Unique 18:9 Screen Aspect Ratio and Complementary UX
Enables Unparalleled Consumption of Mobile Content

A screenshot of two perfectly square windows side by side with LG G6’s smartly designed GUI that can enable the 18:9 FullVision display to be split in half

SEOUL, Feb. 16, 2017 — LG Electronics (LG) will feature its new mobile UX 6.0 in its upcoming G6 smartphone specifically customized to maximize the advantages of the device’s expansive FullVision® display. LG G6 will feature a 5.7-inch QHD+ FullVision display (2,880 x 1,440) with an 18:9 screen aspect ratio that almost entirely fills the front of the smartphone. The dimensions of the phone are ergonomically designed to ensure maximum comfort and compatibility with existing and upcoming digital content.

The phone’s new UX maximizes the benefits of the FullVision display, providing the user with the ultimate convenience and advances, such as:

  • Differentiated experience for viewing content such as video clips and web surfing
  • Improved camera UX that maximizes the extra real estate provided by the 18:9 format display
  • Smartly designed GUI (Graphical User Interface) that enables the opening of two perfectly square windows side by side, delivering a more productive, better multitasking experience

A Differentiated Experience

The FullVision display in the LG G6 provides users with a new viewing experience. The large screen features an expanded top and bottom that allows users to view more information when surfing the web, or while reading e-books and provides a more immersive experience when users view videos or play games.

The LG G6 is expected to kick off an era of premium smartphones with 18:9 screen aspect ratios, which is why such a wide variety of films, apps and games tailored to the 18:9 aspect ratio is sharply rising. The smartphone includes a feature that allows users to view existing 16:9 ratio content easily in 18:9 format.

Enhanced Camera UX

The camera UX has been considerably enhanced thanks to the expansive 18:9 screen aspect ratio display in a way that increases the convenience and the fun. The expansive screen enables users to take and review photos simultaneously. LG UX 6.0 provides a Square Camera feature which divides the 18:9 display into two identical perfect squares. With this, users can shoot images in 1:1 format –  a popular format on social media apps such as Instagram – and review them in the adjacent window. There is also new shooting mode called Food Mode that delivers high color quality and saturation ideal for, well, food. Users can create GIF files by combining anywhere from 2 and 100 pictures in a loop.

Advanced Multi-tasking

The LG G6 takes advantage of the expansive 18:9 display in many ways. Open a call reception window next to the calendar app or the photo gallery at the same time as the message app. Multiple square photographs can be connected together and viewed as a Collage Wallpaper on the lock screen. Type a memo on one side while surfing the web on the other. Inside the calendar app, turning the G6 horizontally will display the calendar in the left window while a detailed schedule will appear on the right. The combinations are endless.

“The LG G6 with FullVision was inspired by the philosophy of experts in the movie industry who believe that an 18:9 ratio screen would be the best solution for viewing both old and new cinematic content in the digital age,” said Juno Cho, president of the LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “We’ve not only embraced that philosophy in our newest smartphone but taken it to a whole new level by incorporating the 18:9 format in many other ways. I think users will appreciate the many ways we’ve made the LG G6 more productive.”

The LG G6 with UX 6.0 will be introduced to audiences worldwide at MWC 2017 in Barcelona, Spain on February 26. Click here for a video preview of the new LG UX 6.0.


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LG Watch Sport y LG Watch Style aúnan el mejor diseño y las
últimas prestaciones para estar permanentemente conectado

LG-WATCH-Sport-and-Style (3)

Madrid, 10 de febrero de 2017LG y Google anuncian los primeros smartwatch del mundo con sistema operativo Android Wear 2.0 ™. LG Watch Sport y LG Watch Style estarán disponibles en Estados Unidos a partir del 10 de febrero a través de la tienda de Google y otros establecimientos.

Los dos nuevos smartwatch de LG, que cuentan con el procesador Qualcomm® Snapdragon ™ Wear 2100, son los primeros relojes del mercado que funcionan con Android Wear 2.0, el sistema operativo más reciente de Google. Ambos relojes incorporan el asistente de voz de Google[1] y, además, LG Watch Sport es el primer reloj que podrá utilizar Android Pay[2] compatible con pagos móviles por NFC. Además, estos dos nuevos wereables de LG proporcionan una experiencia de usuario mejorada, un sistema de mensajería perfeccionado y funciones avanzadas de fitness con Google Fit.

Primeros relojes con Android Wear 2.0

Con Android Wear 2.0, los usuarios de LG Watch Sport y LG Watch Style llevarán el asistente de google en la muñeca y podrán responder un mensaje, establecer un recordatorio, o pedir direcciones simplemente pulsado el botón de encendido o diciendo “Ok Google”. Con Google Fit, además, podrán ponerse en forma y alcanzar sus objetivos mediante el seguimiento de su actividad diaria, de sus sesiones de entrenamiento y del acceso a un entrenador. También tienen la opción de descargarse sus aplicaciones favoritas directamente desde la Google Play Store.

Las pantallas de LG Watch Sport y de LG Watch Style son circulares e incorpora un botón lateral giratorio para una navegación fácil y cómoda. Girando el botón con un dedo se accede a los mensajes y notificaciones; y se puede navegar por el menú de aplicaciones. La esfera de ambos relojes es personalizable y permite hasta ocho configuraciones para que los usuarios puedan ver la información importante a simple vista. Android Wear 2.0 mejora también la experiencia de mensajería en el reloj. Los usuarios ahora pueden escribir a mano o con el teclado para responder. También tiene la opción de elegir una respuesta generada por la función Smart Reply, desarrollado por Google.

