantalla expansiva FullVision. LG G6 contará con una pantalla de 5,7 pulgadas con resolución QHD+ (2.880 x 1.440) y formato 18:9 que prácticamente cubre toda la parte delantera del smartphone. Las dimensiones de este teléfono están diseñadas ergonómicamente para asegurar la máxima comodidad y compatibilidad con el contenido digital actual y el que viene.

La nueva interfaz de usuario aprovecha los beneficios del concepto FullVision, lo que ofrece al usuario una comodidad y mejoras sin precedentes, entre las que se encuentran:

  • Experiencia de visionado de contenido diferenciada tales como vídeos o navegación
  • Funcionalidades de cámara que maximizan las ventajas de una pantalla de 18:9
  • Interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI por sus siglas en inglés) diseñada para abrir dos ventanas juntas al mismo tiempo, y hacer más productiva la multitarea

Una experiencia diferente

LG G6 con FullVision ofrece a los usuarios una nueva experiencia de visionado.

La parte superior e inferior de su gran pantalla se expanden y muestran más información cuando los usuarios navegan por internet o cuando leen libros electrónicos, permitiendo una experiencia más inmersiva a la hora de ver vídeos o en videojuegos.

Con LG G6, se inaugura la era de los smartphones con pantalla de 18:9. Es por esto que se está aumentando la oferta de películas, apps y juegos diseñados para este formato. Este smartphone, además, permite adaptar el contenido 16:9 en formato 18:9.

Funcionalidades de cámara mejoradas

La experiencia de usuario de la cámara de LG G6 también ha sido mejorada, gracias a la pantalla expansiva de formato 18:9. Esta pantalla expansiva aumenta la comodidad y la diversión, y permite al usuario hacer fotos y, al mismo tiempo, ver cómo han quedado. LG UX 6.0 incorpora también Square Camera, que divide la pantalla de 18:9 en dos cuadrados idénticos. Gracias a esta funcionalidad los usuarios pueden hacer fotos en 1:1, un formato muy popular en redes sociales como Instagram, y simultáneamente ver el resultado en el cuadrado adyacente. Además, LG ha incluido el nuevo Food Mode que ofrece una mayor calidad en el color y una saturación ideal para hacer foto a platos de comida. Los usuarios también pueden crear archivos GIF desde cualquier sitio combinando desde 2 a 100 imágenes en bucle.

Multitarea avanzada

La pantalla 18:9 expansiva de LG G6 puede disfrutarse de muchas maneras. Ofrece la posibilidad de contestar una llamada en una ventana y en la otra consultar el calendario, así como ver la galería de imágenes al mismo tiempo que se utiliza una aplicación de mensajería instantánea. Se puede hacer un collage con varias imágenes para usarlo de fondo de pantalla o de pantalla de bloqueo, o escribir una nota en un lado mientras se navega por internet en el otro. Si se gira LG G6 cuando está abierto el calendario, éste se muestra en la ventana de la izquierda mientras que a la derecha se podrá ver el horario detallado. Las combinaciones son infinitas.

“ La inspiración de crear la pantalla FullVision de LG G6 viene de la industria del cine, en la que muchos expertos defienden el formato 18:9 como la mejor solución para ver contenido, ya sea antiguo o nuevo, en la era digital”, ha afirmado Juno Cho, Presidente de LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “No sólo hemos seguido esta filosofía en nuestro nuevo smartphone sino que la hemos llevado a un nuevo nivel al aplicar el formato 18:9 de múltiple manera. Los usuarios apreciarán que hemos hecho el LG G6 más productivo”.

LG G6 con UX 6.0 verá la luz por primera vez en MWC 2017 en Barcelona, el próximo 26 de febrero. Haz clic aquí para ver un adelanto en vídeo del nuevo LG UX 6.0.



Smart TV Platform Delivers Safe, Secure Smart TV
Experience to LG TV Owners Worldwide

Hwang Jeong-hwan, head of R&D Laboratory of Home Entertainment at LG Electronics, shakes hands with Sajeev Jesudas, CEO of consumer business at Underwriters Laboratories.

SEOUL, Feb. 20, 2017 — The latest version of LG Electronics’ (LG) webOS 3.5 Security Manager smart TV platform has been certified for its effective cybersecurity capabilities by UL, the world’s foremost expert in safety and sustainability, a first in the smart TV category. Following in the footsteps of its expertise in smart TVs, LG intends to expand this level of capability to its entire smart home, smart home security and home automation product offerings.