LG Watch Sport: una gran autonomía

LG Watch Sport es un auténtico reloj independiente, totalmente equipado y diseñado especialmente para usuarios que disfrutan de estilos de vida muy activos. El nuevo LG Watch Sport es el primer smartwatch con Android Wear que utiliza el procesador Snapdragon Wear 2100 para proporcionar conectividad 4G LTE. Gracias a ello, ofrece funciones y puede ejecutar aplicaciones sin estar vinculado a smartphone; y cuenta con GPS incorporado, una característica muy útil para corredores y atletas. Además, gracias al soporte Android Pay, los usuarios pueden hacer pagos simplemente acercando su muñeca al lector NFC.

Su esfera circular incorpora una pantalla P-OLED de 1,38 pulgadas y su cuerpo es de acero inoxidable de grado 316L, Gorilla Glass 3. Además, su correa está especialmente diseñada para personas muy activas, su banda termoplástica de poliuretano posee una clasificación IP68 de resistencia al polvo y al agua. El LG Watch Sport dispone también de un fotopletismógrafo (PPG) para realizar un seguimiento preciso del ritmo cardíaco del usuario durante el descanso y el ejercicio.

LG Watch Style: pequeño, delgado y con estilo

LG Watch Style es un accesorio pequeño, delgado y elegante, concebido especialmente para urbanitas que buscan un reloj de diseño con la practicidad de un smartwatch. El nuevo LG Watch Style ofrece todas las comodidades sin renunciar al diseño. Se comercializará en tres colores llamativos: plata, titanio y oro rosa. Su correa intercambiable permite a los usuarios personalizar el reloj para adaptarlo a su estado de ánimo o armario. Y su caja de 10,79 mm de espesor es lo suficientemente delgada como para caber debajo de cualquier manga. Además, cuenta con una clasificación de resistencia al agua y el polvo IP67.

“Hemos logrado, junto con nuestros socios de Google, incluir un gran número de tecnologías innovadoras en los nuevos smartwatch LG Watch Sport y LG Watch Style”, ha asegurado Juno Cho, presidente y CEO de LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “Estos dos dispositivos ofrece funciones de vanguardia que permiten personalizarlos y otorgar libertad al consumidor para adaptarlos a sus gustos y costumbres”

“Android Wear 2.0 se centra en mejorar la experiencia de usuario de los smartwatch, a través de nuevas funcionalidades y características –incluyendo esferas que aportan mayor visibilidad; mensajería más rápida y fluida; y una nueva experiencia de fitness que ayuda a hacer un seguimiento de los entrenamientos y a mantenerse motivado con la música”, ha explicado David Singleton, Presidente de Android Engineering, Google. “Hemos disfrutado al trabajar en estrecha colaboración con LG para crear una experiencia de hardware y software profundamente integrada y aprovechando las nuevas características de Android Wear 2.0 con estos nuevos relojes de bandera”.

Tanto el LG Watch Sport como el LG Watch Style se exhibirán en el MWC 2017 en Barcelona, ​​del 27 de febrero al 2 de marzo.

LG Watch Sport Especificaciones clave: *

  • Procesador: Qualcomm® Snapdragon ™ Wear 2100 con 4G LTE
  • Sistema operativo: Android Wear ™ 2.0
  • Pantalla: Pantalla P-OLED de 1.38 pulgadas (480 x 480 / 348ppi)
  • Tamaño: 45,4 x 51,21 x 14,2 mm **
  • Memoria: 4 GB eMMC / 768 MB LPDDR3
  • Batería: 430mAh
  • Red: LTE / 3G / Wi-Fi 802.11 b, g, n / Bluetooth 4.2 LE / NFC
  • Sensores: Sensor de 6 ejes (Acelerómetro / Giroscopio) / Barómetro / PPG / GPS / Sensor de Luz Ambiental
  • Color: Titanium / Dark Blue
  • Otros: Resistencia al polvo y al agua (IP68) / Altavoz / Micrófono / Carga inalámbrica

LG Watch Style Key Specifications:*

  • Procesador: Qualcomm® Snapdragon ™ Wear 2100
  • Sistema operativo: Android Wear ™ 2.0
  • Pantalla: Pantalla P-OLED de 1,2 pulgadas (360 x 360 / 299ppi)
  • Tamaño: 42,3 x 45,7 x 10,79 mm
  • Memoria: 4 GB eMMC / 512 MB LPDDR3
  • Batería: 240mAh
  • Red: Wi-Fi 802.11 b, g, n / Bluetooth 4.2 LE
  • Sensores: Sensor de 6 ejes (Acelerómetro / Giroscopio) / Sensor de luz ambiental
  • Color: Silver / Titanium / Rose Gold
  • Otros: resistencia al polvo y al agua (IP67) / micrófono / carga inalámbrica


*           Las especificaciones y funcionalidades pueden variar dependiendo de cada mercado.

**         Medido de la pantalla a la tapa trasera, excluyendo PPG.


[1] Google Assistant solo está disponible en inglés y alemán.

[2] Android Pay en la actualidad está solo disponible en Estados Unidos y Reino Unido.


LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style Offer
Freedom and Elegance for Today’s Connected Consumer


SEOUL, Feb. 9, 2017 — LG Electronics (LG) and Google will officially unveil the world’s first smartwatches to come preloaded with the Android Wear 2.0™ operating system. LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style begin their global rollout in the United States starting February 10th and will be followed by key markets in Europe and Asia via the Google Store and select retail stores later this month.

The LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style, powered by the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Wear 2100 processor for next-gen wearables, are the first watches running Android Wear 2.0, Google’s newest wearable OS. Both watches have the Google Assistant built-in, and the LG Watch Sport supports Android Pay™ with NFC technology. In addition, these two smart devices provide an improved user interface, enhanced messaging and advanced fitness features with Google Fit.

First Watches Running Android Wear 2.0

Android Wear 2.0 brings the Google Assistant [1] to the wrist. Users can reply to a message, set a reminder, or ask for directions by holding the power button or saying “Ok Google”. With Google Fit, users can reach their fitness goals through activities tracking, strength training and coaching. User can also download their favorite apps directly from the on-watch Google Play Store.

The LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style feature circular displays with a rotating side button for easy and convenient navigation. Users can turn the button with a finger to read messages or scroll through the app menu and notification. Customizable watch faces allow up to eight complications so users can see important information at glance. Android Wear 2.0 improves the messaging experience on the watch. Users can now handwrite or swipe on a keyboard to respond, or choose a response generated by Smart Reply, powered by Google’s machine learning technology.

LG Watch Sport: Truly Standalone to Empower

The LG Watch Sport is a truly standalone, full-featured intelligent watch designed for users who enjoy dynamic, athletic lifestyles. The new LG Watch Sport is the first Android Wear smartwatch using Snapdragon Wear 2100 to feature 4G LTE connectivity and a range of independent features that makes it virtually phone-free. It can run apps without a phone and features built-in GPS, a useful feature for runners and athletes. And with support for Android Pay [2], users can make payments by simply tapping their wrist to the reader.

The device offers a bright 1.38-inch full circle P-OLED display and features a body constructed of 316L grade stainless steel, Gorilla Glass 3 and a durable thermoplastic polyurethane band with a dust and water resistance rating of IP68. The LG Watch Sport features a photoplethsmogram (PPG) sensor to accurately track the wearer’s heart rate during both rest and exercise.

LG Watch Style: Small, Slim, and Stylish

The LG Watch Style is a small, slim, and stylish accessory designed for urbanites who seek chic looks with the practicality of a smartwatch. The new LG Watch Style offers all the conveniences in an attractive design and three striking colors: silver, titanium and rose gold. Its interchangeable snap-and-swap bands permit users to customize the watch to suit their mood or wardrobe. And its 10.79mm thick case is slim enough to fit under any sleeve and its IP67 rating gives wearers the peace of mind even in the rain.

“LG and our partners at Google managed to include a tremendous number of innovative technologies into the LG Watch Sport and the LG Watch Style,” said Juno Cho, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “This dynamic duo of devices offers cutting-edge functions in terms of personalization and empowerment, freedom and convenience to meet diverse consumer tastes.”

“Android Wear 2.0 focuses on making smartwatch experiences better and faster – including watch faces that bring glanceable data, fast and fluid messaging, and a new fitness experience that helps you track workouts and stay motivated with music,” said David Singleton, vice president of Android Engineering, Google. “We have enjoyed working closely with LG Electronics to craft a deeply integrated hardware and software experience taking full advantage of the new features of Android Wear 2.0 with these new flagship watches.”

Both the LG Watch Sport and the LG Watch Style will be on display at MWC 2017 in Barcelona, Spain from February 27 to March 2.

 Price and additional purchase details will be announced locally at the time of availability.

 LG Watch Sport Key Specifications:*

  • Chipset: Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Wear 2100 featuring 4G LTE
  • Operating System: Android Wear™ 2.0
  • Display: 1.38-inch P-OLED Display (480 x 480 / 348ppi)
  • Size: 45.4 x 51.21 x 14.2mm **
  • Memory: 4GB eMMC / 768MB LPDDR3
  • Battery: 430mAh
  • Network: LTE / 3G /Wi-Fi 802.11 b, g, n / Bluetooth 4.2 LE / NFC
  • Sensors: 6-Axis (Accelerometer / Gyro) / Barometer / PPG / GPS / Ambient Light Sensor
  • Color: Titanium / Dark Blue
  • Other: Dust and Water Resistance (IP68) / Speaker / Microphone / Wireless Charging

LG Watch Style Key Specifications:*

  • Chipset: Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Wear 2100
  • Operating System: Android Wear™ 2.0
  • Display: 1.2-inch P-OLED Display (360 x 360 / 299ppi)
  • Size: 42.3 x 45.7 x 10.79mm
  • Memory: 4GB eMMC / 512MB LPDDR3
  • Battery: 240mAh
  • Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 b, g, n / Bluetooth 4.2 LE
  • Sensors: 6-Axis (Accelerometer / Gyro) / Ambient Light Sensor
  • Color: Silver / Titanium / Rose Gold
  • Other: Dust and Water Resistance (IP67) / Microphone / Wireless Charging

*    Specifications/Features may vary depending on the particular market.

**  Measured from screen to rear cover, excluding PPG.

 # # #

[1]  The Google Assistant currently supports U.S. English and German only.

[2] Android Pay is currently only available in the United States and the United Kingdom.


LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style Offer
Freedom and Elegance for Today’s Connected Consumer

The front view of the LG Watch Sport in Titanium and Dark Blue and the LG Watch Style in Silver, Rose Gold and Titanium

SEOUL, Feb. 9, 2017 — LG Electronics (LG) and Google will officially unveil the world’s first smartwatches to come preloaded with the Android Wear 2.0™ operating system. LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style begin their global rollout in the United States starting February 10th and will be followed by key markets in Europe and Asia via the Google Store and select retail stores later this month.

The LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style, powered by the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Wear 2100 processor for next-gen wearables, are the first watches running Android Wear 2.0, Google’s newest wearable OS. Both watches have the Google Assistant built-in, and the LG Watch Sport supports Android Pay™ with NFC technology. In addition, these two smart devices provide an improved user interface, enhanced messaging and advanced fitness features with Google Fit.

First Watches Running Android Wear 2.0

Android Wear 2.0 brings the Google Assistant 1 to the wrist. Users can reply to a message, set a reminder, or ask for directions by holding the power button or saying “Ok Google”. With Google Fit, users can reach their fitness goals through activities tracking, strength training and coaching. User can also download their favorite apps directly from the on-watch Google Play Store.

The LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style feature circular displays with a rotating side button for easy and convenient navigation. Users can turn the button with a finger to read messages or scroll through the app menu and notification. Customizable watch faces allow up to eight complications so users can see important information at glance. Android Wear 2.0 improves the messaging experience on the watch. Users can now handwrite or swipe on a keyboard to respond, or choose a response generated by Smart Reply, powered by Google’s machine learning technology.

LG Watch Sport: Truly Standalone to Empower

The LG Watch Sport is a truly standalone, full-featured intelligent watch designed for users who enjoy dynamic, athletic lifestyles. The new LG Watch Sport is the first Android Wear smartwatch using Snapdragon Wear 2100 to feature 4G LTE connectivity and a range of independent features that makes it virtually phone-free. It can run apps without a phone and features built-in GPS, a useful feature for runners and athletes. And with support for Android Pay2, users can make payments by simply tapping their wrist to the reader.

The device offers a bright 1.38-inch full circle P-OLED display and features a body constructed of 316L grade stainless steel, Gorilla Glass 3 and a durable thermoplastic polyurethane band with a dust and water resistance rating of IP68. The LG Watch Sport features a photoplethsmogram (PPG) sensor to accurately track the wearer’s heart rate during both rest and exercise.

LG Watch Style: Small, Slim, and Stylish

The LG Watch Style is a small, slim, and stylish accessory designed for urbanites who seek chic looks with the practicality of a smartwatch. The new LG Watch Style offers all the conveniences in an attractive design and three striking colors: silver, titanium and rose gold. Its interchangeable snap-and-swap bands permit users to customize the watch to suit their mood or wardrobe. And its 10.79mm thick case is slim enough to fit under any sleeve and its IP67 rating gives wearers the peace of mind even in the rain.

“LG and our partners at Google managed to include a tremendous number of innovative technologies into the LG Watch Sport and the LG Watch Style,” said Juno Cho, president of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “This dynamic duo of devices offers cutting-edge functions in terms of personalization and empowerment, freedom and convenience to meet diverse consumer tastes.”

“Android Wear 2.0 focuses on making smartwatch experiences better and faster – including watch faces that bring glanceable data, fast and fluid messaging, and a new fitness experience that helps you track workouts and stay motivated with music,” said David Singleton, vice president of Android Engineering, Google. “We have enjoyed working closely with LG Electronics to craft a deeply integrated hardware and software experience taking full advantage of the new features of Android Wear 2.0 with these new flagship watches.”

Both the LG Watch Sport and the LG Watch Style will be on display at MWC 2017 in Barcelona, Spain from February 27 to March 2.

Price and additional purchase details will be announced locally at the time of availability.

LG Watch Sport Key Specifications:3

  • Chipset: Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Wear 2100 featuring 4G LTE
  • Operating System: Android Wear™ 2.0
  • Display: 1.38-inch P-OLED Display (480 x 480 / 348ppi)
  • Size: 45.4 x 51.21 x 14.2mm4
  • Memory: 4GB eMMC / 768MB LPDDR3
  • Battery: 430mAh
  • Network: LTE / 3G /Wi-Fi 802.11 b, g, n / Bluetooth 4.2 LE / NFC
  • Sensors: 6-Axis (Accelerometer / Gyro) / Barometer / PPG / GPS / Ambient Light Sensor
  • Color: Titanium / Dark Blue
  • Other: Dust and Water Resistance (IP68) / Speaker / Microphone / Wireless Charging

LG Watch Style Key Specifications:3

  • Chipset: Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Wear 2100
  • Operating System: Android Wear™ 2.0
  • Display: 1.2-inch P-OLED Display (360 x 360 / 299ppi)
  • Size: 42.3 x 45.7 x 10.79mm
  • Memory: 4GB eMMC / 512MB LPDDR3
  • Battery: 240mAh
  • Network: Wi-Fi 802.11 b, g, n / Bluetooth 4.2 LE
  • Sensors: 6-Axis (Accelerometer / Gyro) / Ambient Light Sensor
  • Color: Silver / Titanium / Rose Gold
  • Other: Dust and Water Resistance (IP67) / Microphone / Wireless Charging

1 The Google Assistant currently supports U.S. English and German only.
2 Android Pay is currently only available in the United States and the United Kingdom.
3 Specifications/Features may vary depending on the particular market
4  Measured from screen to rear cover, excluding PPG.


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Next-Generation, Flexible Open Frame OLED and Ultra Stretch LCD Digital
Signage Solutions to Expand Visual Options for Enterprises Worldwide

Two models are presenting LG Flexible Open Frame OLED Singage.

SEOUL, Feb 7, 2017 – LG Electronics (LG) is taking digital signage technology to a whole new level by showcasing its advanced business-to-business digital signage solutions at Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2017 in Amsterdam from February 7-10. Innovative products such as LG’s Flexible Open Frame OLED, In-Glass Wallpaper OLED and Ultra Stretch LCD Signage solutions will allow European enterprises to provide their consumers with a stunning visual experience, ideal for advertising, interactive video art, education, hospitality and more.

LG’s stand (Booth 12-K70) at ISE 2017 will feature a Flexible Open Frame OLED Signage display that will highlight OLED’s inherent advantages. OLED technology allows screens to emit light without the need of backlighting for superb images with the deepest possible blacks and lifelike colors, while providing wider viewing angles than conventional backlit displays. And because OLED displays are thin and flexible, LG’s next generation Flexible Open Frame OLED Signage allows customers to change the curvature of their installations in either landscape or portrait modes. The curvature of the screen can be changed even after installation, allowing for both convex and concave displays.