UL’s 2900-1 Cybersecurity Assurance Program (CAP) tested webOS 3.5 Security Manager for malware susceptibility and vulnerabilities, software weaknesses and security controls that help protect users’ private information. UL assessed the effectiveness of each webOS 3.5 security layer by subjecting the software to a variety of virtual network penetrations and vulnerability attacks – covered under CWE/SANS Top 25 vulnerabilities – on its applications and system configuration center. LG webOS 3.5’s compliance in these categories provides the foundation for home IoT networks composed of multiple connected home appliances.

UL’s 2900-1 tests measure application security, information access control via authentication processes, engineer mode hacking protection and software falsification protection. Additional information on UL 2900-1 standards can be found at https://goo.gl/iJrf90. In addition to being the industry’s first smart TV platform to receive UL 2900-1 certification, LG webOS 3.5 has also been certified for its effective Digital Rights Management capabilities within smart TV applications.

“Our webOS platform was developed with security in mind so it’s heartening to know that UL, a trusted name in safety testing and certification, concurs,” said JH Hwang, senior vice president and head of R&D at LG’s Home Entertainment Company. “As more and more consumers embrace smart TVs and their capabilities to connect to other devices, information security will become even a greater issue for users. LG’s webOS, already considered one of the industry’s most intuitive smart TV platforms, will continue to set the benchmark for others to follow.”


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Unique 18:9 Screen Aspect Ratio and Complementary UX
Enables Unparalleled Consumption of Mobile Content


SEOUL, Feb. 16, 2017 — LG Electronics (LG) will feature its new mobile UX 6.0 in its upcoming G6 smartphone specifically customized to maximize the advantages of the device’s expansive FullVision® display. LG G6 will feature a 5.7-inch QHD+ FullVision display (2,880 x 1,440) with an 18:9 screen aspect ratio that almost entirely fills the front of the smartphone. The dimensions of the phone are ergonomically designed to ensure maximum comfort and compatibility with existing and upcoming digital content.

The phone’s new UX maximizes the benefits of the FullVision display, providing the user with the ultimate convenience and advances, such as:

  • Differentiated experience for viewing content such as video clips and web surfing
  • Improved camera UX that maximizes the extra real estate provided by the 18:9 format display
  • Smartly designed GUI (Graphical User Interface) that enables the opening of two perfectly square windows side by side, delivering a more productive, better multitasking experience

A Differentiated Experience

The FullVision display in the LG G6 provides users with a new viewing experience. The large screen features an expanded top and bottom that allows users to view more information when surfing the web, or while reading e-books and provides a more immersive experience when users view videos or play games.

The LG G6 is expected to kick off an era of premium smartphones with 18:9 screen aspect ratios, which is why such a wide variety of films, apps and games tailored to the 18:9 aspect ratio is sharply rising. The smartphone includes a feature that allows users to view existing 16:9 ratio content easily in 18:9 format.

Enhanced Camera UX

The camera UX has been considerably enhanced thanks to the expansive 18:9 screen     aspect ratio display in a way that increases the convenience and the fun. The expansive screen enables users to take and review photos simultaneously. LG UX 6.0 provides a Square Camera feature which divides the 18:9 display into two identical perfect squares. With this, users can shoot images in 1:1 format –  a popular format on social media apps such as Instagram – and review them in the adjacent window. There is also new shooting mode called Food Mode that delivers high color quality and saturation ideal for, well, food. Users can create GIF files by combining anywhere from 2 and 100 pictures in a loop.

Advanced Multi-tasking

The LG G6 takes advantage of the expansive 18:9 display in many ways. Open a call reception window next to the calendar app or the photo gallery at the same time as the message app. Multiple square photographs can be connected together and viewed as a Collage Wallpaper on the lock screen. Type a memo on one side while surfing the web on the other. Inside the calendar app, turning the G6 horizontally will display the calendar in the left window while a detailed schedule will appear on the right. The combinations are endless.

“The LG G6 with FullVision was inspired by the philosophy of experts in the movie industry who believe that an 18:9 ratio screen would be the best solution for viewing both old and new cinematic content in the digital age,” said Juno Cho, president of the LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “We’ve not only embraced that philosophy in our newest smartphone but taken it to a whole new level by incorporating the 18:9 format in many other ways. I think users will appreciate the many ways we’ve made the LG G6 more productive.”

The LG G6 with UX 6.0 will be introduced to audiences worldwide at MWC 2017 in Barcelona, Spain on February 26. Click here for a video preview of the new LG UX 6.0.

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