Other OLED solutions include LG’s 65-inch Dual-View Curved Tiling OLED Signage to demonstrate OLED’s slim design and versatility. The display consists of eight connected double-sided, flexible OLED panels for superior image rendering viewed from any angle. Each panel offers 4K Ultra HD image quality with 3,840 x 2,160 individual pixels while system on a chip (SoC) and 128GB of internal memory work together to deliver perfect UHD playback without the need for a separate PC or media player.

Designed with dual-sided ultra-slim OLED panels in a glass pane, LG’s In-Glass Wallpaper OLED Signage is perfect for boutiques, art galleries and other businesses that want to add a sophisticated touch to their interior décor. Available in both standing and hanging versions, the In-Glass Wallpaper OLED solution allows businesses the freedom to utilize signage in their space as effectively as possible.

At ISE 2017, LG will also introduce its 65 and 55-inch OLED Video Wall solution in both portrait and landscape formats to meet customers’ specific signage needs. On display at ISE will be LG’s 1 x 4 OLED Video Wall unit which can be connected with other units to create signs of various configurations.

Visitors to LG’s ISE booth will be met by an immersive video wall comprised of twelve 55-inch LCD display panels. With industry-leading thin bezels, the video wall units can be linked together to form even larger commercial displays. LG will also unveil its split-screen capable 86-inch Ultra Stretch digital solution, ultra-wide 58:9 signage with minimal bezels capable of displaying up to four simultaneous images. The 86-inch Ultra Stretch solution utilizes LG SuperSign media editor software for fast and convenient customization of images and video content.

LG’s largest 88-inch Ultra Stretch digital signage handles 32:9 aspect ratio images and are split-screen capable to provide an even more immersive experience. Equivalent to two 49-inch panels connected side-by-side, this display can render fine details and is the perfect signage solution for kiosk displays, financial institutions and dining establishments, among others.

Other LG industry-leading LED digital signage technologies will also be featured at ISE 2017. The company’s large 173-inch Ultra HD LED digital signage with 1mm diodes uniformly arranged to provide consistent backlighting. Another unique technology making its debut at the show incorporates LED diodes in a transparent film which can be installed over windows to expand installation options. The film will be incorporated into new digital signage solutions set to roll out in early 2017.

“Our Flexible Open Frame OLED and the Ultra Stretch LCD digital signage products demonstrate the kind of innovative solutions that today’s B2B customers demand,” said Kwon Soon-hwang, head of the Information Display division at the LG Home Entertainment Company. “We will continue to raise the bar in developing new display technologies for European and global customers who rely on the best tools in the industry to help them succeed.”

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Home Appliance & Air Solutions and Home Entertainment
Divisions Post Highest Ever Operating Profits in 2016

A picture of LG Twin Towers in the daytime

SEOUL, Jan. 25, 2017 — LG Electronics Inc. (LG) today announced a 2016 operating profit of KRW 1.34 trillion (USD 1.16 billion), 12.2 percent increase from 2015 due in large part to strong performance by home appliances, air solutions and home entertainment. For full-year 2016, LG reported revenues of KRW 55.37 trillion (USD 47.92 billion) and net income of KRW 126.3 billion (USD 109.31 million).

Fourth-quarter 2016 sales of KRW 14.78 trillion (USD 12.79 billion) were 11.7 percent higher than the previous quarter and 1.5 percent higher than the fourth quarter the previous year. Both the LG Home Appliance & Air Solutions Company and LG Home Entertainment Company posted their strongest operating profit ever in 2016. However, due to losses from mobile communications and vehicle components, LG reported a fourth-quarter net loss of KRW 258.80 billion (USD 223.98 million).

LG Home Appliance & Air Solutions Company reported revenues of KRW 17.23 trillion (USD 14.92 billion) for full-year 2016 and KRW 4.04 trillion (USD 3.50 billion) in the fourth quarter. This was an increase of 5.6 percent year-over-year, driven in large part by strong sales in the Korean and North American markets where products such as TWINWash washing machines and Door-in-Door refrigerators continued to be popular. Operating income of KRW 1.33 trillion (USD 1.15 billion) in 2016 increased 36 percent over 2015 and was the highest among all LG companies.

LG Home Entertainment Company posted fourth-quarter revenues of KRW 4.79 trillion (USD 4.15 billion), an increase of 15.7 percent quarter-over-quarter as a result of strong sales of premium LG OLED and 4K Ultra HD TVs in North America, Europe and Asia. Full-year operating profit of KRW 1.24 trillion (USD 1.07 billion) was the highest in the history of the Home Entertainment Company and 2016 revenues of KRW 17.43 trillion (USD 15.08 billion) were the highest among all LG business units. The award-winning LG SIGNATURE OLED TV W7 series and broadened lineup of LG OLED TVs unveiled at CES® 2017 are expected to strengthen LG’s industry leadership in the premium TV segment, as other companies introduce OLED TV products later this year.

LG Mobile Communications Company reported revenues KRW 2.90 trillion (USD 2.51 billion) in the fourth quarter of 2016, an increase of 15.4 percent quarter-over-quarter due in large part to strong sales of the new V20 flagship smartphone. Profitability was hampered by weak sales of the G5 smartphone and higher marketing investments. Introductions of the next G Series phone and mass-tier devices in the second quarter following Mobile World Congress are expected to help greatly improve the LG Mobile Communications Company’s market position in 2017.

LG Vehicle Components Company ended the year with a solid KRW 2.77 trillion (USD 2.40 billion) in sales, an increase of 51 percent from the previous year. Fourth-quarter revenue of KRW 865.7 billion (USD 749.2 million) was 66.4 percent higher year-over-year, mostly due to strong growth in electric vehicle components and infotainment systems. Sales grew steadily in each quarter of 2016 but R&D investments negatively affected profitability. With production of the Chevrolet Bolt electric vehicle, co-developed with LG, under way and with demand growing for integrated electronics related to automotive infotainment and safety systems, the LG Vehicle Components Company expects to further strengthen its product competitiveness in 2017.

2016 4Q Exchange Rates Explained

LG Electronics’ unaudited quarterly earnings results are based on IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) for the three-month period ending December 31, 2016. Amounts in Korean won (KRW) are translated into U.S. dollars (USD) at the average rate of the three-month period of the corresponding quarter — KRW 1,155.47 per USD.

Earnings Conference and Conference Call

LG Electronics will hold an English language conference call on January 26, 2017 at 09:00 Korea Standard Time (00:00 GMT/UTC). Participants for the English conference call are instructed to call +82 31 810 3061 and enter the passcode 9084#. The corresponding presentation file will be available for download at the LG Electronics website (www.lg.com/global/ir/reports/earning-release.jsp) at approximately 16:00 on January 25, 2017. Visit http://pin.teletogether.com/eng and pre-register with the passcode provided. For those unable to participate, an audio recording of the news conference will be available for a period of 30 days after the conclusion of the call. To access the recording, dial +82 31 931 3100 and enter the passcode 142830# when prompted.


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Technology Leader Receives More Than 120 CES Awards & Honors

LG’s revolutionary new LG SIGNATURE W7 OLED 4K TV on display with its numerous awards placed in front at CES 2017.

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 9, 2017 – LG Electronics (LG) won more than 120 awards at CES® 2017, leading the way with the coveted, official Engadget CES Best of the Best Awards, for LG’s revolutionary new LG SIGNATURE W7 OLED 4K TV complemented by a variety of best-of-show honors for the W7 and LG Smart InstaView™ refrigerator. In addition to the top accolades from publications all over the world, LG was the recipient of 21 CES Innovation Awards from the Consumer Technology Association (CTA™) across home appliance, home entertainment and mobile communications categories.

LG unveiled brand new LG SIGNATURE products at CES 2017, including the LG SIGNATURE OLED TV W-series which leads wins with over 20 awards, employing a show stopping, entirely new Picture-on-Wall design. The LG Smart InstaView refrigerator followed in award wins, featuring a 29-inch touch LCD display, Amazon’s Alexa Voice Service and a host of Wi-Fi-enabled features.

Awards earned by LG at CES 2017 include:

LG SIGNATURE W7 OLED TV: Engadget Best of CES: Best of the Best, Engadget Best of CES: Best TV Product, Expert Reviews CES Top Picks: Best TV, Men’s Health Editors’ Choice Awards, TechRadar’s 2017 CES Awards: Best in Show, The Verge: Best TV, Advertising Age Best of CES, BGR Best of CES, CNET Best of CES 2017: The Best Thing We Saw, Pocket-Lint: Best TVs of CES, CNN Money Coolest Tech Products at CES, Dealerscope Best of CES, FOX News 10 Best Gadgets at CES, PCMag Best of CES: Best Television, Popular Mechanics Best of/Editors’ Choice CES Awards, Reviewed.com CES Editor’s Choice Winners, SlashGear: Best of CES, Sound & Vision/What Hi-Fi Stars of CES, Stuff Magazine Best TVs of CES 2017, Techlicious CES Top Picks, TechnoBuffalo Reader’s Choice Awards, TechRadar’s 2017 CES Awards: Best TV, AVS Forum Best New Products of CES 2017, Tom’s Guide Best of CES, Tweaktown Best of CES, TWICE Picks Awards: Video & TVs, T3 12 Best Gadgets We’ve Seen at CES, UberGizmo Best of CES, 9to5Toys Best of CES, EFTM Best of the Best

LG Smart InstaView Refrigerator: Expert Reviews CES Top Picks: Best Home Appliance, Reviewed.com CES Editors’ Choice Winners, Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Home Appliances, Stuff Magazine 9 Best Gadgets with Amazon’s Voice Assistant, Techlicious CES Top Picks, TechnoBuffalo Reader’s Choice Awards, TechRadar’s 2017 CES Awards Best In-Home Gizmo, Tom’s Guide Best of CES

LG Hub Robot: SlashGear: Best of CES, WIRED Best of CES, The Verge: Best Robot, The Telegraph Best Tech of the Week, Stuff Magazine 9 Best Gadgets with Amazon’s Voice Assistant, Chip Chick Best of CES

LG Gram 14: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Computer Peripherals, Engadget: Best of CES: Best PC Finalist, MSPoweruser Best Windows Devices to Come Out of CES

LG Gram 15.6: Thorrot Best of CES

LG SJ9 Soundbar: Pocket-Lint Best Headphones and Speakers at CES, TechRadar’s 2017 CES Awards: Best Audio Accessory

LG SJ7 Soundbar: EFTM Best Home Entertainment

LG Multi-Functional Bluetooth Speaker: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Portable Media Players and Accessories

LG ProBeam: The Verge: Best Projector, Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Home Audio/Video Components and Accessories

LG SIGNATURE TWINWash Front-Load Washer and Dryer Pair: Better Homes and Gardens CES Editors’ Choice 2017 Innovation Awards, Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Home Appliances, TWICE Picks Awards: Major Appliances

LG 4-Door Refrigerator Door-in-Door, Dual View Camera: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Home Appliances

LG SIGNATURE Dishwasher: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Home Appliances

LG HOM-BOT Network Water Mop: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Smart Home

LG CordZero Handstick Vacuum: Reviewed.com CES Editors’ Choice Winners

LG PJ9: ZDNet: Best Smartphones, IoT Products at CES

LG Airport Guide Robot: Advertising Age Best of CES

LG SIGNATURE OLED 65 G6: Tech50+ Boomie Awards: Best Television of the Year

LG Air Purifier PuriCare 360: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Home Appliances, TWICE Picks Awards: Connected Home Devices

LG Super UHD TVs: Pocket-Lint: Best TVs of CES

LG Display 55-inch Transparent TV: Mashable Best Tech of CES 2017, Chip Chick Best of CES

LG 65-inch B7 4K OLED TV: The Wall Street Journal Best of CES, Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Video Displays, Digital Entertainment Group Awards: Best 4K Ultra HD TV

LG Flat 65-inch Super UHD 4K TV – TWICE Picks Awards: Connected Home Devices, Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Home Appliances

LG 65-inch 4K OLED TV: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Video Displays

LG 65-inch E7 OLED 4K TV: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Video Displays

LG 65-inch 4K LED TV with Advanced Accessibility Technologies: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Video Displays, TWICE Picks Awards: Video & TVs, Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Video Displays: Tech for a better world

LG 65-inch B7 4K OLED TV with Advanced Accessibility Technologies: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Tech for a better world

LG 75-inch 4K ULTRA HD LED TV: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Eco-Design and Sustainable Technologies

LG 31.5-inch 4-side Borderless UHD 4K HDR Monitor: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Computer Peripherals

LG K8: TWICE Picks Awards: Smartphones & Tablets

LG V20: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Wireless Handsets

LG G5: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Wireless Handsets

LG FORCE: TWICE Picks Awards: Accessories

LG TONE Active+: Consumer Technology Association 2017 CES Innovation Awards: Headphones

LG ELECTRONICS: SMM Electronics Challenge Awards

For more information about LG’s products at CES 2017, visit www.LGnewsroom.com.


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A picture of LG Twin Towers at night

SEOUL, Jan. 6, 2017 — LG Electronics Inc. (LG) today announced its preliminary earnings results for the fourth quarter of 2016.

Tentative consolidated revenues for the fourth quarter of 2016 is KRW 14.78 trillion and operating loss is  KRW 35.3 billion. Revenues are expected to be 11.8 percent higher than the previous quarter.

                                                                                                                                              (Unit: KRW bn)

  2016 4Q 2016 3Q QoQ (%) 2015 4Q YoY (%)
SALES 14,781.9 13,224.3 11.8 14,560.1 1.5
OPERATING PROFIT △35.3 283.2 349.0

These figures are the tentative consolidated earnings based on K-IFRS. This tentative earnings is provided as a service to investors prior to LG Electronics’ final earnings results including net profit and details regarding each division which will be announced officially later this month.


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LG UP970 Delivers Dramatic Picture Quality via
Dolby Vision Ultra HD Blu-ray Discs from Major Hollywood Studios

Front view of the LG UP970 Ultra HD Blu-ray player.

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 5, 2017 — LG Electronics (LG) and Dolby Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE: DLB) today announced the LG UP970 Ultra HD Blu-ray player, LG’s first 4K Blu-ray player which will support Dolby Vision™ high-dynamic-range (HDR) imaging.*

LG’s UP970 Ultra HD Blu-ray player delivers a more immersive and vivid viewing experience than ever before. Leveraging the HDR technology that powers Dolby’s most advanced cinemas around the world, Dolby Vision transforms the TV experience in the home by delivering greater brightness and contrast, as well as a fuller palette of rich colors. Dolby’s deep expertise in bringing advanced technologies from the cinema to the home has led to distinct features that enable Dolby Vision to deliver extraordinary viewing experiences to home consumers. Dolby Vision capability for the UP970 will be available through a software update scheduled for later this year. The UP970 also offers enhanced dual format HDR compatibility with support for the generic HDR format (HDR10), giving consumers the peace of mind that they will have access to the most HDR content possible.

The LG UP970 offers consumers access to more of what they want to watch in HDR, enhanced further by a robust portfolio of movies and episodic content in Dolby Vision. From content creation to distribution and playback, Dolby Vision is an end-to-end solution supported by leading Hollywood directors, major studios and distributors and TV OEMs worldwide. On-demand streaming services feature a strong lineup of content featured in Dolby Vision with more than 80 studio titles available today. Additionally, more than 100 hours of original content is available in Dolby Vision across leading OTT providers and soon consumers globally will have access to Dolby Vision titles on Ultra HD Blu-ray disc, with anticipated availability in early 2017.

The LG UP970 also features additional picture quality technologies that further enhance the viewing experience for consumers. The LG UP970 includes support for 10-bit color and Rec. ITU-R BT.2020 color gamut, as well as playback of high-efficiency video coding (HEVC). It’s also compatible with a variety of leading sound formats, including Dolby True HD, Dolby Atmos and DTS-HD Master Audio, for a truly cinematic audio and video experience.

The UP970 has two HDMI ports, an HDMI 2.0a port for Ultra HD video output and an HDMI 1.4 for audio output that can connect with hi-fi devices, such as AVRs and soundbars, to enhance sound output quality. With Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections, users can easily stream their favorite online content via Netflix and YouTube, while the USB port allows for playback of movies, pictures and music.

“The LG UP970 Dolby Vision-capable Ultra HD Blu-ray player is an excellent example of our commitment to offering an amazing home HDR viewing experience to our customers,” said Brian Kwon, president of the LG Home Entertainment Company. “We are proud to have an innovation partner such as Dolby to enhance our OLED and Super UHD TVs with their superior technology.”

“Dolby is enabling the future of consumer entertainment today across a wide array of playback experiences,” said Giles Baker, senior vice president, Consumer Entertainment Group, Dolby Laboratories. “Working with LG to deliver Dolby Vision support on Ultra HD Blu-ray players will enable the delivery of Dolby Vision to the highest-quality distribution format available, delivering the ultimate picture quality experience for enthusiasts everywhere.”

Visitors to CES® 2017 can see LG’s new Dolby Vision-capable Ultra HD Blu-ray player for themselves in LG’s booth in the Las Vegas Convention Center (Central Hall #11100) from Jan. 5-8. For more information on LG’s Blu-ray system and other innovations on display at CES, go to www.LGnewsroom.com.


* Dolby Vision will be available later this year via LG software update.

LG and logo are trademarks of LG Corp. Dolby and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Dolby Vision is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.


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LG Technologies Honored with 21 CES Innovation Awards

Logo of the CES Innovation Awards 2017 – Best in Innovation

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 5, 2017 ― The groundbreaking paper-thin “wallpaper” LG SIGNATURE W7 77-inch class OLED TV has been recognized by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA™) with the “Best of Innovations” Award in the highly competitive Video Displays category.

This marks the second consecutive year that an LG SIGNATURE OLED TV earned top industry honors in video displays with the CES Best of Innovations Award and the fifth consecutive year that LG OLED TVs and flagship smartphones have received CES Innovation Awards, the official industry recognition for the most innovative products introduced at CES.

LG Electronics innovations in technology and design showcased this week at CES received 21 CES 2017 Innovation Awards across 10 categories:


  • Sporting a breathtaking wallpaper design, the LG SIGNATURE 77W7 is the ultimate in OLED TV technology with powerful performance and audio capabilities, the 77W7 is the all-in-one package for any modern home.
  • The LG SIGNATURE 65G7 features with premium picture quality, including perfect black and infinite contrast ratio, and cinema-level sound quality thanks to Dolby Atmos compatibility and a built-in speaker stand.
  • 65-INCH LG OLED 4K TV (65E7)
  • The LG 65E7 features vivid color and perfect black for stunning, true-to-life picture quality even from wide viewing angles. Picture-on-glass design and slim bezels add to the immersive viewing experience.
  • 65-INCH LG OLED 4K TV (65B7)
  • The LG 65B7 features vivid color and perfect black for stunning, true-to-life picture quality even from wide viewing angles. Users can navigate the UX to change font sizes, zoom in on images or text, or adjust voice guidance speeds.


  • 65-INCH LG OLED 4K TV (65B7)
  • With advanced accessibility technologies, the LG 65B7 offers benefits for the visually impaired, with intuitive and customizable features including a simple UX that allows users to optimize font sizes and zoom onscreen images or text.
  • 65-INCH LG 4K ULTRA HD LED TV (65UJ7500)
  • With advanced accessibility technologies, the LG 65UJ7500 is the perfect TV for the visually impaired. Users can navigate the UX to change font sizes, zoom in on images or text, or adjust voice guidance speeds.


  • 75-INCH LG 4K ULTRA HD LED TV (75UJ6570)
  • The LG 75UJ6570 offers a large screen and smart TV capabilities with a new pixel structure that reduces power consumption, giving it greater energy efficiency without reducing picture quality.


  • LG HOM-BOT Network Water Mop
  • The LG HOM-BOT is an intelligent robotic vacuum cleaner, combining powerful cleaning performance with advanced smart features a built-in mop for quick, hands-free cleaning of nearly any surface.


  • LG InstaView™ Refrigerator
  • The LG 4-Door French Door Refrigerator features InstaView™ Door-in-Door® technology, CustomChill™ Drawer and sophisticated, smudge-resistant Black Stainless Steel finish.
  • LG Door-in-Door®, Dual-View Camera Refrigerator
  • The LG 4-Door French-Door refrigerator offers double swing freezer doors, a Dual View Camera and Smart functionality, along with superior capacity (30 cu.ft) for better organization and storage.
  • LG SIGNATURE TWINWash Washer and Dryer Pair
  • The LG SIGNATURE mega-capacity (5.8 cubic feet) Front Load Washer, 1.0-cubic-foot SideKick™ pedestal mini-washer, and 9.0-cubic-foot mega-capacity TurboSteam Dryer offer the essence of design and performance.
  • LG SIGNATURE Dishwasher
  • The LG SIGNATURE Dishwasher features revolutionary new QuadWash™ technology for superior performance with time-efficient washing and gentle care, all in a stunningly elegant design.
  • LG PuriCare 360 Air Purifier
  • The LG PuriCare 360 has an attractive design coupled with great circulation and air flow to help purify large rooms faster than ever before.


  • The LG V20 is the next iteration of LG’s premium V Series. Catering to today’s video and social enthusiast, LG V20 captures high-quality video content with Steady Record 2.0, a sweeping wide angle lens and a Quad DAC for superb audio playback.
  • The LG G5 is LG’s first ever modular smartphone. With a sleek, metal uni-body design featuring a Slide-out Battery that gives a unique mobile experience. Complete with LG Friends, collection of companion devices, the LG G5 can be transformed into a digital camera, a VR viewer and a mobile content studio.


  • LG TONE Active+
  • The LG TONE Active+ headset comes with built-in external stereo speakers that amps up the bass in your playlist. This sleek Bluetooth® headset is designed to stay put during your workout to ensure you don’t miss a beat.


  • LG 31.5-inch 4-side Borderless 4K ULTRA HD HDR Monitor
  • The LG 32UD99 is the first 31.5-inch 4-side borderless 4K UHD-HDR monitor that supports consumer grade HDR for PCs with superior brightness and lifelike color.
  • LG gram 14 laptop (14Z970)
  • The new, Ultra-Slim LG gram 14 is the lightest 14-inch laptop in the world. Its unparalleled lightness combined with long-lasting battery makes this laptop supremely portable.


  • LG 2,000 Lumen FHD Laser Projector with Smart TV
  • LG’s HF80JA is a laser projector featuring the webOS 3.0 smart TV platform, brightness of 2,000 ANSI Lumen and Bluetooth audio out.


  • LG Multi-Functional Bluetooth Speaker (PJ9)
  • The PJ9 is a Multi-Functional Bluetooth Speaker that produces powerful 360-degree sound, floats in mid-air, charges wirelessly and is customizable by swapping out modules for radio listening as well.



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